
Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


A chilling breeze swept through the eerie forest, rustling the leaves and sending shivers down Sakura's spine. Her senses were on high alert, every sound and movement magnified in her anxious mind. The distant, piercing scream that cut through the air intensified her growing unease, causing her heart to race.

Sakura turned to her teammates, seeking reassurance in their presence. "Did you hear that?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. "This place is really scaring me."

Naruto, ever the embodiment of carefree confidence, casually put his hands behind his head and let out a dismissive chuckle. "It's fine, Sakura," he replied, his tone nonchalant. "No big deal."

His lackadaisical response grated on Sakura's nerves, fueling a mix of frustration and worry. Unable to contain her exasperation, she clenched her fist and swiftly delivered a punch to Naruto's head. The impact caused Naruto to wince in pain, but to his surprise, he realized that the blow hurt less than expected as he gingerly rubbed the spot where Sakura's fist connected.

As they pressed onward through the foreboding forest, every step engulfed in a cloak of uncertainty, Naruto couldn't help but feel a growing urgency within him. His carefree façade momentarily faltered, replaced by a hint of unease as he grappled with an urgent need.

"Uhh, guys," Naruto hesitantly interjected, his voice betraying his discomfort. "I need to take a leak."

Sakura's eyes widened in disbelief, a mixture of annoyance and disbelief crossing her face. She crossed her arms, glancing at Naruto with a combination of exasperation and concern. The unnerving atmosphere of the forest seemed to amplify her irritation.

"Now? Naruto, are you serious?" Sakura snapped, her voice edged with frustration. "We're in the middle of this creepy forest, and you're worried about taking a leak?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head sheepishly, his gaze shifting from Sakura to the dense surrounding trees. The weight of the unknown pressed upon his bladder, creating a sense of urgency that couldn't be ignored.

"I know it's not ideal," Naruto admitted with a hint of embarrassment, "but I really can't hold it anymore. It's urgent."

Sakura sighed, realizing the validity of Naruto's predicament. She understood that bodily needs couldn't be dismissed, even in the midst of an unsettling environment. Reluctantly, she softened her stance, her frustration giving way to understanding.

"Alright, Naruto," Sakura relented, her voice tempered with a mix of resignation and concern. "But please, be quick. We don't know what dangers lurk in these woods, and I'd rather not have to rescue you from any unexpected surprises."

Naruto nodded, grateful for Sakura's understanding. He hurriedly made his way to a nearby secluded area, his footsteps quickening with each passing moment. The forest seemed to grow eerily silent as he ventured deeper into the undergrowth, his senses heightened, acutely aware of the unsettling ambiance that surrounded him.

As Naruto relieved himself, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. A chill ran down his spine, and he hastened to finish, eager to rejoin his teammates and escape the oppressive atmosphere of the forbidding forest.

Naruto was then hit unexpectedly and his vision went blurry.

Sakura and Sasuke stood patiently, their eyes scanning the surroundings as they waited for Naruto's return. The tension in the air was palpable, accentuated by the eerie silence that enveloped the forest. After what felt like an eternity, Naruto finally emerged, his steps carrying the same lighthearted bounce that defined his demeanour. A wide, satisfied grin stretched across his face as he approached Sakura and Sasuke.

"Man, I needed that," Naruto exclaimed, his voice filled with a sense of relief. He wiped the perspiration from his forehead and closed the distance between himself and his teammates.

Sakura's eyebrows furrowed in disapproval as Naruto's words registered in her mind. "You're in the presence of a lady, Naruto. Don't be so vulgar," she scolded.

Before Sakura could reprimand Naruto further, Sasuke swiftly intervened, intercepting Naruto's path with a well-placed kick to the jaw. The force of the impact sent Naruto hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby tree with a resounding thud.

Shock washed over Sakura's face as she witnessed the sudden escalation of the situation. Her voice quivered with a mixture of panic and confusion as she addressed Sasuke. "S-Sasuke, I appreciate the chivalry, but don't you think that was too far?" Her eyes darted between Naruto, still lying against the tree with a visible crack now running through it, and Sasuke, whose serious expression unsettled her.

"What have you done with Naruto?" Sasuke demanded, his voice firm and unwavering. Sakura's gaze flickered between Sasuke and Naruto, her mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation. How could Sasuke question Naruto's identity when he was right in front of them?

"Umm, I'm in front of you... BLEEDING," Naruto retorted from his position against the damaged tree, his voice tinged with a mix of irritation and pain.

"No," Sasuke declared, his voice cutting through the air with conviction. "Naruto wears his shuriken holder on his right thigh, but yours is on your left. Furthermore, you've forgotten the cut that Naruto received from the proctor on your face."

Sakura's eyes widened as she processed Sasuke's words. Naruto's true identity began to unravel before her eyes. Naruto suddenly burst into a cloud of smoke, dispelling the illusion that had concealed his true form. In his place stood a figure shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Adorned with a mask covering his eyes and a mouthpiece resembling a gas mask, his jet-black hair fell in unruly strands. A hidden rain village headband adorned his forehead, serving as a symbol of his affiliation.

Sakura's confusion deepened, her mind racing to comprehend the situation unfolding before her. The imposter's presence cast an ominous shadow over their mission, raising more questions than answers.

As the imposter's true intentions became clear, a chilling determination emanated from his masked face. "Since it's come to this, I'll take the scroll from you by force," he declared, his voice laced with a mix of malice and confidence. Without hesitation, he charged at Sakura and Sasuke, his movements swift and purposeful.

Reacting with remarkable speed, Sasuke's Sharingan flared to life, granting him heightened perception and reflexes. His hands swiftly weaved through a series of intricate hand signs, channelling his chakra with precision. "Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" he exclaimed, unleashing a barrage of fiery floral projectiles from his mouth. The blossoms of flames soared through the air, aiming to engulf their adversary in a scorching inferno.

However, the imposter proved to be equally agile and evasive, evading Sasuke's onslaught with nimble movements. Sasuke's eyes darted around, trying to locate Naruto amidst the chaos of the battle. The Hidden Rain genin, relentless in his pursuit, relentlessly pressed on, launching a barrage of kunai in Sasuke's direction.

Sasuke's keen instincts kicked into overdrive as he skillfully manoeuvred to avoid the incoming projectiles. Just as he thought he had eluded his assailant, a sudden blow came from behind. The imposter, seizing the opportunity, closed the distance between them in an instant, aiming to incapacitate Sasuke.

However, Sasuke's honed reflexes saved him from the brunt of the attack. With a swift twist of his body, he managed to evade the full force of the strike, narrowly escaping a potentially devastating blow.

As the tension mounted, an unexpected turn of events unfolded. From the shadows behind the imposter, a swift and powerful strike was unleashed, aimed directly at the back of his head. The force of the blow connected with precision, rendering the hidden rain genin unconscious. A cloud of dust billowed in the air, obscuring the scene momentarily.

Sasuke and Sakura's attention shifted abruptly as they turned to witness the source of the attack. Emerging from the dissipating dust, Naruto stood with a look of anger etched across his face. His brows furrowed in frustration as he voiced his indignation.

"He attacked me while I was taking a leak! I had to break free from some stupid rope," Naruto exclaimed childishly, his voice clearly irritated. His eyes narrowed, reflecting the remnants of the anger he had endured.

Sakura and Sasuke exchanged puzzled glances, their minds grappling with the unfolding events. Sakura wondered about Naruto's sudden appearance, questioning where he had come from. On the other hand, Sasuke, ever the observant one, recognized that even someone like Naruto must possess a hidden talent. It appeared that brute strength was Naruto's forte, as evidenced by the powerful punch that rendered their opponent unconscious.

Silence hung in the air as the trio stood amidst the aftermath of the encounter.

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto formed a tight circle within the depths of the ominous forest of death. The ambiance was filled with an air of caution and urgency as they deliberated on their strategy.

"To prevent any potential betrayal or infiltration, we cannot afford blind trust," Sasuke spoke with a firm determination. "We should establish a password, a secret phrase known only to us. This way, we can discern friend from foe."

Drawing his companions closer, Sasuke leaned in, emphasising the importance of their plan. "Listen carefully, for I shall reveal it just once. The password is a poem. When I prompt you, respond with the following verse: 'We thrive in the chaos of enemy tide. Quiet shinobi don't need dens to hide. Our only concern is to watch and wait until the enemy lowers the gate.'"

Naruto stared at Sasuke with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. "How the hell am I supposed to remember this?" he questioned, his voice tinged with incredulity.

Sasuke, ignoring Naruto's scepticism, pressed on, dismissing any doubts. "Alright, let's pack up and proceed. I'll take charge of carrying the scroll," he declared, rising to his feet. Sakura swiftly followed suit, ready to embark on their next move.

As they gathered their belongings and prepared to depart, the weight of their mission settled upon them. The establishment of the password added an extra layer of security, a safeguard against potential adversaries lurking within the forest's treacherous depths. With their minds focused and their resolve strengthened, the trio set forth, their shared journey shrouded in uncertainty and anticipation.

Naruto still annoyed "How about we make the password easier. What about swordfish?"

In the midst of their conversation, a sudden disruption shattered the tranquility of the forest. A smoke bomb descended with a thud, obscuring their view and filling the air with a dense haze.

Tensions soared as the trio instinctively tensed, alert to the presence of a new adversary. Sasuke's voice pierced through the smoke, his tone laced with caution and readiness. "A new enemy?" he shouted, his grip tightening on the kunai clutched tightly in his hand.

As the smoke began to dissipate, Sakura's keen eyes caught sight of Sasuke's figure and she hastened towards him, seeking reassurance amidst the chaos. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the weight of uncertainty hanging in the air.

Sasuke's eyes remained sharp and focused as he held his kunai aloft, his voice firm and resolute. "What's the password?" he demanded, his gaze unwavering.

Coming to a sudden halt, Sakura's mind raced, recalling the intricate lines of the poem they had devised. With a surge of clarity, she quickly relayed the complete password to Sasuke, her voice steady despite the urgency.

Sasuke lowered his kunai, a glimmer of recognition gleaming in his eyes as he nodded in acknowledgment. The bond of trust between them remained unbroken.

From behind them, Naruto's voice rang out, a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "Guys, what was that?" His carefree demeanor and trademark smile contrasting the intensity of the situation. Sasuke's grip on the kunai tightened once more, suspicion lingering in his gaze.

"Naruto, what's the password?" Sasuke's words cut through the air, his voice laced with a tinge of caution.

Naruto's expression shifted, momentarily puzzled, before realization dawned upon him. His laughter erupted, infectious and sincere. "Oh yeah, the password. Umm..." He paused, collecting his thoughts, and then flawlessly recited the password, each word rolling off his tongue with precision. The familiarity of the phrase cemented his authenticity.

Without hesitation, Sasuke sprung into action, launching an attack that sent Naruto hurtling through the air, his form spinning in a desperate attempt to regain balance before skidding to a stop just short of colliding with a nearby tree. Sakura's eyes widened, shock and disbelief etched upon her face as she observed the swift exchange.

"Sasuke," Sakura interjected, her voice tinged with urgency. "He got it right."

Sasuke, his gaze fixed on the imposter before him, replied nonchalantly without turning his attention towards Sakura. "Do you really expect that idiot to remember the password?"

Sakura's realization dawned upon her, her grip tightening on her own kunai. The truth unfurled before her eyes. Naruto, the real Naruto, would never have remembered the password in the first place. Determination flickered in her gaze as she steeled herself for the imminent confrontation.

"Well, well," Naruto's voice rang out, laced with a sinister edge. "Aren't you observant, Sasuke Uchiha?"

The Sharingan blazed to life within Sasuke's eyes as he locked his gaze upon the imposter. His voice dripped with a combination of suspicion and determination. "Who are you?"