
Nano Machine: The 8th Young Master

What if a morally unhinged ex- gangster gets reincarnated into Nano Machine? Well this is the story that would answer that question. God chose him for his entertainment giving him the opportunity to live inside his favorite Manwha but there is a catch. He must not kill the main character and he must not steal Nano Machine.

Marcus_Adderley · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 58

Chapter 58:

"Ugghhh," Cheon Yeowun groaned in pain. Every fiber in his body was screaming at him, if it weren't for Nano his entire body would've given up on him.

"My Lord… they… they are gone… and we failed to even retrieve their corpse…" Go Wang Hur said with a pained expression, tears threatening to come out of his eyes. Baekgi clenched his fist from frustration and anger, his teeth grittted against each other. Mun Ku on the other hand was covering her face, trying to stop herself from crying. Everyone was one way or another, in pain.

Hearing his subordinates' pained words, Cheon Yeowun gritted his teeth as his heart tightened.

"How's everyone's condition?" But as a leader he can't show himself to be weak.

"Everyone is injured, my Lord. We are in no position to go back to the Cult to retrieve their corpse." Huan Yi replied. He had betted his entire life on this.

Now that he has willingly helped Cheon Yeowun even though he knew that the true and rightful Lord is Cheon Mujin, his entire status and everything under his name will disappear. He has given up all that he has right now to uphold his loyalty.

"My Lord, what will you do?" Yeon Mun Hwa asked, she was the most calm and rational amongst the three elders while Sama Yi was wallowing in despair.

"We'll figure it out after we recover. First we need some place to hide." Said Cheon Yeowun.

He stood up from the ground and commanded everyone.

"Let's go, we need to escape the Cult's territory first." Then with that they all ventured out away from the cult. After they escaped the Cult's territory they managed to find an abandoned farm house in the outskirts of Forces of Justice's territory. Just right between the neutral zone between the Wulin Alliance and Sky Demon Order.

They spent weeks there recovering until suddenly one morning someone came knocking down on their door.

"My Lord! My Lord!" Someone knocked. Everyone was alerted but suddenly Huan Yi raised his hands and said to them.

"It's one of my spies. He's full of Yin energy." The Ghost Illusion Clan have a martial art that requires someone to have an astonishing amount of Yin Energy, it's called Yin Sword Technique which the spies of Ghost Illusion Clan practices.

Huan Yu opened the door revealing an old man. But then when the old man saw Huan Yi, his face shifted to that of a youthful man about thirty. He was sweating from panic and exhaustion.

"Huan Yong!" Exclaimed Huan Yi as he patted the man's shoulder.

"Clan Leader! The entire clan! Everything that is under our Clan's name has been taken away by the Lord. Even our Clansmen have gone to his side, everyone is thinking that all of you are traitors, I'm the only one who is still loyal!" Exclaimed Huan Yong. Hearing this Huan Yi sighed, this was to be expected since he helped Cheon Yeowun but hearing it still pains him.

"And what about the Cult? What happened after we're gone?" Asked Yeon Mun Hwa.

"The entire cult! It has undergone an entire ramification!" He said then he explained what happened to everyone in the room. His words carried worry and panic as he continued telling the information he got.

"This…" everyone was speechless. It was a major change inside the cult. So major that it puts the implementation of Six Clans into shame.

"How's everyone's reaction?" Cheon Yeowun asked.

"Everyone is somewhat agreeing to it since it's Cheon Ma's will but there is a minority who opposes it in secrecy." Said the spy. Cheon Yeowun then put his hands on his chin in a thinking position and suddenly a thought came to mind.

"That makes sense."

"The new system is very tyrannical and focuses the entire Cult's power into one individual." Cheon Yeowun said.

"But isn't it Cheon Ma's will? How can it be tyrannical?" Asked Huan Yi, unsure on how to feel about Cheon. Yeowun's words

"I highly doubt Cheon Ma wrote that." Cheon Yeowun said.

"You mentioned that Cheon Mujin said that he got that Sapphire Monolith when he got the Sky Demon Sword right? It means that he is saying that he got it in the sealed demon cave which is probably a lie since based on what I have seen there is no trace of any Sapphire monolith in there when I got there."

"We can use this to our advantage." He said.

"Cheon Mujin is extremely strong and with the Cult behind his back we are going to lose magnificently. So what we need to do is make our own group, a force that will oppose Cheon Mujin's ruling."

"But how will you justify your cause my lord? No one is going to rally behind you, everyone knows that Cheon Mujin is the rightful lord."

"He may be the rightful lord but he didn't get it the right way. He said to me that he is the one who killed my father in Zhejiang and with that fake Will we can rally up the cultists behind our backs." At those words everyone was shocked. Their mouths opened half as they all gawked at the sudden information bomb.

"Then… with this you may be able to get some Cultist but it will be very minor. It will only consist of those who are fiercely loyal to the previous Lord Cheon Yujong."

"It will be enough. We will go for quality over quantity. I will personally train everyone to their full potential."

"I will need a new force and I will need you all. Council Elders of the True Sky Demon Order will you pledged your allegiance to me once again and bring back the cult to the right direction!" Suddenly Cheon Yeowun stood up from his seat and exclaimed. From hsi words everyone felt vigor and patriotism, something inside their hearts swelled when they heard his voice. Their longing for the Cult reached an all time peak.

"Let me pledge myself to your allegiance once again my Lord! I will serve you to my fullest to bring back our cult into the right way." Huan Yi kneeled as everyone does.

"I pledged my allegiance to the true rightful Lord of the Cult!" Yeon Mun Hwa shouted as she too bended her knees and struck the ground.

"I will pledge my allegiance. For my son's revenge and for the Cult!, I Sama Yi pledge my loyalty to you!!" Sama Yu got down on his knees with tears of anger still present.

"We the remaining Six Swords pledge our loyalty to you my Lord!!"

"I, the First Subordinate of My Lord, Hu Bong swears allegiance to you!!"

All pledged their allegiance once again to Cheon Yeowun. And with that, a fifth power was created in the martial world.