
Nano in MHA

Just a random guy in the world of MHA with nanomachines

ChillPixel369 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 14

With Izuku starting his training with All Might, I have also been training for the last stretch as of now.

I could now a maintain the film of telekinetic energy around my body even in my sleep which was good progress.

Regarding my telekinesis training, the first part of it is energy sensing. I practice by feeling the energy within and around me trying to distinguish different types of energies.

Next comes energy channeling. I consciously try to direct and control my telekinetic energy. I practice by techniques such as energy ball creation, energy flow creation and energy shielding.

I have been experimenting with telekinetic healing as well. I practice by sending the telekinetic energy by making it flow through myself or others and imposing my will to the body through the energy to start the healing process.

As a long range fighter considering my quirk, I also practice my precision and accuracy of moving objects. By controlling their direction, trajectory and speed of the object by my mind I train this aspect of my power.

Challenging myself to move objects in complex ways or perform telekinetic tasks with multiple objects simultaneously, I constantly push my self to the limits.

I also practice my remote telekinesis by moving objects far away from me with just my mind. So far I have pushed the limit to over 7 kilometers which is good in my opinion.

I have also experimenting with telekinetic interactions with objects. Such as spinning, rotating, or vibrating objects, or combining telekinesis with other abilities, such as telepathy or precognition.

I can also create mental constructs with the help of my telekinetic energy in order to amplify my attacks. Attacks such as 'palm attack', 'telekinetic beam' and attacks like that.

In terms of the various variations of telekinesis, things have been looking great.

For pyrokinesis, I have increased it's control further so that I would be able to use fire constructs to have more range in its attacking capabilities.

I have also gained pretty good mastery over the blue fire and the plasma state of my fire ability.

For Cryokinesis, I have been able reduce it's temperature up-to zero degrees Celsius. I have also been able to form constructs made of ice for attacking purposes.

Delving deeper into this ability, the hydrokinesis ability has also been coming nicely. I have been able to extract moisture from the atmosphere which negates the need to be near a water source even though it would be ideal.

I have also tried to 'blood bend' inspired by Avatar. I have achieved minimal success with this endeavor. I have tried manipulating the blood of animals which was a hit and miss.

Considering the differences between water and blood in its viscosity and thickness there has been difficulties in controlling blood inside another being.

I have not tried on myself as I would wait till I would perfect my blood manipulation technique/ability.

Onto with my electrokinesis, I have achieved around 1.5 million volts of electricity which is better than Kaminari at the beginning of canon.

I have also been channelising electricity through my body to increase my reaction which requires immense control and concentration as even a slight lapse in it would destroy my internal organs.

I have also created a bootleg version of Chidori from the Naruto series along with the Lightning Armor technique.

I have also created the famous railgun technique using coins which travel at a speed of around Mach 1 which I plan to increase further.

I have also delved into its sub abilities such as magnetism. We all know what kind of destructive powers can be achieved by this by simply looking at Magneto.

For starters I have began to sense the magnetic fields to get a better feel for it. I have started with manipulating the magnetic fields of metals to levitate them which is basic but I will advance further with time.

I have been playing with force fields as I have enhanced my own force field for my defence. For now it's showing slow progress.

I have also achieved success with tactile telekinesis. I could easily manipulate the structure of any inorganic material with ease.

For cultivating this ability I train in my sensory awareness. A heightened state of awareness helps in manipulation of matter.

Organic manipulation is still a tough nut to crack. I have had success in manipulating the organic matter of plants and moderate success with animals. Still haven't tried human manipulation.

I have kept up my martial arts practice with the help of the many opponents that I have recorded over the years with the help of Nano.

In terms of Trigger, there has been good news. I have perfected the drug.

By extensively studying it's components, I the effects it has on quirk and it's interactions with my Chi, I have been able to create a better variant of the drug.

[The new formula is a success. Due to the Chi acting as a regulating agent to curb the aggressive nature of the drug, it has stabilized the formula. Along with this the effectiveness has increased by 22.3698%. By injecting yourself with this you would be able to move forward with your quirk development.]

Nano reported me about the drug. Overall I am happy with the progress of the drug. With this I can achieve new heights.

[I would like to advise Master to also try to upgrade your brain for better utilization of your quirk when it's affected by the drug so that there is no undue burden on your brain which would be harmful to you.]

This is another headache I am facing with this. Even though I have fixed the mental issues problem of the drug the fact that the drug would burden the body still persists.

So I have to find ways to upgrade the level of my brain. Channeling Chi through my brain does indicate it's growth but it's too gradual for me to have it combat ready in the future.

Talking about the implantation of the second quirk, there has been progress but not enough to try it out on me.

I wouldn't be able to solve this issue before going to UA which sucks but it is what it is.

I have been keeping an eye out for the League Of Villains insurgence. This is mainly to make sure to take note of any deviation they do from canon.

So like this I spend the next 10 months preparing myself for an exciting start that is UA.