
Nano in MHA

Just a random guy in the world of MHA with nanomachines

ChillPixel369 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 15

Today is the entrance exam. I am honestly over prepared considering my abilities. I am excited to finally enter into the game and make a name for myself.

Izuku has received One For All. Much earlier than canon as this Izuku was training from a young age. So he only needed a month or two to prepare his body for the quirk.

He obviously hasn't told me about the quirk as I am getting all this info from my spy crows that I have stationed around him. He did bust his arm the first time he used the quirk which was quite painful to watch but as you know no pain no gain.

But Izuku being the smartass he has figured out the way to lower the output of his quirk so that his body can handle it. The starting percentage was around 6% which was impressive.

The rest of the time he was just getting used to quirk and getting used to the increased strength and speed. And now we are going towards the examination centre with both of us being quite excited for this endeavor.

"I can't wait for this test!" exclaimed Izuku.

'Well someone's excited' failing to notice that I am also rapidly walking towards the examination centre brimming with excitement.

Izuku was wearing a green gymsuit with black stripes on it. He also had the gauntlet he had used to rescue Bakugo from the Sludge monster. For his footwear he was wearing shoes that would propel him quite high in air around 5 metres.

If we talk about my attire, I was wearing a simple black hoodie with track pants and shoes. Quite plain if I have to say so, but it would get the job done.

The examination was divided into two parts. Theoretical part and the practical part. Both Izuku and I were not worried about this part of the test because he was smart already and I was smart and had Nano. This time Izuku didn't trip while coming here therefore there was no interaction between him and Uraraka

The written exam was a breeze. There were questions like, 'How do you view the ethical implications of using quirk?', 'What values do you believe should guide the user of quirks for the greater good?' for open ended and moral discussion. I have aced the test which was the same for Izuku looking at his relaxed demeanor.

Now comes the exciting part. We were all gathered at the battle centre C. Izuku was at the battle centre B.

The whole place was like a huge city. Crazy to think that this all was owned by an education institution even if it's for super powered individuals.

In this center the only character from the main cast that was here was Minoru Mineta. Looks like fate does not want him to get to Class 1A. I will happily oblige to this condition.

We hear Present Mic yelling into to speaker signalling the start of the mock battle. I took off the moment I heard the word 'start' leaving behind my confused competitors.

Sweeping the entire area with my telekinesis to know the location of the robots would help me effectively deal with this test. 'Should I let loose? ' I ask myself. I do want to leave a lasting impression on the teachers here so why not.

With this decided I move towards the robot that was just around the corner. I twist the head of the robot and incapacitate it. I move to the next area where there are two of these robots and snap of both of their heads defeating them. I reckon that there is a much faster way to proceed.

Therefore I levitate off the ground and blast off towards where all the robots are. I took off with such speeds that I was just a blur. Considering my ability to know where these robots were situated, I took the most shortest route to them and absolutely decimated them. I continue to do so with each robot robbing the other kids of the chance of passing this test.

•Scene Change•

There was room filled with monitors and other monitoring devices which showcased the various scenes of different places with students facing off against the robots. In this room were the teaching faculty of this prestigious institution.

"Aizawa, what do you think of this year's batch?" asked Present Mic to a guy who was slender and tall, pale-skinned with messy, shoulder-length black hair, that partially hangs in front of his face and half-opened black eyes.

"There are quite a few interesting seedlings this year. The kid with the detonating quirk has good instinct but looking at his performance he is only focused on defeating the robots. We also have a kid from the Ingenium family line who promises to be an excellent hero prospect just that his overall personality is rigid. Then we have the kid with the gauntlets. He seems to have a strengthening quirk with how hard his punches are dishing out on the robots. He has also been helping people whenever they need help so I would say he is a good prospect."

Right then an operator calls for them for their attention," Sir you would like to see this."

All the staff focus on the screen that has been maximized to show a black haired guy just casually pulverizing the robots left and right while flying at insane speeds.

"Sir, this guy has taken out nearly all the robots in his battle centre on his own. We would have lots of people failing at this centre because he is taking out all the robots himself" informed the operator.

"What! A single student taking out then entire group of robots by himself. Damn isn't that impressive. Just who is this guy?" questioned Present Mic.

"Kei Hidaka. His quirk is telekinesis. He has also practiced martial arts and won many tournaments. Looking at his display we can safely say that this guy has been honing his quirk for a long time" said Aizawa pulling the student's information profile in his usual monotone voice but if u could dig deeper u find there a slight hint of intrigue hidden in this.

"Hoh, aren't we lucky to have such a prodigious student come to our school" a new voice echoes in the room.

All the people look towards and see a rodent like creature sporting a white dress shirt, a dark red tie around his neck, a black double-breasted waistcoat and matching dress pants. He wears orange lace-up sneakers with incredibly thick soles which seem to be quite large on him.

"Let's see what he is capable of shall we? " Nezu asks with a hint of curiosity sparkling in his eyes.

I was steamrolling this test. I had taken out majority of the robots in this center. I am aware of the fact that the teachers would watching us and me pulling this stunt wouldn't go unnoticed by them.

I was brought out of my musing when I heard the declaration that the zero pointer was now moving. I could feel the tremors that were going through the ground likely with the massive robot walking to crush us.

I speed off towards the mechanical monstrosity with a grin of excitement on my face. After all which guy hasn't dreamed of fighting giant robots?

I arrived at the place and I have to say that thing is huge. I mean like four to five stories range of huge. It was raining down destruction wantonly.

I went forward to meet with the giant. The robot noticing my presence shoots out its arm to crush me into a paste.i weave through his his attempt to crush me as I pull apart the components from its joints effectively neutralizing the giant abomination.

We can't let it end this plainly now can we? I channel my telekinetic energy to my arm as I cock back my fist and fly towards the falling robot.

I concentrate my entire focus on channelising my energy on my fist as it glows with a beautiful Amber colored glow. I smash the head of the robot with such a force that it leans back and falls on its back with its head wrecked beyond repair.

With dust and debris falling all over, I stand on the chest of the downed robot as the other students make their way to the commotion that I made gathering to look at shock at the situation. I just feel confident and think to myself, "I am just getting started baby."