
Mystic Tales : Ruined Kingdom [Draft r18+]

[Warning] this story contians sensitive , explicit , subtext and mature content with themes. Read/view at your own discretion. This is a spin-off fatnasy story from the isekai webnovel original with the protagonist Nova. This Begins in the final showdown with the Anti-Goddess , however this time its a scenario for a branch/alternative timeline if Nova , Tim and Dorothy died and didn't survive the battle.. The Focus for thsi story are the survivors Chocola and Astra. Especially Astra , the long lost triplet and identical brother of Nova. will the higher stakes motivate him for Revenge? Rather , if this new side of the story takes a turn if he stays the same way? maybe even a better change?

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Ascended moment...

Astra had grown accustomed to early mornings, but when he felt a gentle nudge, he wasn't sure if it was dawn breaking or a dream lingering. Slowly, he opened his eyes, only to be met by Vespera's enigmatic presence. She had a way of appearing just when he least expected it.

"Morning," Vespera purred with an impish smile, her eyes gleaming with secrets only she could decipher.

Astra sat up, rubbing his eyes as he struggled to shake off the remnants of sleep. "What brings you here so early, Vespera?"

She leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper, as though sharing a hidden conspiracy. "I've got information, information that could change the game. It's about a new player on the board, a force that's moving in the shadows, and they're heading straight for our territory."

Astra's curiosity was piqued. He trusted Vespera's instincts; she had proven herself to be a valuable ally, even if their methods were unconventional.

"Tell me everything," he said, his focus sharpening.

And so, in the quiet hours of the morning, Astra and Vespera began to unravel the secrets of this new threat and the challenges.

Then she spoke "Just kidding, morning here I managed to clean up the bedroom I rested in this Inn.." happily smirked "Slept well?"

Astra blinked, half-relieved and half-annoyed by Vespera's teasing. "You had me there for a moment. And yes, I did sleep well. Your presence doesn't disturb my rest, surprisingly."

He stretched, a small yawn escaping his lips. "What's the plan for today?"

Vespera "Here I thought the enigmatic Shadow Knight does it" Astra shudders as he still hasn't forgotten yesterday that transpired why this specific ex-cult leader became an ally and I guess tried to treat his desires well as he spoke, "You know , like you promise me yesterday you volunteer knowing how to remove this automatic curse that Estella cast whoever kills her or did the final blow right?"

Vespera nodded, her expression more serious now. "Of course, I do. I've dealt with her kind of magic before. I can help you break that curse. It's a matter of finding the right ritual and gathering the necessary components."

She paused, her tone slightly more hesitant. "But, Astra, you do understand that breaking such a curse will come with consequences, right? There's a balance to all things in magic. To remove the curse, there may be a price to pay."

Astra raises an eyebrow "Figures as much NECROMANCER AND secretly a demonoid succubus...ugh, I still can't believe I actually DID that with you while half-conscious affected by your demon tail aphrodisiac.."

Vespera chuckled, her demeanor returning to its mischievous self. "Oh, don't be so hard on yourself. It was consensual, after all. Besides, it was your chance to break free from that shell of detachment you'd built around yourself. And you can thank me for that."

She winked playfully before continuing, "Now, let's focus on breaking that curse. We've got work to do."

Astra spoke "No no wait, I think it's fine…if that's the price to pay when I killed her I don't want further consequences besides I already took a temporary remedy that can last me 4-5 months in the Genesis Calendar (15 months a year, 42-43 days a month except Remielmensis 6th month that turned Lucifermensis during 6th leap year into 38-39 days)" Vespera sighs "Okay what else you wanna talk about?" Astra spoke "We'll visit back to base and check on the others..Especially I decided to only spare you and execute Ignatius in front of my members the ones under his cult that were severely abused.."

Vespera nodded in understanding. "I see your point. Ignatius has a lot to answer for, and your decision to execute him is a matter of justice for the victims under his rule. Let's return to the base and attend to these matters. I'm here to assist in any way I can."

As they left the inn, Astra and Vespera prepared to face the challenges that awaited them, seeking justice and healing for the members of their organization.

Astra wore his attire to switch around in the blink of an eye "That's odd coming from someone that is a sadomasochistic necromancer-" Vespera frowns "Do you hate me HELPING you?" Astra shook his head as he prepared shadow travel "I am just stating a fact, the idea that you are both devoted to both me and Estella then switch sides to me and we had different goals and ambitions to align yet I don't know the way you try to seduce me you need to use your specialty…since I don't easily get affected"

Vespera chuckled. "Well, I did what I thought would work to get your attention and establish trust. It seems it had the desired effect. We each have our methods and specialties. Now, let's head back to the base and continue our work."

Astra and Vespera prepared to leave the inn and return to their organization, ready to face the challenges and complexities that lay ahead.

Astra discreetly left another letter to be grateful to Anastasia as he pondered how his diverse faction members were doing as they finally reached it, he asked Clifford (Bloodhound Bestialkin) and Silhouette (Loyal Special Unit Nebulis member) an Archaican.

Astra turned to Clifford and Silhouette, and he asked, "How's everything going here? Any important developments or issues I need to be aware of since I left for the inn?"

Clifford, being a Bloodhound Bestialkin, had an exceptional sense of smell and often acted as a scout for the group. Silhouette, a skilled member of the Special Unit Nebulis, was known for her stealth and intelligence. They exchanged glances before Silhouette began to speak.

She mentioned, "Ahh Ignatius is trying to convince me and your trusted organization manager Clifford if he can talk to you personally for a new negotiation, hoping you would spare him.."

Astra pondered the request for a moment before responding, "I'll consider it, but I want a full report on what he wants to discuss before I make a decision. And keep a close watch on him while he's here. I won't let my guard down." He then looked at Clifford and Silhouette. "Anything else I should know?"

Clifford spoke with his tail wagging "Cheshie and I manage to set out diverse training regime of what you give us yet there is one from the Qintea (people, ceramic/porcelain) that wants to see you later.."

Astra nodded in acknowledgment and turned to Silhouette. "Silhouette, I trust you to keep an eye on Ignatus while I meet with this Qintea individual. Make sure nothing goes awry." He then addressed both of them. "Thank you for your efforts. I'll meet with the Qintea and then consider Ignatus's request. Let's keep our goals and intentions clear."

With that, he proceeded to meet with the Qintea individual, hoping to learn more about their intentions and how they could fit into the growing alliance of his organization.

Meanwhile, Silhouette spoke to Vespera to stand by "Hey wait there, ex-cultist leader...I still need an explanation why Ad Astra…Shadow Knight-sama decided to change his mind to spare you.."

Vespera smiled, her tone calm as she spoke to Silhouette. "Well, dear, it's not something I can fully explain in just a few words, but it started with a mutual goal we found. He wanted revenge, and I had my motives. We decided to align our ambitions to achieve a common purpose. As for the more intimate aspects, let's just say I found a way to help him overcome some of his inner demons."

She tilted her head, her blue eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "Don't worry, I've only used my special talents on him, and he's willing. It's all part of our... unique alliance."

Silhouette scoffs as she can tell Vespera's true eye colors are violet. Silhouette has her own Aquamarine eyes, white long hair, fair skin, a left half-face burn mark, and a slender yet tall build with lean muscles, she gestures with her black colored attire that fits their organization "Hmm…tell me you not just a sadomasochistic necromancer that experiments on her cult members are you?"

Vespera chuckled, her violet eyes dancing with amusement. "Well, my dear Silhouette, I do have my quirks, but experimenting on my associates wasn't exactly a hobby of mine. I just like to explore... alternative solutions to problems." She grinned slyly. "And for the record, Astra is quite satisfied with the results of our little experiments."

She leaned in a bit closer. "But enough about me. What are your thoughts on our enigmatic Shadow Knight? I've heard he's quite the complex individual."

Silhouette cleared her throat "ahem, obviously you are aware of his reputation before knowing his face..actual age, and true code name Astra..we address him with respect…in addition, it's thanks to Cheshie showing he can use us..as special assets to his cause and knew Estella isn't someone worth to look up to like the cult leader of this base formerly he slain…he truly is the true symbol…Ending the Hierarchy called the Order and Estella won't fool the citizens of her authority"

Vespera nodded in understanding. "I see. Astra certainly has a way of inspiring loyalty and trust, doesn't he? His determination to bring down the Order and Estella is quite commendable. I suppose that's why I find him intriguing."

She then turned the conversation back to Silhouette. "So, Silhouette, do you believe that I can truly be an asset to his cause, as you and Cheshie are?"

Silhouette spoke "I dunno, usually the ones he recruited such devotion besides me and Cheshie are the rest of 44 people here yet see these past 2 days before now...we had over base thanks to Clifford's estimate are 136 members now..besides the children and seniors stay in base..:" Vespera chuckles and spoke "Oh is it because I am not former cult members like you all and I am a cult leader formerly? Not gonna lie I wish having a duel with your leader last longer…not only that his body is amazing I wonder if anyone has personally seen it-"

Silhouette raised an eyebrow at Vespera's comments. "You certainly have a unique way of looking at things. While Astra's abilities and physique are impressive, it's his leadership and vision that draw people to him. Your past as a cult leader might make some members wary, but I'm sure if you genuinely align with Astra's goals, you can find a place here. However, don't underestimate the loyalty he inspires in his team."

She then added, "We have various roles and skills within our organization. If you truly wish to be an asset, consider what you can bring to the table that complements our mission."

Vespera chuckles "Alright, but remember besides intel and the new expansion of his goal..being by his side still satisfied my own goal..are you aware he has weaknesses since you are the finance dealer, intel dealer, and back-up leader of a lot of squads? Since you're quite impressive being part of this special unit called Nebulis? Who or what were the other members again? Right, the Polygon numbers and Anti-Matter the Giant right?"

Silhouette nodded, acknowledging Vespera's understanding. "Yes, I'm aware of Astra's vulnerabilities, though I won't disclose them casually. He is a capable leader, but no one is invulnerable. As for the Nebulis team, it consists of me, Clifford, and Cheshie, along with other key members from various squads. And yes, you're right about the Polygon numbers and Anti-Matter. Each member plays a crucial role in Astra's organization."

Silhouette then leaned in closer to Vespera and said in a lower tone, "A word of advice: if you genuinely want to be by his side and support him, show your dedication and loyalty through your actions. Prove that you can be trusted, and you'll find your place in our group."

Vespera smirks "Yet I also learned some of my Associates are spared as he sees them useful as they are loyal and trained by me that might help improve the training regime faster for other sort of recruits.." smiles, meanwhile, Clifford slowly slips away as his best friend Cheshie ask what's the tension between those two girls?

Clifford made his way to Cheshie and started explaining, "Well, you see, Vespera and Silhouette are having a bit of a conversation about loyalty and trust in Astra's organization. Vespera is trying to find her place among us, and Silhouette is questioning her motives and loyalty."

Cheshie nodded, understanding the situation. "Ah, I see. It can be quite challenging to earn trust in a group like ours, especially when we're dealing with former cult members and people from various backgrounds."

Clifford agreed, "Exactly. Silhouette is just looking out for our leader and the well-being of our organization. It's crucial that we have people we can trust implicitly, especially given our objectives."

Cheshie purred in agreement and said, "Well, let's hope Vespera can prove herself. Astra seems to have a knack for bringing out the potential in people."

Cheshie then looks at Clifford "Still Leader himself told me yesterday I can't disclose to tell Silhouette.." whispers a bit to her friend as he gasps "Really? That's why Ad Astra spare-" Cheshie hushed him and spoke "It natural we Bestialkin knew what kind of NATURE help That Vespera did for Astra-Senpai and remember he inform all the males of our organization to be wary of someone like her as it's revealed she is a succubus demonoid disguising as a human I think…" Clifford nods [then transitions to Astra seeing a Martial Artis kind of Qintea guy named Pao with traces of teapot-like cracked and detailed design

As Astra observed Pao, the Martial Artist Qintea, he couldn't help but appreciate the artistry in his appearance. Pao's unique teapot-like design on his skin and attire intrigued Astra. The crack and intricate patterns gave him an air of mystique.

Astra approached Pao and greeted him respectfully, "Greetings, Pao. I've heard of your unique martial skills and the fascinating teapot designs you possess. I must admit, I'm intrigued by your presence here. What brings you to our organization, Shadow's Resurgence?"

Pao inclined his head and smiled, "I've heard about the Shadow Knight and his quest for justice and retribution. I wish to join your ranks and lend my skills to your cause. I believe my martial abilities can be of assistance, and my unique connection to the teapot culture of the Qintea may offer some benefits as well."

Astra nodded, appreciating Pao's enthusiasm. "We welcome your dedication, Pao. We value the diversity and skills of our members. We can use all the help we can get in our mission to bring justice to this land. Let's discuss your role and how you can contribute to our cause."

As they continued their conversation, Astra couldn't help but think about the ever-expanding variety of individuals joining his organization, each with their unique talents and backgrounds.

Pao also added "I also am one of the slaves you save 2 days ago with one of the cult branches you destroyed…thanks to your mere-folk (mere-man) I mean his name is Finn right a young man Mixologist and Brewer that help create potions along with Brazen a fine Dwarven Craftsman that help create magical relics and tools for members that can't catch up to reach your greatness of shadow base abilities"

Astra was pleased to hear that Pao had been among the individuals they had rescued from one of the cult branches they had recently dismantled. It was a testament to the impact his organization, Shadow's Resurgence, was having on the lives of those affected by the Order and Estella's rule.

He replied with gratitude, "I'm glad to hear that our efforts have made a positive difference in your life, Pao. It's heartening to know that we've been able to rescue and provide a new home for individuals like you who have suffered under the Order's oppression. Our mere-folk, Finn, and Brazen have been invaluable to our organization. They're skilled in their respective fields, and I'm sure their contributions will continue to benefit us."

Astra then gestured for Pao to follow him, saying, "Let's introduce you to the rest of our members and get you settled in. You'll find that we're a diverse and determined group, all working toward the common goal of bringing justice to the land."

As they walked toward the heart of the organization's base, Astra couldn't help but reflect on how much they had grown in such a short time and how their members, with their varied skills and backgrounds, were becoming an essential part of his vision for justice and retribution.

Pao spoke "But I notice you already had Qintea people as part of your special unit Nebulis right? They originate from the first 50 cult members rescued from this very base since this is the main cult hideout formerly?" Astra nodded as he spoke still detached and distant yet not heartless as he uttered: "Indeed Pao, they are the Porcelain Quartet yet I have given them polygon numbers as the code name..From Unos, Dos, Tres, and Quartz...."