
Mystic Tales : Ruined Kingdom [Draft r18+]

[Warning] this story contians sensitive , explicit , subtext and mature content with themes. Read/view at your own discretion. This is a spin-off fatnasy story from the isekai webnovel original with the protagonist Nova. This Begins in the final showdown with the Anti-Goddess , however this time its a scenario for a branch/alternative timeline if Nova , Tim and Dorothy died and didn't survive the battle.. The Focus for thsi story are the survivors Chocola and Astra. Especially Astra , the long lost triplet and identical brother of Nova. will the higher stakes motivate him for Revenge? Rather , if this new side of the story takes a turn if he stays the same way? maybe even a better change?

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantasy
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30 Chs

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Astra's explanation shed some light on the mysterious Polygon numbers and their origins. Pao listened intently, recognizing the significance of the code names given to the Porcelain Quartet, now known as Unos, Dos, Tres, and Quartz. It was a stark reminder of the Order's oppressive reign and how the victims had found a new purpose within Shadow's Resurgence.

Pao replied, "It's impressive how you've integrated former cult members into your organization, Ad Astra. It's a testament to your leadership and vision for justice. I'm honored to be a part of this mission and work alongside people with diverse backgrounds and talents."

As they continued their walk through the base, Pao couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and determination. It was clear that Astra's organization was more than just a group seeking revenge; it was a force for change, offering a new beginning to those who had suffered under the Order's rule.

Astra pauses "Yet are you sure? The first 50 are secret fans or worshippers to idolize me due to my reputation as the shadow knight..a former faction knight yet actually it wasn't justice it's Revenge to any enemies for our cause despite slight differences..I was making sure I don't need yet my first apprentice, follower and traitors of the cult that first volunteered to assist me did prove it could be a useful asset in case we get enemies in groups.."

Pao nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. "I see, Senpai Astra. It's fascinating how your reputation has drawn not only those seeking justice but also those who admire your skills and power. It's a unique blend of motivations that has brought together a diverse group of individuals under your leadership. The loyalty and dedication of your first apprentice and followers are a testament to your charisma and abilities."

He couldn't help but be curious about Astra's own motivations and the path that had led him to create such a multifaceted organization. However, he decided not to pry further, as it was clear that Astra was a man of few words when it came to discussing his past and personal feelings.

Pao continued, "Regardless of the initial reasons, it's clear that your organization stands for justice and change now. And with people like Finn, Brazen, and the Porcelain Quartet, we're ready to make a difference and leave the past behind."

Astra got quiet "Sure, yet Either way….I also almost forgot to mention Elaysia..she is an elven lady that volunteered to help train elven-related recruits.." before he gazed at Pao "Do you understand, the ones I assigned to rescue you all formerly under cults to be saved…basically if you decide to fight for my cause…my organization's cause…you might need to understand what it means to kill"

Pao nodded solemnly, fully comprehending the weight of Astra's words. "I understand, Senpai Astra. Joining your cause means being prepared to make difficult choices, including taking lives if it's necessary for the greater good. I've seen the cruelty of those cults, and I'm ready to stand against them and fight for justice. We'll do what it takes to bring about the change you're striving for."

He could see the determination in Astra's eyes and felt a sense of purpose growing within himself. The shadowy organization that Astra had formed was not just a group of followers; it was a force for change and justice in a world plagued by darkness. And Pao was ready to be a part of it.


Astra then sighs "I shall let Polygon numbers properly introduce how the trining regime for common Qintea folk goes.." before he excuse himself to keep going (Pao bows as he waves).

As Astra approached Silhouette and Vespera, he noticed that they were engaged in a rather heated debate. Silhouette appeared frustrated while Vespera wore a mischievous grin. Astra couldn't help but wonder what the topic of their discussion was.

He cleared his throat, gaining their attention. "Is there something I should be aware of?" Astra asked, his tone calm but curious.

Silhouette sighed and spoke first, "It's nothing, Leader. We were just discussing certain matters related to Vespera."

Vespera chimed in with a playful tone, "Oh, just a friendly debate about my unique skills and how they can be of use to the organization. Nothing to worry about, Astra."

Astra raised an eyebrow but decided not to press further. He knew that his organization was a diverse group of individuals with their perspectives and talents, and he trusted Silhouette to handle any concerns.

"Very well," he said, "I trust your judgment, Silhouette. Just keep me informed of any important developments. I have other matters to attend to."

With that, he walked away, leaving Silhouette and Vespera to their discussion.

Silhouette calmly spoke "See? Astra-sama trusts me more than you.." Vespera sighed as she fixed her black hair that had red highlights for she playfully rushed to Astra "Hey Astra….I thought you needed me when dealing with Ignatus.."

Astra turned to Vespera, his expression serious. "I do need you there when we confront Ignatus. Your presence might help ensure a peaceful resolution to the situation. But let's not forget the seriousness of our goal here. We must make him confess to his crimes and pay for them. I won't let him escape justice."

Vespera nodded, her playful demeanor giving way to a more determined one. "I understand, Astra. I'll be ready when the time comes."

With that settled, they continued with their preparations to confront Ignatus, a confrontation that would play a crucial role in Astra's quest for revenge and justice.


As they walk Vespera "Hey is me helping you distress seek vengeance to justice or it's because of that outside girl that doesn't mind my visit last night Anastasia right? She even influences your mindset?"

Astra considered her question for a moment before responding, "Anastasia does play a significant role in my life. Her influence has made me see things from a different perspective, one that involves not only revenge but also justice and healing. But it's not just her. It's you too, Vespera. Your presence, and your help in my organization, it all contribute to this shift in focus. I still have my goals, but I'm learning to balance them with a sense of righteousness and the well-being of those around me."

Vespera nodded in understanding, acknowledging the change in Astra's mindset and the impact that various individuals were having on his path. Their walk continued, and they both realized that their journey toward justice and healing was becoming more complex and intertwined with each passing day.

Then grins as she hugs him from behind seductively "Ohh? So despite me recently yesterday treat your desires and lust..are you slowly falling for me despite our clashing ideals?" Astra hesitantly nodded and spoke "I am not technically cured yet it did treat me not to see myself as impure or undeserving of such pleasures….I still wonder what normal males react to that if you did the aphrodisiac? Since for me, you said I was special to still manage self-control…"

Astra was caught in a moment of vulnerability as he blushed and replied, "I'm not sure how normal males would react to it, but I do feel a connection between us. It's more than just physical desires, Vespera. I'm starting to see you as someone more than what meets the eye, despite our differences. I'm not falling for you, but I can't deny the bond that's forming between us."

Vespera chuckled softly, her arms still wrapped around him, "Well, that's a start, isn't it? Who knows where this path will lead us, Astra?" They continued walking, leaving the possibilities of their evolving connection open-ended.

Vespera spoke, "Yet tell me whenever you need to explore such a positive impact judging how you approach me compared to yesterday…so did I do a good job de-stressing you?"

Astra nodded with a small smile, "You did, Vespera. It was an unexpected experience, but it did help me find a sense of release from the burdens I carry. I appreciate your assistance in helping me destress and regain a sense of normalcy."

Vespera smiled back at him, "I'm glad to hear that, Astra. Remember, I'm here to help you in more ways than one, whether it's in the shadows or moments like these. We'll continue to support each other as we move forward."

Astra then pauses with his soulless eyes "Still, what do you mean your experience DOING it with me is different from the usual males you target?"

Vespera chuckled softly, "Well, you see, Astra, succubi like me are skilled in the art of seduction, and we often interact with various partners. Most males tend to give in to their desires more easily. But with you, it was different. You resisted the aphrodisiac and maintained a level of self-control that's quite rare. It piqued my curiosity and admiration."

Astra nodded, "I see, so you're saying I'm different from the norm, and that's why you find it intriguing?"

Vespera winked, "Exactly. You're a unique individual, and I appreciate that about you."

Astra sighed, "Well, I suppose I can't change who I am, but I appreciate your understanding, Vespera."

Vespera gave him a mischievous smile, "No need to change, Astra. Embrace your uniqueness. It's what makes you even more attractive."

Astra blinks "Yet you also told me you wanted to use such skill to help me release those repressed desires and free me from my sexual trauma, correct?"

Vespera nodded, her tone softening, "Yes, that's true. While I find your resistance intriguing, I also genuinely wanted to help you heal from your past experiences. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to find pleasure and comfort in intimacy, especially after what you've been through. So, it was a mix of curiosity and a desire to genuinely assist you."

Astra blushed a bit as he had a straight "can't lie…the way my body easily intertwined with yours was comforting or maybe even too good..compare how terrible looking back how Estella took advantage of me and took my virginity away.."

Vespera smiled softly, "I'm glad I could provide you with a different and positive experience, Astra. Sometimes, it takes the right person to help you overcome past trauma. You should never feel ashamed of finding comfort and pleasure with someone who truly cares about you."

And she smugly spoke, "Still your body is quite good at it despite experiencing it before yet not in a positive way that's for sure and it's happily ironic that a Succubus demonoid almost cured you or finally let you embrace your desires.."

Astra smiled faintly, "I guess there's a silver lining to everything, isn't there? Your unique abilities helped me in a way I didn't expect. It's just one more reason why I'm thankful for your assistance."


Before he cleared his voice "I shall think about if whenever I do need to de-stress yet Pretty sure I am not planning so we're here.." as It's Ignatus tied up with hair undone Astra spoke, "Vespera and me shall try to understand if your playing mind games with me?"

Ignatus, with a smirk on his face, responded, "Ah, the Shadow Knight and his charming companion. What a surprise to see you both. Mind games? My dear Astra, I have no intention of playing games. I am willing to share information, and perhaps we can find a mutually beneficial path."

Vespera spoke "Says the man calling me insane to switch sides to the enemy and You as a matter of fact accuse I betraying him.."