
Mystic Peak

The Apocalypse finally descends onto Planet Earth. Mana came along, forcing living beings and a minority of non-living things to mutate. Those who couldn't withstand the mutation were either bed-ridden or transformed into deadly beasts. Humanity was at the brink of extinction. Well, before some people killed the beasts and found a way to increase their strength. By absorbing the ethereal essence known as Mystic, one could break the normal limits placed on them. After gaining such knowledge, Humanity fought back and eventually won against the deadly creatures. Fast forward a few decades, when humanity had finally established some safe areas, Rale Light was born. After a sequence of events, Rale desires power. To stand free from anyone else. To be the one that no one can touch. No matter the cost! But to do that, he must reach the peak of this world. The Mystic Peak! .... Cover isn't mine. Feel free to dm me to take it down. SenamKA#4002

ThirdSen · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Light Control

Rale woke up and felt his mind vibrating. After a while, it cooled down and he could finally think properly.

"I remember... this book." Rale took the book in his hands once again and tried to open it.

This time, there was no resistance. It opened smoothly.

He read the contents.

It talked about an element.

The light element to be exact.

He kept reading it and reading it until, he finished. He looked out the window and realized he has spent a few hours reading it.

He thought all that reading didn't go to waste since he felt that he could finally do things he had dreamed off.

"Light Control." He said softly, and the light around him concentrated at his fingertips with a pure white colour.

Rale felt as if something had left him after that- he had consumed mana.

It was natural since all skills needed mana to be able to work.

Then again, it wasn't a big amount. To be honest, he felt only a small amount leave him which was odd.

Normally, people could cast their first skill only 5-10 times. However, considering the skill rank it could differ.

Rale shook his head and continued to manipulate light at his will.

His eyes shone with understanding as his workings with the light became more fluid and easier.

He finally stopped after a while and recalled something he had almost forgotten.

Today was his birthday. He was now sixteen years old.

Rale sighed and a bittersweet smile appeared on his face, "If only you were here, we could be exploring the world by now..."

Needless to say, he was obviously talking about his recently passed mother.

His gaze swept across the room once more before he noticed that the crystal wasn't here anymore.

It had vanished. He canceled the idea of someone stealing it, because he was holding it and he would have woken up.

Maybe it was an expert.

'Damn. What do I do know?' Rale was at the end of his road right now. He closed his eyes in thought.

"Hollow Swamp, once I am of rank I should visit there."

He got up and decided to go on a hunt.

Rale picked up the Grimoire and kept it with him. He thought of it as a memory of his mother now.

He gazed out of the window, staring at the sky blue skies.

He also saw a crap ton of people bustling around.

"Yeah, that's right... it's new year." Rale said. His birthday was on the new year.

He checked the date and breathed in.

[2100, 1st Day of the First month.]

Then he saw it, the sky... it was turning black.

Sparks flickered without in the atmosphere, and the earth started to shake..

"What is going on?" Rale took a step back.

Portals began to appear and waves of energy spread like wildfire.


He heard it. The screams of the people outside.

His gaze turned to the person who was previously just a normal human, to the being he now was.

It's grey skin with blue glowing veins bulging all over. It's piercing scarlet eyes locked on the nearby humans and it immediately attacked.

"Chaotic beings..." Rale stuttered. According to the books he had read they only appeared in one event.

"No way!"

The grey skinned being mercilessly killed all the nearby humans and ate them like fried chicken, chewing on their flesh.

However, it wasn't the only one. More grey skinned beings of different body structure roamed the streets causing mass destruction in their quake.

They attacked the humans running away, but they seemed to be some Mysticals which fought back, repelling the Chaotic Existences.

Rale watched from his window, and his breath chilled. "I can stay here... right?"

He said to himself. Afraid to step a foot outside to be massacred by the grey-skinned beings.

He sat on the floor, and held his knees, praying that it was all a dream. He knew what this situation meant and wished it was all a dream.

"Ragh!" A Chaotic Existence banged on the door. It punched it multiple times until the door flew open, creating a banging sound.

"Get back!" Rale roared and took a step back.

The grey skinned creature tilted it's head and a smile appeared on it's ugly face. "Ragh!" It barked while it moves towards the fear filled Rale.

"I said go away!" The light in the air formed a beam that struck the Chaotic Existence in the chest.


A hole appeared in it's torso, which bled like crazy.

Rale smiled, attacking the Chaotic Existence brought him, a ray of hope. One of survival, if he kept on like this he could survive.

He shot another beam, killing the being.

He could feel his body, mind and mana reserves and purity evolving due to the Mystic absorbed from the Chaotic Existence.

He wiped the sweat of his forehead. Even though the man expenditure wasn't that much, he wanted to conserve as much as possible.

Rale took a backpack and grabbed all the food and water he could and went out.

He saw a group of people fighting back, however he went towards his bungalow roof.

Now he had confirmed it...

A Second Apocalypse descended.