
Mystic Peak

The Apocalypse finally descends onto Planet Earth. Mana came along, forcing living beings and a minority of non-living things to mutate. Those who couldn't withstand the mutation were either bed-ridden or transformed into deadly beasts. Humanity was at the brink of extinction. Well, before some people killed the beasts and found a way to increase their strength. By absorbing the ethereal essence known as Mystic, one could break the normal limits placed on them. After gaining such knowledge, Humanity fought back and eventually won against the deadly creatures. Fast forward a few decades, when humanity had finally established some safe areas, Rale Light was born. After a sequence of events, Rale desires power. To stand free from anyone else. To be the one that no one can touch. No matter the cost! But to do that, he must reach the peak of this world. The Mystic Peak! .... Cover isn't mine. Feel free to dm me to take it down. SenamKA#4002

ThirdSen · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: A Second Apocalypse & A Group of Mysticals

Rale laid down on the roof with caution. He saw multiple Chaotic Existences roaming the streets of the city he was in- Ember.

After the first Apocalypse, multiple countries and a few of the continents were taken over by the Chaotic Existences.

So Humanity, banned together to make new cities, one of them is Ember. However, humans now speak only one language.

Getting back into topic, Rale gazed at everything, planning his way of escaping. He couldn't think much before a sparrow flew towards him.

It wasn't a regular sparrow, but a Chaotic Sparrow. The sparrow still had it's brown and grey feathers, with a few blue ones with scarlet eyes and it was also a few inches bigger.

Rale hurriedly controlled the light in the air to form an arrow, which suddenly made the area a bit darker.

The Chaotic Sparrow still charged towards him, and Rale just made the light arrow move towards it.

"AAAAAH!" Rale heard a blood curling scream making his eyebrow twitch slightly.

The light arrow hit it's target making the Chaotic Sparrow spill some of it's scarlet blood on the ground.

Rale sighed as he felt his body being nourished by Mystic once again. He clenched his fist and felt it brimming with power.

Before he could plan once again, he saw a flock of Sparrows rushing his way.

So without delaying, he hopped off the roof and ran.

But he was blocked by more Chaotic Existences. He controlled the light into small blades, but due to his lack of proper control they looked as if a kid drew it.

"Ragh!" A Chaotic With blades as it's hands charged towards Rale.

Rale felt cold sweat dripping down his forehead, but he persisted. He wasn't ready to die, not now at least.

He manipulated light into a thin line and cut out the Chaotic Existence's blade-like arms off.

He picked one of the arms, determined to use it as his weapon for now, and continued to fight more Chaotic Existences.

After killing two more, he decided to make a run for it. They were just too many, he couldn't handle them alone.

He dashed past them, and went towards the other Mysticals.

Upon reaching them, the group of Mysticals were surprised, however they didn't allow it to disturb them much as they stood their ground against the Chaotic Existences.

"We need to find a safe place to hide!" Rale yelled, gathering their attention again.

"I know where, but we need to distract them for a second!" A man answered while punching a Chaotic Existence into meat paste.

Rale pondered for a second, before his eyes flashed. "Light Control."

The light in the air gathered to Rale's palm, without stopping. The place became darker and the other Mysticals were astonished.

Rale paid no heed and continued, he felt the air around the concentrated light becoming hot, his mana was being depleted at a rapid rate.

"Close your eyes!" Rale said while he also closed his.

He gritted his teeth and shot it in the form of rays, blinding the Chaotic Existences for a second.


The Chaotic Existences roared as they clenched their eyes feeling burn as if they were thrown to hell.

He opened his eyes after a few seconds, feeling it burn before he called out, "This will stall them for a few seconds... let's go!"

The man who answered Rake previously nodded with bloodshot eyes, "Follow me!"

The man ran with the other Mysticals with Rale falling behind. "What about the other humans?"

A woman gritted her teeth before she answered, "As shameful as this is, we can't. They will have to fend for themselves."

Rale slowed down and thought to himself, 'So if I didn't read that book and awakened this skill, I would also he left behind.'

Rale picked up the pace and said, "Right. We don't have the luxury to protect other people right now."

The others nodded, and soon they entered a mansion of sorts.

"This is my home, but I think we have to clear some of the Chaotic Existences residing here first. Hopefully... they..."

Rale couldn't pick up what the man said at the end.

The man opened the door, and immediately got into fighting stance.

Rale followed behind and sighed. There was no one here, at the door way at least.

The man instructed them to follow him down the hall. They went upstairs and encountered a Chaotic Existences wearing a maid outfit.

Another young man wearing glasses among them quickly dispatched it before it could make noise by slitting it's throat utilizing the shadows.

They quickly entered a room which looked like the master bedroom. And the man walked towards the wall.

He whispered a few words and an elevator revealed itself. He opened the door, and everyone immediately got in.


The elevator went down.

"Finally, we can rest for a bit." The man sighed, "My name is Maxwell."

"Kai." The young man in glasses responded, while fixing his glasses in position.

"John." Another man with blonde hair said.

"Emma." A girl around Rale's age spoke.

"Athena." A young woman flipped her hair.

"Rale." He said whilst placing his hand on his golden hair.

"Now that that's done, I wanna ask something." Emma said, her red hair that fell to her waist danced beautifully.

"Go ahead." Maxwell said, and everyone nodded.

"Why is a Second Apocalypse happening?"