
Mystic Peak

The Apocalypse finally descends onto Planet Earth. Mana came along, forcing living beings and a minority of non-living things to mutate. Those who couldn't withstand the mutation were either bed-ridden or transformed into deadly beasts. Humanity was at the brink of extinction. Well, before some people killed the beasts and found a way to increase their strength. By absorbing the ethereal essence known as Mystic, one could break the normal limits placed on them. After gaining such knowledge, Humanity fought back and eventually won against the deadly creatures. Fast forward a few decades, when humanity had finally established some safe areas, Rale Light was born. After a sequence of events, Rale desires power. To stand free from anyone else. To be the one that no one can touch. No matter the cost! But to do that, he must reach the peak of this world. The Mystic Peak! .... Cover isn't mine. Feel free to dm me to take it down. SenamKA#4002

ThirdSen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Grimoire

Rale sighed after walking away from school. School just closed so he made his way home.

After arriving at a small bungalow, he pushed the door open and yelled, "I'm back!"

Yet he received no reply. He sighed and took off his jacket.

The reason why his mother wasn't here was because she was a Mystical. An elite group of people who surpassed the natural human limits.

Rale also wanted to be one, however he was only 15 and needed to be 16 to be able to finally awaken.

With his birthday being just tommorow he looked forward to it. Very much.

He took a bath, and quickly made some dinner. He ate without holding back since his mother had enough money to supply food without reserving.

After eating, he sat down lazily before an idea popped into his mind.

"Why don't I just go for a jog now?" Without anything else to do, he went along with this plan.

He went out, hiding the key in the bushes. He did that since his mother will check there. It has been their place of hiding for a long time.

He first started the run by walking, then jogging to full on sprinting.

After a while, he stopped and panted as if he had never breathed before.

He walked a bit forward and sat down on the cold, hard ground.

"Isn't this comfy." He smiled slightly. He decided to go home now.

He ran once again arriving at the small bungalow.

He retrieved his key from the bushes and unlocked the door, opening it.

He sat down on the couch in the TV room and turned it on.

It was left on the news station and after reading the headline, his heart froze.


[Well it is very said that such a party just died. The children of the party members shall be giving a gift as an apology.]

[The event at Hollow Swamp, hopefully wouldn't happen again]


Just listening to that shirt dialogue his heart sped up like a cheetah.

He sighed and walked over to the kitchen to grab some water.

He opened the fridge and realized there was a piece of paper attached to the it.

Rale took it and read the observed the paper with writings on it.

[Dear Rale. I might not come home early since I am visiting Hollow Swamp for a mission. The house may or may not become dirty from all the mud I may bring but either way it will be cleaned be yours truly. You can go to sleep, but remember tommorow is your awakening day so don't stay up all night.]

'No way. It can't be. She can't be dead.' Rale dropped the paper and fell to his knees. "She can't! She can't be dead!!!"



Rale was sad and angry that his mother died. The only person who cared about him, and he blamed himself for it.

Why wasn't he like one of those geniuses who could awaken before 16? If he was he could at least help his mother and they could both survive.

But no! He was useless, just waiting for the day that power will just come and sit on his lap.

He smashed his fist on the floor, until marks appeared on his fist.

He punched and punched until his fists dyed the floor red. His blood dripped down across his arms and he sighed.

"Fuck!!!" He thrashed everything around and after a while he stopped venting.

He walked to his mother's room and just laid down on the bed.

He cried and cried till his eyes got puffy and bloodshot. He fell out of the bed and didn't bother to try and get back up.

He was depressed.

So so depressed.

The pain of loosing a loved one was just so much.

"It hurts." Knowing that he could never see her again.

It was sad that he couldn't feel her warmth again.

He looked under the bed saw a book. It had a golden cover with a lot of blue engravings.

The book looked a bit thick from his view.

He grabbed it and opened it expecting it to be a diary or journal of his mother.

He tried to open it but it didn't budge.

Rale got angry once again and punched it, and grimaced. He was surprised at how hard it was and his fist bled even more.

Then he saw it, on the book was a blue crystal. He took the crystal and held it firmly.

Rale took the book also and just cried even more.

He had totally forgotten that tommorow was awakening day for him.

He slept, however the crystal turned into a streak of light bathing him in it's essence.

First chapter

ThirdSencreators' thoughts