
Myriad Spear: Combat Continent

A man who becomes a boy once more, a boy destined for greatness but would he walk the same path and make the same choices as his predecessor was destined? or would he walk a different path? A spear that embodies everything, flowers adorn him with petals some to the end of time but others wither against its turbulent waters. A bloody carnage for the ages. The twilight of an era, in his image, spawns of the unholy trinity usher and receive the baton and herald the era. Winter is coming as it chases his shadow. Death brings its army with his hands. Soul shatter in the storms present in his gaze. Once spear to end it all, one spear to begin it all. 10 00 years after one legend, another comes to fruition but is this a good or bad thing for the people of the combat continent?

HollOw13 · Others
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33 Chs

Wicked Chance Encounter, God Stealing Soul Sealing, Snow lady (3)

A shadow loomed over Sei Meio as he entered a trance like state with his blue eyes wide open, lost.

Sei Meio's eyes suddenly turned a terrifying grey filled with the aura of death!

A refreshing feeling had suddenly spread silently throughout his Spiritual Sea. This refreshing feeling instantly covered the entirety of his Spiritual Sea, causing even the Skydream Iceworm to let out a bewildered cry.

Gray—Sei Meio's Spiritual Sea instantly turned gray. However, the dormant gray pearl that had always silently resided in his Spiritual Sea had vanished.

"This situation isn't that hard to rectify." A wise and age old voice that seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of several lives sounded within his mind.

"We already have the perfect cure as it still has a link to the power now inside you."

Ten balls of golden light simultaneously lit up in an attempt to expel the gray stream of light that had appeared, but it didn't react at all. It was as if it was incorporeal. No matter how strong the Skydream Iceworm's origin power was, it didn't seem to affect the gray light; it hadn't even been scratched.

"Stop, Skydream. Let him have control. I trust him, don't forget we're in the same boat, surrender your power over to him. Please don't bother to argue just take a look at our predicament would you? Okay Good." Sei Meio suddenly spoke out upon hearing the voice, unbeknownst to himself after reading the manga and novel, he had blind trust in Electrolux due to his admiration of him. But of course, he'd never bow to anyone including him nonetheless he had heartfelt respect and trust in him despite them not having much interaction.

"Are you certain? That grey ball.....", Skydream asked just to be certain as even he had respect for this great existence but seeing the determined and relaxed look in Sei Meio's eyes he stopped.

"No need for your power worm, I can control the power you just sealed from her, it's more than enough, her level is even higher than yours but it's still lower than mine, I can easily take control, however little Meio, there is the issue of her spiritual origin, at this point we can easily erase it if you wish and it'll definitely be easier in the future as well, such an existence will definitely rebel upon regaining consciousness." Electrolux queried as he seemingly summed up the matter in a few words.

Sei Meio thought for a while but it wasn't hard to make a decision," While that would definitely be better but I can't, she'll be necessary to gain the ice emperor and her having knowledge is better in the long run also, we are one. I shant discard any of you no matter the cost. I'd rather lose my limbs or life" They were all in the same boat , Sei Meio wanted them to put their trust in him and have his back but he knew not to expect anything without giving something in return. At times you had to put your faith and trust in other people of you wanted them to do the same to you.

Electrolux gazed deeply at him before continuing," As expected, you truly are something else. Very well, I'll start now. Prepare to fuse with it, if I'm not mistaken that's a body, the one she would've eventually been in but it has yet to fully form into one and completed its transformation there. It would replace your entire fleshy body, save your bones, blood, mental sea, passageways and such. Are you prepared? It'll be a great deal of pain."

Sei Meio smirked, " I welcome the challenge, pain is merely a sensation, a emotion, I definitely won't lose myself to it " He said this but inwardly he was screaming 'f**k' over and over again. It had to be known that the pain just from excersizing his thin little body back in his previous life in his teenage years cause him to give up regularly forming a haphazard pitiful excersize regime , if it could even be called that as he couldn't last 30 straight minutes.

"As you wish."

His grey spiritual sea surged as the seven balls of blue light took on a ghastly grey hue, the wild waves of power undulating from the soul bone eventually calmed down, they slowly crystallized before decomposing into thick icy lights that invaded all 30 000 pores in his body.

A heart wrenching pain immediately assaulted him, it felt like nothing he ever experienced before. No mere words could describe, his entire flesh was being replaced how painful was that, it was like operating on a person without anesthesia and that operation was repeated tens of times.

A sharp yell escaped from his lips and his howls pierced the sky. But this was merely the beginning of the pain he had to endure.

It felt like his skin was melting off from some kind of fiery acid, he could swear he hear his very flash sizzle. The pain was beyond excruciating.

'Sh*t , I don't have any of my prior excuses. I do need a fit body since I will use it. My life does weigh in the balance. I can only get my teeth and ensure but sh*t that doesn't make it hurt any FU*CKING LESS!!!!!!ARGH!!!!!!F******************K!!!!!!MY EVERYTHING!!!!!@#@$@$##'

In this exact moment, a golden dot of light suddenly lit up between Sei Meio's eyebrows. The gentle golden light instantly covered his head, turning his spiritual sea gold as well. Gently and rhythmically, the golden light protected Sei Meio's spiritual sea, which had started undulating violently. It resembled a mother's hand as it gently pacified his soul, which was experiencing an amount of pain that had reached the limit.

"Worm,Stop...don't.....help.....me...if.....I.....can't...even...handle...This....little...bit....of....pain...then...how.....am.....I.....supposed.....to....hold...my.....head.....up.....against....you.....all" A hoarse voice escaped through the gaps of Sei Meio's teetering teeth that were gnashing together. He hadn't had one before but now he did. An inferiority complex, one focused on a single person. It wasn't hard to guess who that person was.

Skydream was shocked by his words but he worryingly complied to Sei Meio's wishes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" He couldn't hold it in anymore and screamed out loud.

The pain was beyond his wildest imaginations, it felt like every cell of fibre was being dug out from his muscles and forcefully sewn back up, the pain was like a thousand needles pricking his bone marrow , his pores were bleeding from the pain. The icy muscle soul bone sent a piercing chill throughout his entire body like a electric shock that didn't fade but stayed in his system.

It was such a heart wrenching pain that the cold power felt hot and then cold, the altercation repeated constantly as he felt his very soul trembling with pain each time this happened he could curse himself.

' What Sei Meio?! Can't handle this but of pain, that brat did it why can't you!? If you can't why did you bother replacing him, you should just die and lose your second chance at life!!" He started hurling abuses at himself.

Sei Meio didn't like Huo yuhao but he had to admit that he was quite the monster to survive this ordeal of pain. If he couldn't do the same after he stole his spot what right did he have to continue to draw breath!? Each time he was on the verge of failure, he chanted like an ancient Buddhist mantra, a curse, or a fanatic: I am the greatest! I will not submit! I am the greatest! I will not submit! I am..."

'F*ck I hope self hypnosis works on me.'

So what if he was being full of himself, so what if it was arrogant? If he wasn't the greatest then he would become it! Yeeah! I can do it!!

His spiritual sea violently surged at it was on the verge of collapse but at this moment it was full of spiderweb like cracks at the end of every cycle of chants the web's would disappear and then appear once more, eventually his spiritual sea started to recede and become more and more compressed with the passing second.

His body and spirit spasmed with the pain as he couldn't help but curse while chanting his mantra all the same: Fuck! It hurts like hell! Where the hell is that bastard sleep paralysis when you need him! All those years and nights I woke up with my body not moving when I told it to. Damn it! Do it now Damn it! Do it again! You worthless bastard!!

Sadly just because he willed it so didn't mean it'd happen, despite him being familiar with the process from his past life's woes. If it was that easy then with a thought he could become a God and save all this trouble.

He felt his consciousness slipping ever so often but he steeled his will and persevered. At this moment, his body started sweating profusely, even in this freezing cold region of the Extreme North, it seemed as if all manner of strangeness converged on his body.

No manner of torture could compare to what he was going through right now, removing a finger, removing a nail, gouging out an eye; all of those sounded kind of enticing right now. His muscles were being eaten up by poisonous red cell sized ants that gnawed and gnawed and gnawed, sending him into the throws of Purgatory. Hell, put him under a microscope and his very cells would be in the process of getting violently assaulted by pain, they would be shaking like a timid damsel.

A layer of ice beads had already formed on his skin; that was created by his sweat freezing up. Traces of blood had already started seeping out from his seven apertures, causing the layer of skin underneath the ice beads to be completely red. The speed at which the blood within his body was circulating had already reached an astonishing degree. If this were anyone else, they would've already exploded and died. However, the powerful spiritual origins of the Skydream Iceworm and Yi Lao protected his own spiritual origin, preventing him from dying.

He started hallucinating so much , he decided to stop thinking : Calm heart, Silent and Serene Mind, I am Absolute, I am Unrivalled.

As those words formed in his mind, he went into a miraculous state where he gradually separated from his body and went into his spiritual sea that was the size of a pond which was slowly transforming into a pitiful puddle. His spiritual avatar seemed tiny enough to bathe in this puddle and he felt his presence their accelerate things. The puddle rose and swished as it congealed into a light core like ball, he had no idea what cores in this world looked like but he was certain this wasn't one, it was more like a condensed pearl. As he admired the jewel, he felt his consciousness shake as he was ruthlessly brought back outside by the pain and started agonizing once more.

The speeding up of his blood circulation was something that inevitably occurred due to him fusing with the Icesky Snowlady's soul bone.

On the other hand, the two of them, Skydream and Electrolux, were protecting Sei Meio's internal organs, meridians, flesh, and bones. This was equivalent to them covering his inner body with a layer of film. No matter how quickly his blood circulated, it couldn't break through the defensive layer.

This was entirely different from the unadulterated pain he'd gone through earlier. This was as if he had been thrown off an extremely tall building before being violently smashed onto the ground. He was simply unable to withstand this feeling.

Sei Meio had no idea that not even Huo yuhao had experienced such pain when fusing with the soul bone of the ice empress, his pain was at least 10% stronger and Huo yuhao had barely held on but he was persevering for so long.

His body entered a mysterious state as a cool feeling soothed his spiritual sea. He hurriedly shouted, "Skydream didn't I say don't help!"

He directed a displeased gaze on Skydream's spiritual avatar projection.

"I didn't, I truly didn't, you did."

"??? Dafuq you saying"

"You had already cracked a sphere of my origin energy before with those pills but now under this intense pressure you somehow managed to get it to leak once more, it's what is responsible for your current feelings." Skydream explained patiently that he had nothing to with it and his finger that was pointing at it was actually pointing three fingers back on himself.

Sei Meio was suspicious but didn't put the matter to heart, Skydream should have no reason to lie. When Electrolux spoke up as well , he was certain that it was the truth.

Within his spiritual sea, his small pearl of energy seemed to be filled with power and it attempted to grow from the power supplied by the sphere but with each size it grew it was instantly compressed a size, forced to retain its shape.

The calmness within his spiritual sea transferred to his body as he faced the pain head on without any turbulence, afterwards that feeling disappeared as his small pearl of spiritual energy had a variety of miniscule cracks on it.

But after several days of this the inhumane level of willpower he now possessed which was hammered over these past few days didn't betray him. The pain was still painful but,

"Hah! I've finally gotten used to it."

An indescribable energy that suddenly exploded within his spiritual world. All the cracks that had appeared due to him approaching his limit were healing at an astonishing rate, and his spiritual sea was re-coalescing. Though it was still undulating violently due to the pain he was feeling, its core was abnormally sturdy. It was much sturdier than it previously was.

"Huh, that's impossible, it isn't something you can just get used to." Skydream's jaw dropped as he saw that Sei Meio no longer howled with pain but only involuntarily trembled from the pain.

"I've gotten used to it." Sei Meio said again.

"Like.I.Just.Said.You.Can't" Skydream was angry and bewildered from the sudden turn of events.

"Oh be quiet worm."

"What! What did you just call I your father!"

Simply days after pledging their close bonds they back at bickering like an old married couple.

"A worm like you is too ugly to seed someone as handsome as me, perhaps if you transformed for a big like caterpillar into a butterfly you might have the chance."

"Why you!! I don't have a son as fugly as you!!"

"Oh my, is the worm sad, I can't tell all worm facial expressions are monotonous."

"You Son of a..!"

As they bickered, Sei Meio could feel himself changing the fundamental structure of his muscles were being replaced and an ice cold chill invaded his very soul. He suddenly went quiet with a blank look on his face.

"What...what's going on? You aren't dead are you? so suddenly?"

"At ease Bug, he is actually doing quite well right now, he is comprehending something, I don't know what it is but it's definitely ice related, just look at the ice origin energy within him seeping out and flowing through his body." Electrolux's wisened voice sounded as he accurately grasped the situation.

"Really.... not bad." Skydream was actually joyful but he didn't dare to show it.

The icy power tendrils filled with heaven and earth origin power belonging to the Icesky Snowlady slowly permeated Sei Meio's body as his skin turned whiter and his hair turned lighter and lighter, eventually becoming an icey blue.

"Wait wait wait, wait don't don't comeback, Why! Why! Did you comeback!"

The soothing feeling from his spiritual sea had disappeared replaced by the excruciating pain that spasmed his entire body. Not only that but the pain was upped by a level, yea that was possible in addition to his fibres being violently abused, his veins and arteries suddenly felt like they were supporting a watermelon that was traveling up and about treating them as an express train.

Eventually it got to The point where his throat was hoarse from screaming and his body was weak from resisting, his mind was intact , resisting but it had grown increasingly numb to the pain that continued every passing second. He was even counting the milliseconds thinking they were seconds hoping the time would go by faster but it never yielded to his pleas. He was on the verge of being broken each passing minute. His world was dyed black , it lost all his colors, this was his limit he couldn't go any further , he couldn't handle any more.

Just when he was about to ask for help and discard his pride, a face flashed in his mind, n o, in the icy frozen puddle of his own sweat, blood and vomit. It was his face, the face of Huo yuhao. He was indignant, why did he reach his limit so fast. Why was he inferior to that idiot protagonist.

"Fuck, I will not be thelesser of him!!!!!!!!!!! " Vitality and energy flowed from who knows where, empowering him, strengthening his very being.


6 hours later.

The process had finally ended.

A limp body laid in the snow.

The cold seemed to surround it naturally, and though it wasn't obvious in this place, the figure was actually emitting cold himself, something within him was resonating with the ice elements in the surroundings and made them cold but in this place where they were already sufficiently cold it wasn't noticeable, but take a long look at him and you could see it, the ice, the cold were treating him as one of their own. They gently swirled around him and at times descended near him.

This figure was naturally Sei Meio.

His bones had grown noticeably. His shoulders had widened somewhat, and he had grown by a little bit. Furthermore, his muscles, tendons, fascia, veins, and internal organs had become much sturdier. His height had increased by 20cm to 160cm, his childish face was more manly from his ordeal and seemed to be sculpted from the finest ice.

When he opened his eyes they were no longer a dark blue but a light blue instead with a tinge of purple at the centre. His long hair fluttered in icy blue strands and his muscles seethed with unimaginable power. His skin was elastic and pale white.

"I've sealed the power of the soul bone into your skeleton and muscles, you'll slowly absorb it in the future and one day you'll be able to use it to it's full potential. Also, this alone isn't enough to make you invulnerable although your body will definitely be harder to injure, you can still bleed and worst case scenario your soul bone can be broken, remember this....I'm tired...I'll go back to gathering my divine sense, before I leave I must tell you a bit about myself. Like you , I'm also not from this world. But I'm also very different from you as this is all I am now."

"This old man didn't belong to your world in the beginning. I only remember that, when I was about to die, I broke through the barriers of space and entered your world with only a strand of my divine sense remaining. I don't know why that happened, but it might've been because of my overly strong soul power. When that large worm fused with you, it created intense undulations of energy that guided me towards you. Thus, my strand of divine sense entered your Spiritual Sea. Don't worry, I don't harbour any evil intentions. However, I'm afraid that I won't be able to leave you, even in the future. Once I've recovered enough of my divine sense, I'll do my best to help you out. Let me see what I can remember... Oh… other than a few blurry bits and pieces, it seems that I can only remember a single phrase: My hand grasps the sun and moon and plucks the stars from the sky; this world has no one else like me. Haha, hahahaha." Electrolux went on a ramble like an old man.

"Don't sleep too deep, we're going to do this again in a few hours probably, there's someone else we have toget. The female scorpion the worm is stalking. It's a pain especially after all that but I promised him." Sei Meio slowly uttered extremely indignant and sorrowful, curse his Damn mouth, why did he say that. Now he was volunteering to get abused. He wanted to cry but his tears had dried up, his heart trembled at the thought of experienc ing that again.

His knees buckled as he fell and lowers his posture and head.H

"Why does the universe hate me...."

The grey ball turned silent abruptly before replying after a long time


" Yes ! Let's go get bing bing!! Right now!!! " Skydream interjected, his golden pearl like eyes were shimmering with joy and his squirmed about. Seeing him so energetic a vein bulged in Sei Meio's head.

'Hohh '

"Shut up stalker worm. She doesn't even like stalkers."

" Youuu!!!! I'm not a Stalker!!!!!...wait what is a stalker. "

"It's a term for fat worms like you who lust After pretty scorpions who don't like them. "

"Why you!!!! How dare you insult this brother, face my heavenly fist!!!!"

" bring it !! worm, I'll show you what an exterminator is! "

Electrolux, "..."


After that ordeal, his spiritual sea returned to normal, whatever that was, Nine balls of large golden spheres, Seven balls of large ice-blue spheres, an unassuming tiny gray pearl, his tiny puddle of spiritual power even smaller thanbefore and the White-blue space that was considered to be his spiritual consciousness.

Sei Meio was bursting with power as he clenched his fist tightly with satisfaction but he wasn't out of the woods yet. He still needed his second spirit rings which were crucial to his development. Skydream couldn't make large movements right now so it was even more dangerous than before.

He faced further north , into the core regions with a determined look. In a crazy place like this, even the snowflakes were hard. When the biting wind stirred up the snow on the ground, the layer of frost that formed could even resist an omni-directional soul skill. When the wind got stronger, on his journey Sei Meio had no choice but to crawl about on the ground. He wasn't scared of the cold now, but that didn't mean that he wasn't scared of the wind, they were like whips.

Because of the overly low temperatures here, he sometimes felt the light on the horizon twisting somewhat. However, this place had a beautiful multicoloured radiance that other places didn't have.

After a few days he made it into the Central core regions.

"How much power can you utilize?"

"Not much, definitely not enough to subdue her, what's the plan?" Skydream asked with a tinge of anxiety, this was truly too important, his happiness was at stake. Little did he know that the slumbering consciousness within his new home that just appeared as a new tenant, had a peculiar relationship with his love.

"Can you at least broadcast your aura?"

"Hmm, that much is no problem?"

"Good "


His soul ring had already floated up into the air noiselessly, and the pure white soul ring released a brilliant luster. It slowly moved rhythmically into the air, hovering around his body as it did so.

The pale gold light in Sei Meio's eyes began to gradually transform, and he was very aware that he had lost control of his body.

At this moment, he felt his consciousness spreading outwards rapidly, expanding towards the distance. It felt as if he was overlooking the earth from the sky above, and it was an entirely different feeling from when he normally used his Spiritual Detection.

The vastness of this Spiritual Detection exceeded the more-than ten thousand square kilometers of the core regions of the Extreme North. However, the ray of light suddenly darkened, just as if daytime was transitioning to nighttime.

There were white ten year soul rings, yellow hundred year soul rings, purple thousand year soul rings, black ten thousand year soul rings, and red hundred thousand year soul rings. And yet, all of them would only be able to submit in front of the boundlessly imposing golden luster of this golden soul ring.

This... this was the true color of the Douluo Continent's unrivalled, and only, million year soul ring! It was also the first time that the Skydream Iceworm had released the true color of its soul ring into the world.

It's powers were astonishing.

Soon afterwards they found their target, and Skydream started his work.

"Sigh, no rest for the wicked, we just finished with the Icesky Snowlady but now we already have to deal with the Ice jade Scorpion Empress." Even though he said that, Sei Meio was considerably more relaxed than he was with Icesky Snowlady, he had a large amount of confidence with this one. He now has the advantage of experience. He did nothing but give Skydream a few negotiation pointers, in some cases pushing too hard would have the opposite effect, In this case, he opted to hand the reins over to Skydream as it should have been.