
Myriad Spear: Combat Continent

A man who becomes a boy once more, a boy destined for greatness but would he walk the same path and make the same choices as his predecessor was destined? or would he walk a different path? A spear that embodies everything, flowers adorn him with petals some to the end of time but others wither against its turbulent waters. A bloody carnage for the ages. The twilight of an era, in his image, spawns of the unholy trinity usher and receive the baton and herald the era. Winter is coming as it chases his shadow. Death brings its army with his hands. Soul shatter in the storms present in his gaze. Once spear to end it all, one spear to begin it all. 10 00 years after one legend, another comes to fruition but is this a good or bad thing for the people of the combat continent?

HollOw13 · Others
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33 Chs

Two Red Level Soul Rings: Two Emperors, The Ultimate Ice and Snow (1)

His origin power could no longer exit Sei Meio's body for the time being so he merely took control of him. Of course that was what he'd like him to think.

He sent a thought outwards with his spiritual force, "Ice Emperor, I know that you've already sensed that I'm here. I, Skydream, have come to take my revenge. Do you dare to come out and meet me?"

As soon as the Skydream Iceworm had begun speaking, an unfathomably strong wave of spiritual power had instantly covered them.

However, the Skydream Iceworm and Sei Meio were still a single entity. Because of that, Sei Meio could still tell what was going on outside via the Skydream Iceworm's spiritual power after he came in contact with it. When the Skydream Iceworm enlarged the range of his spiritual power, he was still able to sense every single detail within a thousand meters. However, the more magical thing was that, this time around, his perception had entirely replaced his eyes. He could truly see everything outside through his perception, not just shapes.

Black clouds began to appear in the air as the sky grew darker and darker, which caused the atmosphere to become increasingly grave. However, the golden luster emitted from the Sei Meio's body remained as brilliant as ever beneath the dusky sky.

The Skydream Iceworm didn't seem to be worried at all as he quietly stood there. The violent winds continued to thrash about around him, but he stood there mightily, unmoving.

Sei Meio was able to sense all of this. However, in an area outside of the range of his perception, an innumerable amount of soul beasts had scattered in all directions, terrified.

There was a chance that the Skydream Iceworm wouldn't even be able to defeat a ten thousand year soul beast in direct combat. However, there wasn't a single soul beast on the entire Douluo Continent that could contend with him in terms of pure spiritual power.

The Skydream Iceworm's biggest problem lay in its bloodline. Even though he'd cultivated for a million years, in the end he was still a low-ranked Iceworm. With a background like this, even though he'd been able to become stronger due to the constant evolutions he'd undergone, and had obtained an enormous amount of energy due to the Ten Thousand Year Ice Pith's unceasing nourishment, he had become akin to a mountain full of treasure; he had treasures, but he didn't know how to use them. If you were to describe it in soul master terms, he was an expert who possessed a terrifying amount of soul power, yet didn't have any soul rings or soul skills.

When there was a large gap in cultivation between him and his opponents, he could still rely on the absolute strength of his spiritual power to defeat them. However, when he met an opponent that possessed at least a certain level of strength, he would be completely out of luck. Regardless of how strong his spiritual power was, if he didn't have a way to concentrate it into a terrifying spiritual skill, his killing power would always be limited. After becoming Sei Meio's million year soul ring, he'd become extremely envious of the four soul skills that Sei Meio had received. Only, the Skydream Iceworm was someone who'd always cared about face; he 'd never admit how envious he was.

If, when the Skydream Iceworm had had a tyrannical million year cultivation level, he'd only had a single soul skill, almost every single soul beast on the Douluo Continent wouldn't have been able to pose a threat to it.

At this very moment, he'd released all of his spiritual power. It extended out and covered basically everywhere that he wanted it to. A third of the Extreme North's core regions, at the very least, had been encapsulated within his Spiritual Detection.

Although the Skydream Iceworm appeared extremely carefree on the surface, his current actions were definitely not simple at all, as he hadn't used his own aura to release his spiritual power. At the very least, soul beasts that were unfamiliar with him definitely wouldn't think that this was something done by someone who possessed no attacking skills at all.

The soul beasts in the area that he'd wanted to intimidate had immediately scuttled away after being frightened. They simply decided not to bother him and Sei Meio anymore.

On the other hand, the second-ranked Ice Emperor who he was looking for was also encapsulated within the range of his spiritual power. Having known him for a long time, the Ice Emperor naturally wouldn't mistake his aura for someone else's. Besides, he'd also said such unbridled words.

With the Skydream Iceworm's understanding of the second-ranked Ice Emperor, he believed that it would definitely come. This was because he himself was an extremely beneficial supplement that would tempt all soul beasts. Furthermore, this Ice Emperor was a soul beast whose cultivation exceeded the three hundred thousand year rank, yet couldn't break through the four hundred thousand year barrier.

The Skydream Iceworm understood himself well, and understood the Ice Emperor just as well. At that time, the Ice Emperor had nearly died not long after its cultivation had broken through to the three hundred thousand year rank. Currently, it probably wasn't too far away from reaching the four hundred thousand year rank. Previously, when breaking through to the three hundred thousand year rank, the Ice Emperor had said that it had reached its limit. Moreover, it had injured its origin energy, thus making it impossible for it to reach the four hundred thousand year rank. The only way that it could break free of its fetters was for it to absorb the Skydream Iceworm's enormous yet pure energy. If it were to do this, it would even overtake the first ranked Emperor in one fell swoop.

Who would've thought that things ended up like this.

Having been lured by something related to its survival, the Ice Emperor had no other choice. It definitely wanted to come, and it definitely would come. When the Skydream Iceworm was clearly able to sense its aura, a crafty smile appeared on his face.

Time continued to pass second by second, but the Skydream Iceworm didn't seem to be panicked at all.

The originally pitch-black sky suddenly shook violently, and immediately afterwards, a jade green light instantly appeared in the distant northern horizon.

In the blink of an eye, the dusky sky had turned a penetrating yet alluring jade green. This touching shade of color made it seem like the aloof sky had suddenly turned into an enormous jade green gem. In an instant, the originally oppressive aura within the sky had vanished into thin air.

When the jade green light entered the Skydream Iceworm's thousand meter range, He finally become able to sense it. He couldn't help but inhale a deep breath of icy air. It's coming, Ice Empress Jade Scorpion.

"Skydream, you're actually still alive. It's no wonder that you're the longest-living soul beast from our Extreme North." A crisp voice rang out in all directions. The appearance of this voice was followed by a terrifying sound wave. The snow on the ground instantly rose by three meters as the sound wave struck it, akin to a wave suddenly passing through an ocean. Only the hundred meters around the Skydream Iceworm's body remained calm, as it had been protected by the enormous spiritual power coming from his body.

"Ice Emperor, you haven't died yet, so why can't I be still alive? Don't you remember what I said that year? 'If I don't die, there'll be a day when I'll become your partner.'" The Skydream Iceworm's voice suddenly turned gentle.

"Skydream, you're courting death." The Ice Emperor's clear voice was suddenly filled with killing intent, and the jade green sky instantly turned dark green. An intense killing intent descended from the sky, and the originally protected hundred meter diameter around the Skydream Iceworm's body instantly shrank to a diameter of ten meters.

However, the Skydream Iceworm wasn't scared of the Ice Emperor in a simple contest of spiritual power. Smiling, he spoke in a very unhurried and graceful manner, "No, I'm just expressing my true feelings. I've lived for a million years, and I've spent a large majority of them sleeping. However, the only thing within the depths of my heart that I can't control is you. Ice Emperor, do you know why I've chosen to come back at a time like this? It's because I've calculated that you're about to reach your limit and reach a dead end within a hundred years. At that time, you won't be able to break through to the next rank. Then, you'll disappear in this icy world. That's why I've come back. I can't wait anymore, and an endless life has no more meaning to me. I don't have much longer to live anymore. I've come back to let you continue living and let us truly be together."

Hearing the Skydream Iceworm's words, the Ice Emperor turned silent. As if the Skydream Iceworm had precisely called out the worries in its heart, it pondered silently.

Somewhat nervous, the Skydream Iceworm said, "I've come back, Ice Emperor. We haven't seen each other for so many years, but you're not even willing to come and see me in person?"

The Ice Emperor's cold voice rang out again. "Skydream, don't you know that my tribe is a predator of your tribe?"

The Skydream Iceworm laughed indifferently, "I know that of course, but why does that matter? Is there a rule that states that one can't like their own predator? And it's precisely because of that that I like you even more."

The Ice Emperor said disdainfully, "Unfortunately, you don't have the qualifications to like me. However, I'm very touched. You've actually agreed to bring yourself back as food for me to eat. How could I not help you accomplish your goal to fuse our bodies together like this? You should be able to sense that I'm approaching you right now. Just wait for me, I'll get to you within fifteen minutes. I'll take all of your love, and I'll treat you well. I'll slowly eat your body and energy bit by bit and make you a part of my body."

"For the love of God shut up, you're making me cringe." The golden light in Sei Meio's eyes changed as he took control. Skydream shouted indignantly from his spiritual sea but he turned a deaf ear to him.

"Why are you inside a human body Skydream, no human should be able to contain you, even though you are trash you have lived quite a long time." The ice emperor finally addressed a matter that had been on her mind since seeing him but at this moment he wasn't Skydream.

Skydream explained the situation in full detail to her while twisting the facts about the snow empress a bit. She didn't believe him but had no choice but do after Sei Meio did a live Demonstration.

A soul ring that flickered with a dazzling light rose up from the youth's feet. This soul ring was simply too bizarre; it shone with a terrifying blood-red light. This noble, cold soul ring that shone with a luster resembling a bloody sea emitted a boundless amount of might from it. There were also seven golden patterns which were faintly discernible on the blood-red soul ring. The interwoven colors of red and gold were extremely dazzling amidst the snowy plains of ice. The instant this soul ring appeared, a suddenly transformation occurred to the youth's aura. A desolation that seemed to come from the ancient times appeared on his body. A feeling of the origin of all ice also emanated from the ring causing the snow nearby to stop moving.

It also had a familiar aura that she had never expected to feel from a human, first Skydream and now her!! What exactly was going on! This was different from the aura that drew her here. She was familiar with both of them, that was why she could tell, but if this was true isn't that mean!!!!????,

At this moment, Sei Meio activated his second martial soul, in almost an instant his hair turned snow white as white as the snow surrounding him, his ice blue eyes gleaned with such a deep azure blue before turning pure white. A massive insulation of bloodthirsty and aura began with him at the centre, behind him a single soul ring took form. It was crimson red but that was not all, it had a tinge of snow white aura within its crimson light of calamity, the waves of soul power insulation were see inspiring and would have been even more so, had it not been for his low cultivation.

The crimson red-white soul ring vibrated and floated about mysteriously, the cold ice and snow within five metres of it grew deathly silent in submission, afraid to even move from the powerful source of suppression. The snow white light intertwining with the crimson red soul ring was especially eye catching admits the white ❄❄❄ snow, as was the flicker of gold, sources by the markings on the red soul ring, seven golden markings distributed across the ring surface each emitting a mysterious pulse in since with the world. Both the release of his martial soul and soul ring came with the aura of ultimate ice, not just any ultimate ice but the peak level ultimate ice and snow.

This soul ring was the soul ring produced from a beast who had 700 000 years of cultivation, one of this world's peak existences who'd finally surpassed her seventh ordeal although it came at a certain price.

This was all the directive Sei Meio needed to let Ice emperor draw her own conclusions.

"As you can see the leader of your extreme north received the same proposal we are giving you, she was at her seven hundred thousand year old bottleneck and had reached her limit just like you, she's now an intelligent soul ring sleeping within me due to the toll it took on her. Tell me ice empress, isn't this enough or so you insist on being stubborn and dying." Skydream's golden eyes met with her as he sincerely asked.

"Hmph!! Insolent trash You dare speak like that to me!!! Aren't you afraid I'll kill you, you ti don't dare kill you!" Fury rose as a terrifying aura locked into his body, The Ice Empress expected him to show fear but all she got was a plain shrug.

"No I'm not, the Snow lady is still with us and I don't think you can near to, if you die you'll never see her again and if you kill me , I'll detonate the power she sealed within me and we can die together." Sei Meio didn't answer but Skydream did it for him.

"Hmph! Why not? Like you say I'll die anyway right? So why not take you all with me!" A terrifying aura seeped into Skydream's spine and sent chills. Nonetheless, he didn't quake in fear.

"I'm sure you'll make the smart decision, someone with your power, cultivation and bloodline can't possibly be shortsighted or stupid as you would've died long ago."

The ice empress was most certainly not a fool and she knew both Skydream and the snow empress well. There was no human alive who could force the snow empress to do anything, most certainly not a human as weak as he was, so she had to have taken the initiative and agreed to make the fusion with him not only that but Skydream was apart of the equation as well despite him being trash a human shouldn't be able to handle his power either yet right here in front of her were the two of them in a weak human's body. This certainly meant all parties had come to an agreement of some sort, she was hesitating for a bit but then Sei Meio put the final nail in the coffin.

"You are at the limit of your lifespan so was she but now with me, she has surpassed her seventh bottleneck you can do the same with your fourth bottleneck and in the future let's become a god so what do you say? " Skydream gained some gall seeing her hesitation.

The Ice Empress froze for a long time, then hesitated before subtly nodding.

"Can I take to Snow- can I talk to the Snow Empress?"

"She's sleeping, you'll have to wait. The process took a small toll on her. "

The Ice Empress was disgruntled but she eventually settled down, he handed control over to Skydream who had admitted his mischief and concluded that he could still muster up half of his power as he only used half in sealing the Icesky Snowlady partly because his spiritual power was so immense and the other was because of the lotus and her lack of resistance. Sei Meio was furious but now wasn't the time.

'I've actually been played, though I guess I'm slightly playing his girlfriend so I'll let it pass for now.'

After fifteen minutes passed, the Ice Emperor who said that it'd take fifteen minutes to appear finally showed itself.

The dark sky turned jade green, and a jade green light streaked across the sky. With that flash of jade light, another soul beast appeared in front of the Skydream Iceworm.

He couldn't help but inwardly sigh in admiration, It's really too pretty. He'd almost forgotten that she was truly a 'pretty' scorpion . The Ice Emperor was roughly 1.5 meters long, which meant that it wasn't even as big as the Skydream Iceworm's previous body.

The 1.5-meter-long Ice Emperor had two colors on its body. One was the color of ice, and the other was a jade green color.

The front end of its body had four layers stacked above each other, and each layer was longer than the previous one by a third of a meter. Its head lay on the frontmost layer, and its silver-white mouth shone with an ominous, cold light. The front of its body was covered a type of special scale. No, instead of call it a scale, it was more accurate to say that it was protruding outwards.

They were shaped like hexagons and shone with an incomparably bright luster, and were akin to a diamond in shape. They covered the front section of its body, and its six slender legs. Beneath the green sky, they emitted an incomparably brilliant luster. It was almost as if they'd become another source of light as it reflected all a myriad of rays of light.

Its two pincers were both a meter long, and they were both covered with the strange diamond-like hexagonal protrusions. Only, the foremost parts of its pincers were covered in a mirror-like silverish-white color just like its mouth.

However, the things He paid the most attention to were its eyes. Its eyes were yellow, as if two yellow diamonds had been embedded within its sockets. They were also hexagonal, and the flickering of their crystal-like yellow light gave off a feeling similar to that of a gem glistening.

If its upper body could be considered sufficiently resplendent, its lower body--the long, yet upward pointing tail, was the core that dazzled everything around it.

Unlike the finely segmented tail of an ordinary scorpion, the tail of the Ice Emperor only had five segments. Each segment shone with an alluring jade-green light that was filled with luster. Its five segments were identically colored, and the segment nearest to its upper body was the widest of the five; the further away from its body, the narrower it got. The last segment was also inlaid with the diamond-like protrusions, and the very tip of its tail similarly flickered with a mirror-like, silverish-white luster.

How could a soul beast with a gem-like resplendence like this not be deserving of the title of 'beautiful'? Furthermore, merely describing it with the word 'beautiful' didn't seem to do it justice.

As the Ice Emperor appeared, the Skydream Iceworm unconsciously let an intoxicated look appear on his face. Staring at the Ice Emperor with a passionate gaze in his eyes, he said, "You've come."

"Let's relocate first ", before Skydream could fully start to fangirl, Sei Meio hurriedly directed r the ice empress as he could finally leave this damned place, he couldn't wait, he immediately roused all his workforce and began a mad dash to the outskirts of the core region. He didn't even feel the time past as he spent over 36 hours to exit the region and return to the outskirts where things were slightly better.


"Alright don't mind me, take it away you two." Skydream was the head honcho whether he liked it or not so Sei Meio handed things over to him. Where he immediately began to fawn over her.

Skydream Iceworm used the most miserable voice he could muster as he recounted his experiences from the past hundred thousand years. He had already heard his story, but the Skydream Iceworm used a much more sorrowful tone as he explained it to the Ice Empress. Moreover, he described himself with a much more miserable tone, describing how he'd been 'beaten up till he was a mass of bruises', and how 'death would have been preferable to living'.

"...You know how terrifying limits are to us. You also know that no soul beast has lived longer than me. Even though I'm only a piece of trash in your heart, I'm still an old piece of trash who's lived long enough. My energy's foundation had been drained, and I was about to reach my next limit soon. However, I've already lived for this long—I naturally didn't want to die! I believe that you feel the same as I do. I can sense that your limit will arrive within a hundred years. Because of that, you're extremely worried."

"You and me, we both don't want to die. We've already lived this long; how could we be willing to simply turn into pile of dust? As such, I've found the best way to get past this."

The Skydream Iceworm's story finally aroused the interest of the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion, She was blindly in agreement with the snow empress every action but hearing the reason why these two were now in their current situation of course had her curious. She subconsciously asked, "How?"

The Skydream Iceworm replied in a low voice, "By creating God."

"Creating God?" The Ice Empress was stunned. She immediately became even more curious. "What do you mean by creating God?"

The Skydream Iceworm replied in a low voice, "My beloved, let me ask you this: Which race on this continent has the highest potential of all?"

After becoming ensnared in the Skydream Iceworm's words, the Ice Empress subconsciously followed his train of thought. "Are you referring to humans?"

Skydream Iceworm nodded forcefully. "Right, humans. Even though there are some noble soul beasts like you, who are innately born with a powerful physique, you have to admit that we're much worse than humans in terms of talent. Although a human's body can't even be described as insignificant in the face of your Ice Jade Scorpion clan, they can still compete with your ten thousand year, or even hundred thousand-year-old clansmen after cultivating for several decades. Why is that? It's because they have a different amount of potential than us. Humans have frail bodies and short lifespans. However, their potential has allowed them to obtain the blessings of the heavens; they're incomparable. This is the advantage the humans have, and yet is also something we lack."

"Most importantly, we can't even hope to strive for the peaks that humanity can reach. Do you still remember that incident that happened ten thousand years ago?"

The Ice Empress replied, "The Heavens and the Earth changed color; a God was suddenly born."

The Skydream Iceworm said, "Right. At that time, I sensed the appearance of at least five Gods. Moreover, two of the Great Star Dou Forest's Great Beast Kings fell. They were both powerful existences who resided within the core regions of the Great Star Dou Forest, and even though they were somewhat inferior in terms of cultivation to those sleeping fellas who absorbed my energy, the races that they belonged to were extremely domineering. One of them had the same Titan bloodline that the Titan Ice Devil King has, while the other had the bloodline of dragons. Despite this, they both still fell. However, they didn't fall because they were killed by their enemies, but because they were used to complete the most powerful human who existed ten thousand years ago—the person who later became the most powerful God."

At that point, the Skydream Iceworm stopped for a moment. Afterwards, he continued in an even deeper voice, "Ice Empress, we both know the truth. Only Gods have an unlimited lifespan!"

The Ice Empress fell silent. Striking while the iron was hot, the Skydream Iceworm continued, "Whenever we soul beasts reach a hundred thousand years of cultivation, we can choose to re-cultivate as a human. However, there are an extremely small number of us who actually dare to re-cultivate. This is because we simply have no way of guaranteeing that we can cultivate and break through to the Titled Douluo stage in a short hundred years of time. Even if we did manage to break through, it would be very hard for our lifespans to exceed five hundred years. To us, becoming a God is a mere fantasy. The Douluo continent has been around for over a hundred million years, and we soul beasts were around before humans even existed. However, how many of us were actually able to use the method of re-cultivation to achieve an unlimited lifespan as a God?"

"This is also the main reason why soul beasts like you who have noble bloodlines are unwilling to re-cultivate into a human, am I right?"

"I'm not willing to try that vague and unreliable method, nor am I willing to die a premature death during the process of re-cultivation. I've chosen another method as the next best option. That is, to create a God. By creating a deity, even though I won't be a God, I'll still be able to follow this God, and will possess an unlimited lifespan by becoming part of this God. As such, I've chosen to become a soul ring. Not just any soul ring either, but an intelligent soul ring. I want to use my power to help him become a God, step by step."

"You're right. I'm just a piece of trash in your eyes, but I still have my million years of cultivation. Once I became an intelligent soul ring, I was able to give him a total of four soul skills, double that of you hundred thousand year soul beasts. Even though I wasn't able to give him a soul bone, I was able to give him a martial soul, making him into a person with innate twin martial souls. This young man is only twelve, but he's been gradually revealing his talent with my help. He has a much calmer attitude than his peers, along with the willpower to cultivate assiduously. If he has my help, why can't he become an existence like that person ten thousand years ago. Why can't he become a God?"

At this point, the Ice Empress was finally moved. She solemnly asked, "How confident are you?"

The Skydream Iceworm replied, "Before only 30% by myself however it's now over 85% with the snow empress, you'll bring the chances up by about 5% and there's someone else who has at least a 10% chance as well and he's already with us. To be frank your like the icing on a cake so bing bing aren't you happy I have you this chance?"

Ice Jade Empress Scorpion coldly replied, "Skydream, if a piece of trash like you dares to take advantage of this old woman, I'll see to it that you two follow each other to the grave, even if it means risking my life to do so. I don't believe that I won't be able to destroy this cage of yours if I self-destruct. If that happens, you two will have no choice but to accompany me to my death. I'm fine with creating a God with you, but I have a request: Don't speak so much bullshit."

"Err… you don't have to be this merciless. I really came here just for you…."

The Ice Empress looked at him coldly, but remained silent. She was thinking of how the snow empress agreed to the pain as well so she had no reason not to however she needed to put the loud mouthed worm in its place.

"Alright fine, I agree. Release your spiritual origin let's begin."

Her crystalline yellow pupils gradually turned jade-green, while her long, jade-green tail suddenly rose into the air. This was of her own violation as she hadn't been imprisoned at all like in the original timeline. There was no need to make any threats as they already had the most juicy bait ever. The Snow Empress, Skydream was no fool either and he became slightly suspicious of their relationship as he knew he had nothing to do with her actions.

A soft, jade-green halo began to undulate from the root of her tail, then moved backwards and gathered at the tip of her tail. In a flash of jade-green light, small, jade-green balls of light began to separate from one another as they slowly rising into the air. At the same time, the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion's eyes immediately lost their luster and dimmed.

This was her spiritual origin.

The process of her submitting seemed easy but if you had a lover or a lover to be in your mind, obviously you'd trust them, in reality from the minute she heard the plan and saw proof along the mere fact that the Snow Empress was already apart of the plan, Hyotei decided to join even if they died she'd rather die with who she loved. Sadly for the worm, it wasn't him. The mere act of her releasing her power showed her stance.

Even though the process of releasing one's spiritual origin seemed simple, not just any soul beast could do it. Only when a soul beast broke through their limits and reaching the hundred thousand year rank could they do such a thing. Of course, it naturally didn't pose any problems to unrivalled experts such as the Skydream Iceworm and the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion.

After letting out a large sigh of relief, the Skydream Iceworm's own golden ball of light immediately glided forward and glued itself to his shedded skin. The golden light increased in size the instant the jade-green ball of light made contact with it as it swallowed the jade-green ball of light like a whale swallowing its food. After swallowing the jade-green ball of light, it returned to Sei Meio's body and re-entered it via his forehead. Afterwards, the Skydream Iceworm's shedded skin rapidly retreated back into Sen Meio's body.

After losing her spiritual origin, the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion's main body fell to the ground. With her spiritual origin no longer controlling it, her body immediately began to release an extremely terrifying amount of murderous might, while a jade-green luster simultaneously appeared in the sky. It could be imagined how terrifying the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion was from this.

"Can this human really handle my power?" The Ice Empress was still a little dubious but when she recalled that familiar aura she was certain that he had really fused with the Icesky Snowlady because they were that familiar with each other, she'd never mistake her aura anywhere. Skydream was a factor as well. He had both their powers so hers shouldn't be a problem.

Ice Empress discussed with Skydream how to properly fuse with him and he made his suggestion which was really what she would've made. She naturally reacted positively," Indeed According to Skydream's method, I'll directly become your martial soul by molding the ice-type martial soul he gave you. After that, the energy within my body will become your soul ring. You're a human soul master, so you should know that we hundred thousand year soul beasts will definitely produce a soul bone. Since I'm not an exception to that, I've already cultivated for nearly four hundred thousand years, I can't turn my fleshy body into even more soul bones. However, the soul bone I'll drop will be much more powerful than one dropped from an ordinary hundred thousand year soul beast. Furthermore, I can decide its shape, turning it into any soul bone you choose. Because of that, I've decided to first help you fuse with your soul bone. This way, your physique will be strengthened by an extremely large amount. After that, I'll assimilate my soul power with your body, and because you already have my soul bone, the fusion process will be much easier. It's truly a good option."

Of the six soul bones, the most valuable bones were the skull and torso bone, followed by the four limb bones. What was referred to as the torso bone was in reality the spine, and not all the bones within the torso. For example, there were the ribs and the sternum, which were referred to as additional soul bones if a soul master found and fused with them. These additional soul bones had value comparable to that of a hundred thousand year soul ring, and they would give special and powerful abilities to their users.

Though the Ice Empress was only giving him a single soul bone, this soul bone was already equivalent to a torso bone and two additional soul bones! Regardless of what soul skill he obtained from her, it would possess an incomparably large amount of strength. Furthermore, hundred thousand year soul rings and soul bones would give him two soul skills each. It was no wonder the Skydream Iceworm had emphasized that as long as he was able to break through to Rank 20, he would experience a world-shaking transformation in strength! Now after absorbing her he'd surpass his bottleneck.

A jade-green light flourished in Sei Meio's mind, and his Spirit Eyes instantly turned jade-green accordingly. The Skydream Iceworm appeared to have gone completely silent, allowing the Ice Empress to carry out the fusion process. However just in this moment, Sei Meio popped a pill. YEs, this was second Mysterious Water pill he received. As for the timing of this event, only he knew why. For maximum efficiency he should have done it with the Snow Empress but he was too stressed then and it wasn't exactly a planned situation.

The Ice empress hadn't noticed the Snow Empress's soul bone as it fused with Sei Meio's flesh, it was her body that hadn't gotten to form. It was way above her level and Skydream forgot to mention it so she didn't pay attention specifically.

Two rays of jade-green light shot out from Sei Meio's eyes, accurately landing on the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion's body. This, in turn, caused her 1.5 meter-long body to immediately shake violently. This was especially true for her long tail, which undulated unceasingly and violently with a jade-green halo. The diamond-like hexagonal protrusions on her body released an even more dazzling luster.