
Myriad Spear: Combat Continent

A man who becomes a boy once more, a boy destined for greatness but would he walk the same path and make the same choices as his predecessor was destined? or would he walk a different path? A spear that embodies everything, flowers adorn him with petals some to the end of time but others wither against its turbulent waters. A bloody carnage for the ages. The twilight of an era, in his image, spawns of the unholy trinity usher and receive the baton and herald the era. Winter is coming as it chases his shadow. Death brings its army with his hands. Soul shatter in the storms present in his gaze. Once spear to end it all, one spear to begin it all. 10 00 years after one legend, another comes to fruition but is this a good or bad thing for the people of the combat continent?

HollOw13 · Others
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33 Chs

Wicked Chance Encounter, God Stealing Soul Sealing, Snow lady (2)

Skydream eventually collected himself as he spoke out, " Wow, you've truly thought things out thoroughly through and through." It was a bit of a redundant statement.

"Well?", Shen Wushang asked him as he seemed to want to praise him more and now was a heavy time for his mind and nerves, a single misstep would send him to a frozen grave. His icy corpse would stay frosty for who knows how many years, uneaten, if he was lucky. Even now, his nervousness was shown as he glanced up and about to see if some sudden ill event will occur.

After all he wasn't some plot protected protagonist, he might actually die at any moment. Though he did extreme sports like bungee jumping and freefalling from a plane among others, he wasn't an extreme athlete, running a race once or twice didn't make you an athlete, doing something once or twice didn't make you an expert. The term nerves of steel didn't exactly fit him.

All he had was his fair share of psychological warfare in business, getting his employees, partners or whatever the relevant party to do what he wanted, he was an expert at manipulation that's what he was. That was why it was so easy to steal the Mysterious Heaven Technique. But what he was experiencing now was not exactly his expertise. You'd think someone as accomplished as him would have steel nerves but business was business, his life was never in danger.

This....This was something else entirely. He could saw for sure that his poker face and self control were extremely advanced however. He could be shaking in his boots, like he was doing right now, totally locked within an inner nervous breakdown but look at his face: calm, indifferent with a tinge of confidence. It was especially hard for him to suddenly become this macho, I believe I can do it, protagonist . As the saying went 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks'.

Still though was this new occupation as protagonist going well. It was a pretty shitty enterprise if you asked him, too much danger, he should just fade silently in the background.....

Shen clenched his fists so tightly his bones creaked, his introspection was nearing its end.

How could such a thing be allowed?!! It was the duty of protagonists to be badass, to be a mental avatar you could sometimes see yourself as, how could he be the same as any other random grain of rice for long. Even with that being the case when he read novels in his previous life it was often so predictable he complained,

Oh no!! The protagonist is dead, caught by a plot: later finds the mc alive and well or unwell but still alive, who killed their protagonist, it was so predictable of course he wasn't dead. Many times the mcs p*ssed him off and he'd hope for it, hope they'd die and switch protagonist, now that would be novel like real top tier anime like Akame ga kill where main casts die, the mc himself died, like code geass with lelouch although suzaku was a cunt.

Now that was.... wait he wasn't cursing himself to die was he?

'No no no, you're the protagonist after all, you the mc, don't you dare die here, you the mc, you the .... '

He quickly recovered as he encouraged himself, a clear voice sounded beside him, "Hmph, of course we'll trick them with aura, this ge is the ancestor of mimicry, how else did I stay alive till now, how did I hide from those dangerous fellows? How did..."

"Yeah yeah you're great and it was only a small blunder that got you caught now hurry up and scare that fool off as soon as you find him, remember to be as scary yet realistic as possible definitely not a fire type soul beast now hurry up and find him."

"Hmph! Don't rush me, I'm going I'm going, let's see....where is this fish hiding in the dark.....ah there he is."

Shen Wushang felt the spiritual detection locate a person, he was completely invisible and auraless yet somehow Skydream found him, he was truly a million year spirit beast in some aspects. The person got clearer and clearer within their view, he was covered in a weird cloth and clutched something small within his hand, the class nine tool, it was pocket sized for convenience. Too big would cause it to be a target.

'My poor heart would like to get this over with quickly and wished we got here before him but strategically speaking...This is good very good. We have the advantage as we know about him but he isn't aware of us, it's perfect. The best attack is a surprise attack. The odds are not against us.'


Taking a deep breath, he attempted to cover all his bases.

This man was naturally from the Sun Moon Empire, Shen Wushang saw his face but what good would that do, he wasn't reliving a life, he was reborn, he didn't know faces outside the manga, and that face wasn't one he knew. A single golden ball from his consciousness left and urged the spiritual aura.

Meanwhile, the man was also nervous. He was just in the region to fully utilize this new Class 9 tool he created with sheer luck, the situation was also a bit complicated back home but all was forgotten when he struck gold. Research had long since described it but he was honored to see it for himself with that weird phenomenon that drew him here. There

He felt his flesh and being , suddenly engulfed in a scan like feeling before it disappeared and returned to slightly tug on him before once more disappearing, it was at that moment he saw the fabled phenomena of a spirit beast turning human, such an event caused unique effects I'm the surroundings and he just happened to recognize one of them.

This place had quite the abundance of 100 000 year old soul beasts and thankfully they weren't untitled as the great star dou forest. He was a leading figure if the Sun Moon as being a Class 9 Soul engineer required much skill but even more cultivation.

He was about to make history with this 100 000 year old soul beast turning human. He activated the device and it astonishingly grew to a house sized size and locked on to that thing in the distance. He just finished the activation sequence when he sensed.a terrifying aura from behind him.

It was like the air suddenly became made of thick dreadful spears that aimed for his life, immediately he roused all his spiritual power and ran.

What a joke? As a Class 9 Soul Engineer, he was familiar with a lot of materials and some even came from here, his world knowledge and level knowledge was also up to par, of course he knew this place had three kinds, two of which were among the ten most feared spirit beasts in the world. From that trace of aura that locked on to him he instantly knew that it was one of them. He was in their turf, with their people and their element advantage, he would be a fool not to run!

'Shit shit shit!! I had to leave the device as it only retracts when it fulfills its function, the emergency protocol also takes time to deploy, is would be dead then, but I can't possibly let this goo!! urgh I have to, that aura was just too terrifying.'

The man was here as a matter of convenience really, it took time, study, talent and effort to be a high rank soul engineer, as the highest rank possible he was well versed in his craft but he didn't have extensive combat experience or battle sense. If he had, Things might not have gone so smoothly. A scientist couldn't beat a conman in a mental battle and businessmen were legal conmen of their trade. Sei Meio knew that this man wasn't from Shrek or the local empires that fact alone made him take the risk. Soul tool development was definitely a great strength but it also happened to be that fellows weakness.

Sei Meio knew he had to be the soul engineer who made the God sealing altar, since he put it up for auction that definitely meant that the empire was totally unaware of him being here, with that being the case, it was likely he wasn't experienced in the wilderness.

With that being the case, whilst Skydream carrying out his plan, he used himself as the base of paranoia to reverse engineer the fears one would have in his situation. In a strange land,hunting a dangerous beast, inexperienced...The list went on.

So he did the thing that would freak himself out the most if it were to happen. A high level beast actively moving towards this direction. Naturally this plan had risks. Did he have the balls to stand his ground. Was he confident enough to stick to his own hunting plan. Was he Sei Meio wrong and was that man actually a hardened veteran who could adapt to his situation? All signs point to no. But their was one thing that was certain and that was, nothing in life was certain.

Though it seemed he also won his bet this time. Sei Meio looked at the rapidly retreating figure and felt a rush of calm come over him. He wanted to sigh with relief but illusion or not he wanted to stay stealthily hidden in the snow in case the darkness hid prying eyes.

The robed figure instantly disappeared with what seemed to be a movement based soul tool, Sei Meio watched him run as he whispered praises to the worm, he had to reinforce and boost it's confidence so it could confidently take the next step in the process," Not bad worm, you borrowed some of her original aura and further boosted it with your own spiritual power didn't you?" He looked at the glistening golden balls that had all save one, appeared.

"Hoho, you finally recognize this Da ge's greatness, I'm the greatest ever, I....." ,Sei Meio reflexively tuned out after the second phrase, while continuing to goad and butter Skydream, his senses were finely taut waiting for the moment when the aura in the distance completely disappeared, that would mean she succeeded in sealing her origin power, her spiritual power should be easy for Skydream to control.

At this moment outside the ill omened eye of snow and ice, Sei Meio found himself in deep thought, he couldn't help but question himself as this was just too much of a big step.

Was he being to rash?

Should he be satisfied with what he would've already received here and wait a few years for the snow lady?

But as it was now he didn't want to lose Yi lao, it was no exaggeration to say that with him he already had the rights to vie for godhood without inheriting any of this world's God legacies. After all he already had divine consciousness, there was no way he was allowing that to fade.

Huo yuhao had tremendous luck and he took his place, Why shouldn't his luck and Destiny be great?

Looking at the facts, a million year old soulbeast, a grey third psuedo martial soul, an ultimate ice martial soul, sudden enlightenments here and there, many fortuitous encounters that happened to suit him perfectly, somehow finding someone with the impossible 100% fusion rate.... The list went on, Why shouldn't he be confident in his own luck, he was already prepared to give up some of those things especially the 100% fusion as he was openly materialistic? What should he look for inner beauty? Only those who were once bitten would act that way. No girl was worth all the shit she put huo yuhao through. He wasn't waiting millennia to have her either. Her father was too disgusting.

That being the case, his luck shouldn't be too bad and right? Even if it was, in his previous life he had terrible luck getting caught up in the most f'ed up situations and if not just average. That was just too unfair, wasn't life full of ups and downs, all he had was in between and at times down with a few rare ups like becoming a billionaire.

If it wasn't for his paranoia he might have even lost his wealth, so not paranoia, it was carefulness. He hid his wealth well after hitting the milestone and sealed away his billions like the nine tailed fox, he pretended it didn't exist and pretended he was only millionaire and took millionaire risks, he got lucky a few times but more often than not, he'd lose his millions and start from scratch. He even starved a few times despite having billions at another location. That was the extent of his dedication, drive and willpower, and also a tinge of paranoia and stingy defense.

Still was he making the right decision with snow lady? should he be doing something else? Should he have....



Something suddenly hit him on his head and disrupted his thought processes, he rubbed his head and he inwardly yelled in pain. He wasn't the type who expressed his feelings through and through, even pain. He looked at the thing that dropped beside him.

The thing that hit him in the head. He stooped down and picked it up from the snow, it was already covered in snow with only a slight edge poking out from the mere second it fell, if it didn't hit him he wouldn't have even noticed it as it got buried in the snow.

It was a peculiar rock made of some strange material he didn't recognize and he didn't find it odd because he didn't recognize a lot of things, the truly odd thing was that there were some indents within the rock that formed a web of runic lines and symbols about it. But after giving it a thorough investigation he decided it was useless.

'Damn rock, thinking of shutting me up, dream on, go live with the snow!'

As he prepared to toss it , he froze, it had a sturdy smooth yet grating feel with a mysterious vibe, like that time in the past where he found a superman chest shaped magnet that he fell in love with and somehow lost in his youth. It sounded stupid now but to five year old kid it was a treasure, like a grown man accidentally finding a diamond.

'Keeping it is no harm I suppose.' It reminded him of the rock he made into his space necklace.

He put the unassuming little rock in the bag of frozen rations that he had carried , then he stopped and waited. He was ignoring it in order to not jinx himself but in the back of his mind he hoped it was a treasure of some sort.

The aura in the air was like terror given life, with each passing second it slowly closed in on him like a predator watching its prey. The undulating waves were like a gentle storm that didn't kick up chaos but instead sealed it within, the waves of power didn't bash the air but you could sense the gargantuan power within those waves.

The beauty it had was overshadowed by it's terror. It was an unprecedented event in this world , a Soul Beast amongst the top ranks that bypassed the years it could chose to be reborn was now doing it at seven times that age. The base age was the bottleneck for the 100 000 year mark and supposedly another chance was given at the 200 000 year old mark.

The events happening here were quite abnormal. Within the fierce but calm waves of power, a mysterious event that rivaled the birth of a child was being carried out. In a way it was one. A soul beast must revert to it's infant stage before transforming from that stage to an embryo which then underwent a metamorphosis to a human embryo and then turned to a small sentient child with little to none of its previous power.

This process was being carried out right before Sei Meio's very eyes. Pity he couldn't see it as perhaps he might've comprehended something. The wild waves of dense ice origin energy blocked all spiritual power.

After waiting for hours on end, their chance finally presented itself. Another benefit was that he was in the proper mental condition right now and he wasn't just keeping up appearances.

The surging force that was wildly throwing itself about stilled and formed a large ball of light that seemed to compress and compress, you could make out a vague embryo forming within the light as the lotus turned into small blue fireflies that urged the surroundings and the heaven and earth qi that belonged to that terrifying existence , palpating waves of air that seemed like a helicopter formed of spiritual power.

Skydream suddenly turned incredibly solemn as he watched,

"Is it now?", Sei Meio couldn't help but anxiously ask despite furiously suppressing his emotions.

"No, let's wait a bit she's definitely in the final stages , I can sense her consciousness slowly transforming as she formed an embryonic form, it's really a natural process similar to a tribulation as it's the result of one, our states of mind are usually affected at times like this, I can sense hers transforming to a unique state but not powerful more like a rhythm, it's probably a process when turning human, if I'm right the time is approaching, her spiritual power is greater than mine only in quality, mine is definitely more vast and gentle. I can easily interrupt her control and take charge of her origin energy as she's already sealed it with that lotus, her spiritual power is all I have to deal with, which this Brother is an expert at", Skydream arrogantly lifted his chin up but the drops of sweat on his face betrayed him. Even he wasn't confident as the Ice sky/ Glacial Heaven Snow lady was of a nobler and thus stronger heritage than he. The mere aura of her bloodline sprouted reverence in him.

The mysterious aurora of power suddenly formed a phantom lotus, it was a powerful hundred thousand year old snow lotus, it's effects could be imagined, it completely sealed all The Ice sky Snow lady's origin energy. The small lotus formed a gigantic icy astral like phantom, here rapid changes were occurring both on a spiritual and physical level. Skydream through his vast senses could feel it all occurring right in front of him. Pale white mist filled the lotus phantom entirely and this mist moved about crazily, continuously dispersing and gathering. Occasionally, it flashed with a blue glow.

It was like a nebula in the dark sky that was shining weakly, yet the speaks were exceptionally mysterious. Within that nebula was faint white figure, the strange nebula at the center of the lotus was spinning slowly. With each round, it would grow larger and the glow would turn whiter and whiter and more ephemeral in nature.

The nebula started to slowly vibrate and emit heat, no a cold so cold it felt like heat even through Skydream's skin he could feel it, the icy lights turned into a ring shape and spun rapidly around within the lotus nebula, causing the surrounding air to also turn chaotic.

The heaven and earth yuan qi seemed to gather and resonate with the origin ice elemental energy.

This didn't last long however, the icy storm that had raged about slowly retreated and converged with the lotus nebula. It seemed to contain the world's most profound mysteries as it emitted a mysterious glow.

'It's now!'

"Ssss," at this instant Skydream made his move as nine balls of golden silky light congealed into one and mimicked itself into a woman , it was a like a ice sculpted mannequin of a woman but it's aura was similar to the one in the distance, it seemed to become like a shadow image as it pounced on the ball of light like a tiger in the wait.

The golden power engulfed the icey blue auroras within be ball and joined the process as it was there to begin with, the spiritual power rejected this ball of golden light at first but the golden light hugged the ball of icy light like a woman caressing her infant who was angry with her and fighting her off. The golden energy took an icy hue as the ball of light dimmed a bit.

Skydream was actually borrowing the power of the snow lotus with his immense spiritual power that surpassed the icesky snowlady, with persistence even though it resisted him as it contained her origin power, he divided his own power into many tendrils that tugged on the mixture of power between the lotus and icesky snow lady, they hadn't quite fused together inseparably yet but they weren't easy to separate either, slowly joining the mixture was easy however, Skydream slowly mixed and melded his power with hers and eventually her power laid in a dormant like state.

With his own power as a medium he slowly released bits of her origin power and melded them in a unique way to make her power more familiar to himself, unexpectedly the embryonic form of the thing inside started to change as it absorbed a bit of the origin energy, it then, through daydream's urging madly absorbed all the strength of the icesky snowlady, it was sealing her power. The original goal of Icesky Snowlady, but he was sealing her consciousness as well in it's vague moment of metamorphosis. She was practically a foetus right now and he was in perfect control. All her energy was compressed and condensed, he used his consciousness to slowly urge her to willingly do his bidding like giving her a taste of milk, taking it away and rinse and repeat until she was right where he wanted her.

"Success!!", As Skydream felt the ball of light eventually accept him and exchange control to his now familiar aura, the aura of itself, Skydream slowly sealed her spiritual power with his as a medium, he formed them into small balls of spiritual power similar to how he had done his own, as he had done the process personally before, helping her do it was easy, the only difference was she had most of her power which was now dormant, he had lost everything except his essence and spiritual power, slightly envious of her, he slowly fused it with Sei Meio it took a while since he was being careful, instead of pouring it all in, he let it fall in willingly drip by drip.

Icy white tendrils formed a dome above Sei Meio's head, a gentle soothing light enveloped them within they slowly entered through his glabella as they found their way into his sea of consciousness. Slowly one by one, the energy condensed from threads.

Sei Meio felt his spiritual sea suddenly have the presence of icey blue balls, the congealed to form seven additional balls of light similar to the ten balls that Skydream had in his spiritual sea before, one was already present and cracked, the others engulfed those balls of icy light and slowly but surely he transformed them into balls mixed with origin energy and spiritual power.

The pure thick liquid like gold power was shining brightly like the sun as it covered the icy blue threads of power after slowly guiding it, when it felt the power could walk on it's own it left, the golden ball which surrounded the icy lights like a thin film , slowly left and started helping another, simultaneously it soothed the icy lights emitting a mysterious rhythm like a lullaby.

After a period of time, a new emergence of six new balls of power was now within Sei Meio's Sea of Consciousness unlike the golden power of Skydream it was of a icey blue nature, suddenly a feint gaseous form of power was added those six balls of light, a tinge of golden power mixed with the icey power, it didn't dominate it but instead was tinged in its colour and assisted the gas to form a ball of icy light of similar to the six.

They floated within the space in a circle , each ball pulsating slightly, with an icy aurora flickering and rippling across their surface. The space seemed to feel the change and slowly adapted to its new in inhabitant, the six balls rapidly circulated as the rose above the golden pool of energy and Skydream's origin energy. They stopped a distance above them where they suddenly started to emit light, the icy white light was misty as it slowly spread out, forming a pseudo wintry sky within Sei Meio's Sea of Consciousness.

Skydream's power after finishing left these balls with his remaining one and used the power of nine once more on the outside, astonishingly the embryo hadn't disappeared but was giving off a peculiar aura and rhythm.

" This this this ..... !!! It's nothing less than astonishing, it's body has morphed into a Soul bone! What a great windfall!! it's a soul bone unlike any other of course it's nothing compared to me but it's definitely the soul bone if a soul beast with a cultivation of seven hundred thousand year old, it's definitely the oldest spirit beast other than me. This soul bone is quite large as well. Hurry up and fuse with it and stop gawking, it should be easy since you've already fused with her."

Skydream couldn't help but mutter in astonishment while nodding to himself, then suddenly he started screaming at Sei Meio, releasing the pent up tension in his nerves from his earlier acts of deactivating a bomb.

"Hate to rain on your parade but there's at least three who are older than her, I think you even know one of them.", Sei Meio interrupted his monologue before it got too long.

"Three!!! I know you have knowledge of this world and the future but still three! and which one do I know?"

"The so called king of the Great Star Dou Forest, He's had his fortuitous encounters similar to you." Sei Meio was feeling absolutely giddy too , with a loose mouth he bragged of knowledge like a sacred teacher.

"Di di di di tian, That monster!", Skydream's voice turned shaky and his face darkened with terror as he seemed to be recollecting something. He held his shoulders as he trembled. Di Tian was that horrifying a figure for him not just for him but for everyone.

Before he could agonize a terrifying aura awoke him, fierce and turbulent waves assaulted them from the front.

"Shit!! I miscalculated, the power and soulforce gathered in her 700 000 years of cultivation is within that, I only sealed her spiritual power and origin energy, that thing has a little if her power but that little is enough, but that'll all be useless if that thing explodes due to having nothing to control it, everything in 600 li will be utterly destroyed, we'll never make it in time shit!!", Skydream was horrified at the sight. Sei Meio was also affected by it.

'For the love of God! Give A guy a break!!!'

He actually didn't think of it either despite all his meticulous planning....how f'ing stupid was he? How could he let this happen? How could he? How could he? How could he?

"Motherfucker, I guess I have no choice. Sei Meio promise me something.", Skydream looked at the horrifying undulating waves as his voice became shaky once more.


"Promise me you'll still get the ice emperor as your intelligent soul ring, promise me this Sei Meio, promise me, she's the most important thing in my life. She's part of why I made the plan to become a God. I want her to be happy forever. Even if I'm not there to see it. Please carry out my dream. Please.", His eyes were full of love and dedication as he looked at Sei Meio through the side of his eye and the terrifying beast of power loomed over them.

Even though it's power was great he was confident he could suppress it, but that came at a price because she was even more terrifying than he was.

"Skydream .....you!!?", Of course he knew what Skydream was insinuating, he wanted to sacrifice himself. The moments of their witty back and forth moments passed by like a movie in his mind, from the moment they met, the moments they argued, the moments they laughed, the moment they arrived here in expectation. Everything came back. Although it was a seriously short time and he wouldn't dare to voice it, he actually liked and accepted Skydream for who he was.

He didn't want him to leave. If he was the immature brat that was huo yuhao , he would definitely ask him to stop but he wasn't, he knew what had to be done and he was enough of a man to respect Skydream's wishes and will, he wouldn't force his own thoughts and emotions on him.

"Haaaa!", Sei Meio took a long deep breath and put his arms around Skydream's shoulders.

"I promise. Farewell, Skydream I won't call you brother or anything but I'm sure I don't need to. You surpass that sort of flimsy thing in my mind. I'll always remember you.", Sei Meio said these words with a heavy heart.

Skydream felt tears fall on his cheek," I'll miss you, as well you ungrateful arrogant son of a bitch."

"Oh don't be a crybaby, men don't cry, people will think you're weak," He remembered the words of a particular someone.

He did something intimate that he'd only done with special women before but it wasn't of a sexual orientation like with them.

He placed his forehead on Skydream's before he felt a warm sensation, and slipped through a tiny millimeter but he remained in that position.

"See you, worm." His words turned into a light whisper. Damn why was saltwater gushing from the depths of his soul. His heart felt ticklish. He wanted to scream don't do it but that would be childish.

Before they could continue something unexpected happened.

"Hoh. You don't need to worry Worm, little Wushang , I can take care of this.", A voice echoed from within his spiritual sea and it wasn't either of them so it could only be one person.