
My Zombie Slayer System

The Earth was a peaceful place to stay, until the scientist went to create some chemical The chemical slips by mistakes which in turn creates the undead or walking dead known as zombies The world government assign the scientist to create a cure for the chemical before it gets out of hand While they were creating the cure, the chemical is already in some of the scientist but it is a slow reaction When those scientist finally turn it cause some upheave because they saw it can be transferred A young scientist carried the cure inside a brief case and ran out, but the chemical is eating deep inside him On his last breathe he met a young boy by name Philip Smith, he gave the boy the brief case that he should run Philip who saw the man skin and eyes changing immediately ran When he got home he was curious about what is in the brief case, he decided to open it Upon opening it something stung his fingers, he was trying to check what was that when he became unconscious After 12 hours Philip woke up, he went to on the television and saw the news of what is currently happening the the world He was still watching the TV, when something pop up like a screen in front of him [Daily Quest:............]

DanielLan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

The System

'Is this some sort of game' Philip questioned

He clicked on status and his information pop up


[Name: Philip Smith]

[Level: Level 1]

[Class: None but changes]



[Strength: 10]

[Stamina: 5]

[Agility: 5]

[Endurance: 3]

[Skills: None, can be unlocked when you level up or you have enough pawn points]

[Pawn points: 0

You get pawn points when you kill zombies and it can be used to unlock skills and use to buy different stars weapon]

'Oh it some type of game were am the hero' Philip stated with a curious looks

'But am truly weak, I think it time I start building my body


Ethan school premises

'Secure the gate secure the gate!!!' The headmaster screamed at the teachers who are trying to hold the school gate from the zombies


It Started this evening when 2 zombies enter the school

The students approach them, to know who they were

Without any notice the zombies open their mouth to bite the students

The students upon seeing this immediately ran with screaming, but a weak female student was among them and couldn't run long before the zombies are about to catch up with her

'HELP ME! HELP ME!!' The female student screamed with panic face, moving slowly to the back

It was this scream that brings the teachers out

The zombies are already upon the female student but she struggles not to allow them bit her

In the process one of the zombies scratch her leg

Already given up help came, with the joint effort of the teachers they killed the 2 zombies


'Why aren't the police here' The headmaster voiced furious

Still holding the gate, the began to hear screams inside the hostel

Not knowing what to do, some of the teachers ran to the hostel

Coming inside, the teachers saw human bodies scattered and students zombies

The teachers took to their heel and ran back to the gate

'What happened back inside?' The headmaster asked in the stern voice

'The students are already turned' One of the teachers voiced trembling

In their panic nature, they couldn't hold the gate very well

The zombies began to rush in, causing commotion in the school


Inside Philip room

5 days later

Philip has just finished the 50 press up and 15 minutes jog, he is on the last one carrying the double chair which weight 20kg

'Hhhhhiiiiiiaaaaaaaaa' Philip screamed as he left the chair with the skinny bulging arms, he stayed there for 20 seconds

Immediately he put the chair down, wanting to relax, he heard a notification

[Ding: Congratulations to host for level up]

[All stats have been improved and you are given 1 stat to add to any of your stats]

[You have been given a skill: Analytics eye]

[Analytics eye: Use to check the name of a creature and all it stats]

[Daily Quest: 50 press up✓

15 minutes jog✓

lift 20kg item✓]


[Name: Philip Smith]

[Level: Level 2]

[Class: None but changes]



[Strength: 15]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 8]

[Endurance: 8]

[Skills: Analytics eye]

[Pawn points: 0]

[1 stat unuse]

Philip decide to use the 1 stat in agility


[Name: Philip Smith]

[Level: Level 2]

[Class: None but changes]



[Strength: 15]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 9]

[Endurance: 8]

[Skills: Analytics eye]

[Pawn points: 0]

'Finally time to check what happening' Philip stated moving out


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