
My Zombie Slayer System

The Earth was a peaceful place to stay, until the scientist went to create some chemical The chemical slips by mistakes which in turn creates the undead or walking dead known as zombies The world government assign the scientist to create a cure for the chemical before it gets out of hand While they were creating the cure, the chemical is already in some of the scientist but it is a slow reaction When those scientist finally turn it cause some upheave because they saw it can be transferred A young scientist carried the cure inside a brief case and ran out, but the chemical is eating deep inside him On his last breathe he met a young boy by name Philip Smith, he gave the boy the brief case that he should run Philip who saw the man skin and eyes changing immediately ran When he got home he was curious about what is in the brief case, he decided to open it Upon opening it something stung his fingers, he was trying to check what was that when he became unconscious After 12 hours Philip woke up, he went to on the television and saw the news of what is currently happening the the world He was still watching the TV, when something pop up like a screen in front of him [Daily Quest:............]

DanielLan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

First Kill

After Philip came out of his room, he began to walk down the hallway when he noticed everywhere is unusual silent

'What happened here' Philip asked but no one to answer

Philip decided to go to Gabriel's room

When Philip got to Gabriel's room he knocked, no one answered

Philip tried to open the door but he noticed it locked, he knocked again and again until his fingers are sore

Philip turn to move out of there when he heard a muffled sound, he turn and look at the door again

'Gabriel it me Philip' Philip called

'Please go away I don't want to become undead' Gabriel voiced

'What are you talking about Gabriel, I said it me your friend Philip' Philip stated

After some moments the door opened with Gabriel holding are stick

When Gabriel saw Philip he began to question Philip

'Where have you been Philip, hope you are not yet undead?' Gabriel asked with a panic voice

'Can you let us go inside first' Philip stated

'NO, UNLESS YOU ANSWER ME' Gabriel yelled

'Okay, easy guy, the last time you saw me running to my room was when I came out last, I was in my room for 5 days' Philip stated

'You mean u haven't come out for the last 5 days' Gabriel voiced with his eyes wide open


Gabriel sigh in relief and allows Philip to enter, he checked left and right before he also enter and blot the door

Philip and Gabriel sat on the bed

'So what happened, why is the school unusual silent' Philip voiced

Gabriel sigh again before he answered Philip

'80% of the students and teachers are already zombies' Gabriel stated with a scared look

'What!!!' Philip voiced

'It happened since last 5 days, since then I have locked myself inside my room, my food is almost finished, the network is jammed and the satellite is not functioning again' Gabriel stated

'My food has finished also, I said I should come out to refill it when I noticed the unusual' Philip stated

'So what are we going to do now?' Gabriel asked

'I think no matter how we will still go out, unless hunger kills us' Philip stated with a dull look

Gabriel lied down without answering Philip

Philip went to Gabriel's kitchen and cooked the last food, he wants to refresh his energy for anything that comes thier way

After finished cooking, Philip came out of the kitchen with 2 plates in his hands, he gave one to Gabriel

The two ate silently

After eating, the two stood at the door

'Are you ready' Philip asked

'Yes' Gabriel stated

Philip silently opened the door, and the two began to tip toe down the hallway

When the reached the last end, the heard some bangs on the door, Philip peeped to checked what that

'It a zombie banging on a student door, I think someone is inside' Philip stated in a low voice

'So what are we going to do?' Gabriel asked

'I'm going to distract it' Philip stated holding the kitchen knife tightly

'Can you do it Philip?' Gabriel asked

'YES' Philip stated

'Be careful Philip' Gabriel stated

Philip began to move silently to the zombie, he decides to try out his Analytics eyes on the zombie

[Class: Zombie]

[Strength: Weak]

[Agility: Slow]

[Weakness: brain]

[The zombie is very slow, once you are fighting it you must try to target it brain, it you injured any part of it, it won't die, it doesn't feel pains and never give up until it eat it's victim, unless u stab it brain it won't die]

'Oh so the brain is it weakness' Philip muttered to himself

After breathing in and out Philip screamed at the zombie

'Hey ugly bitch 👎' Philip shouted at the zombie

The zombie turned and started walking slowly to Philip

'Arrrrrkkkkkkkkhhhhhh' The zombie growled

'What ya saying mother fucker' Philip yelled

Philip began to run to the zombie, almost reaching at it he jumped up and slash it chest

Doing a grass cutter, he knocked the zombie down the stab it head

Philip continues to stab it head, until Gabriel called him

'Philip it dead' Gabriel called

Philip realising what happened, checked the zombie and saw it head had been splatter

Philip stood and starts throwing up, after resting some minutes, he regain his composure

'It sucks man' Philip stated

Philip checked out his system


[Name: Philip Smith]

[Level: Level 2]

[Class: None but changes]



[Strength: 15]

[Stamina: 10]

[Agility: 9]

[Endurance: 8]

[Skills: Analytics eye]

[Pawn points: 0]

'Only 10 experience, I still have a long way to go' Philip sigh


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