
My Zombie Slayer System

The Earth was a peaceful place to stay, until the scientist went to create some chemical The chemical slips by mistakes which in turn creates the undead or walking dead known as zombies The world government assign the scientist to create a cure for the chemical before it gets out of hand While they were creating the cure, the chemical is already in some of the scientist but it is a slow reaction When those scientist finally turn it cause some upheave because they saw it can be transferred A young scientist carried the cure inside a brief case and ran out, but the chemical is eating deep inside him On his last breathe he met a young boy by name Philip Smith, he gave the boy the brief case that he should run Philip who saw the man skin and eyes changing immediately ran When he got home he was curious about what is in the brief case, he decided to open it Upon opening it something stung his fingers, he was trying to check what was that when he became unconscious After 12 hours Philip woke up, he went to on the television and saw the news of what is currently happening the the world He was still watching the TV, when something pop up like a screen in front of him [Daily Quest:............]

DanielLan · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Philip Smith

'Hey Philip let go play some games' Gabriel, Philip's friend called

'I just want to be alone Gabriel' Philip voiced

Philip is a skinny young boy, with his round spec on his face, brilliant at class but interesting to bully

While Gabriel is a build body boy and loves football, they both attended Ethan High School

After the classroom is silent with only Philip inside, he decides to stroll inside the woods near the school


Inside the woods

Philip bumped into a man, whose skin is already pale

He threw the brief case that was with him to Philip

'Take it and go' The Man growled low

But Philip was still standing there without knowing what to do

'GO NOW' The man growl louder with his eyes turn bloodshot

Immediately Philip ran all the way back to school


Inside school

'Yo Philip why yay running' Gabriel called

But Philip didn't wait he ran all the way to his room

When he entered the room, he bolted the door

Philip placed the brief case on the table, he place his hands on the lock, but his hands were shaking and he had a panic face

Unknowingly he unlock the brief case but something stung his fingers

'Hhhhhaaaaaaa' Philip screamed

Immediately he pass out and became unconscious


12 hours later inside Philip's room

Philip woke up with a burry eyes

'Huh what happened to me' Philip asked himself holding his head

When his eyes came in contact with the brief case he remembered what happened

'What is that thing that stung me' Philip voiced looking at his fingers to see any unusual thing, but found non

Philip checked the time, it was in the midnight

'So I passed out for the whole afternoon' Philip said with a sigh

He went to on the TV and news about the current situation of the Earth pop up


'What!!!' Philip screamed

He was still in a dazed when something like screen pop up in his front

[Welcome host, the the current situation you are now a zombie Slayer assigned to save the world, but host has a weak body and fragile mind]

[Daily Quest: Do 50 press up

Jog For 15 minutes

Carry an object weight 20kg]

[Reward: 20 exp]



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