
Chapter 8: Freedom

When school was over, Prue rushed to leave. She wasn't even thinking about Marcus anymore, though she was in the very back of her mind. Her mind completely set on Brian's safety. Her father 'took the day off', so he was probably at home with Brian, 'taking care of him'.e driver to hurry home in a calm voice, but she was truly terrified.

When she arrived, she sprinted out of the car not even noticing the cop cars parked in their driveway. Slamming the front door open, her jaw dropped. Brian was….ok? He was on the couch in the same condition she left him in. He was looking at her as he slowly got up and limped toward her. She stood frozen in shock. His arms embraced her as she began to tear.

"We're going to be ok." He said gently as a single tear streamed down his cheek.

Those words would stay frozen in her mind for the rest of her life. Never in her whole life has she felt so happy. Though she wasn't expressing it, she was truly free. A cop came from one of the back bedrooms with their father in custody. They both stepped out of the doorway so they could take him away.

"Hey! Prue, Brian, tell them I'm innocent!" Their father yelled.

Both of them were thinking the same thing. The cop taking him away rolled his eyes and continued to reach the doorway. Brian suddenly reached out his arm and stopped the cop. Everyone in the room froze in shock. Prue looked at Brian with fear all over her face.

'What are you doing?!' Prue thought.

Their father let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly Brian lifted up his arm and punched their father right in the face! Actually, this wasn't their father anymore, he was just the monster called dad. Preu let out a sigh of relief and hugged Brian. The cop smiled and their 'father' was unconscious. The cop left and the room was silent. They were truly free. Free. The word itself brought shivers to their spines. The thought of it made them want to jump with joy but now was not the time. It wasn't the time for words or actions. They both stood in the doorway. Not looking at each other, just standing. Their minds were filled with wonderful thoughts of what they could now do. Father had millions of rules and reasons as to why they couldn't do certain things. Now it was their turn, the take control of their own lives. They were now the king of this game and no one could overrule them now. Free.

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