

As the night falls and the rain begins to fall Just like the first time they met A young man who looks like he is in his early twenties and a young lady who looks like she is in her teens , stood in face to face in the rain looking at each other silently .. suddenly, someone broke the silence Yang, i have nothing to say to you .. goodnight and goodbye, " said the young lady in a tired and hurt voice as she called the guy by the nickname she gave him before she even knew his real name . .. then she walked away ,but the young man held her hands and pulled her back and said while looking at her eyes . No, we are not done talking, and you're not allowed to walk away without answering me !! , " He said, then add . And i will ask you again ?? .. .Why did you go when i asked you to stay ?? ... Why do you always run away from me ?? , what is wrong with you, kim ?? , " the young man asks, annoyed She young lady look look at him with a pain expression on her face even tho her lips had a smile on it and even tho the rain was falling on could still see her eyes were looking as if it would soon begin to flow like the rain She then said with a smirked Do you really not know ?? ...Did you ever not know ?? the young man nodded his head The young lady finally had enough And confess Yang , i loved you. ever since i first saw you and i can't...." do this anymore I have been doing it long before..hoping you would be mine one day, but it never works out Pretending to be your friend it is not easy but i try and i try to forget my feels and live with you but i gusse maybe i should have learn to live without you and i did for those few months but then there you go again .. you made things a lot harder when you came back and we became friends and now you're going again Yang, i had enough. You can't keep going and coming out of my life like that The young man was shocked by the sudden confessions and said nothing like he was in another world . Kimanda looked at him for a while , and when he didn't say anything, she asked , " Can i atless kiss you ?? , without waiting for his reply, she walk up to him with all the courage she had and their lips met It was so sudden that even before Yang could come out of his shock , then comes another one Kimanda suck and nibbles his lower lips as she had always wanted too as she knew this might be the first and the last time she ever got the chance to , so she take her time even tho she wanted more she let go of his lips and look into his shock eyes , ------- Kim Alexander at they age of 13 falls in love with a guy who is much older than her ,She has loved him for years but didn't found the courage to tell him, thinking it was a requited love,but one day she did and when she did.. the very next day he left the country without saying a word to her. years after that he show up again this time kim wasn't that little girl anymore , she was adult. she was independent free but and had everything she ever wanted except him and that feeling was still there, she still love him with every piece it of her heart.. the Alexander's siblings..."

LEXi592 · LGBT+
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58 Chs


Kerry pov

Conor_Maynard __Anth_-_To bote , plays filling the silence air …" a few lines hit hard. Couldn't believe i use to listen to this music and dance .

I won't believe your lies again , lies again (lies again

I use to dance with Dwayne listening to this , now i believe what the say .

When your happy , you listen the music, your sad you understand the lyrics,..or something like that…" however i belive it now …"

I should have known, you were cheating " music continues..

Mamma say goodbye to the memory , cuz I give you everything , give the best of me , but girl you only care about my history…

Letting memories take over my head as tears roll down my cheeks like rain as I pray .

"God please make me unlove him" i preyed for almost a hour now but fuck me ! , i still bloody loves him ,

In Dwayne's letter he mentioned he had let me go , the way he said things was like he doesn't believe we will have a future together and I know it too but hearing he said it hurts more ,

The last words replayed in my mind "hate and forget me if that makes you feel better , your Dwayne Alexander's..

He said he is mine , which the-fuck isn't …"

He think it's easy to forget a-fucking-jerk , bastard, asshole, jackass , cheater like him …"

betrayal shattered my heart , pain , like poison runs in my vain .

Praying to forget, Praying to move on , Praying to a God I never believed exists, but now there is no other thing I can do but pray because the feelings just won't go away .

Pain in my heart , the wounds might heal with time but the scars will forever imprinted in my mind, on my heart ,

My mouth wishes it to kiss him again , my hands itches to hold him again , burning is my heart but it still calls his name , grieving for it's lost , my mind replay all the memories of him ,of us, before he decided to walk away , drowned in my tears , burning in my heart , shattered my soul but i still want him some more , i want him to love me a little longer , pull me a little closer, hold me a little tighter ….." fuck i just want him , why , why can i have everything I ever desire but him , why can't i have this one thing , this one thing, which is always on my mind running through it , why can't i have this one person who lives in my heart , why I can't i have this one person i wishes to belong to ..

Fuck' he can break my walls , break my rules , break my dreams turn it into nightmares , he can break my heart into tiny pieces , do whatever they fuck he wants but i still love him , he can break every-Fucking-thing, but God why do i still do. Why can't you make me unlove him , I love him but I don't want too , not anymore not ever again , meeting him was a mistake but i don't regret giving my heart to him, cuz i knew he would take care of it , i believe he would but that was in the past, I don't know what happen , he changed in one freaking day on, his mother-fucking-birthday..

Author pov

A message came on her phone that pull her back to the present

#unexpected events # things turns out better when it's not planned ~

A relieved smile spreaded on her face as she watched the video ,

In the video. Rohan was about to begin his speech. .

Rohan was a close friend and all she wishes is happiness for him, she was also relief, because she knew , she had made him a fool as he stand at the Alter as she run away… but most of all even if she goes back " he will be married to another.. but she isn't planning on going back …

My dear wife , pause, chuckled, "I think I need to get used to calling you that "WIFE" Rohan said softly–slowly as everyone gaps in awww

First of all I have a confusion to make to my beautiful wife, " Rohan said as he turned to look at his beautiful wife , who he had always dreamed would be .

Tears dwelling up in sherry eyes as the scene before her unfold .

The first time I met you ' i fell instantly, it was without a warning, without sighs , without a word , I fell in love , deeply ,hard , passionately,

Your beautiful smile on your face when you see your mom , you were so focused on her that you saw no one else but her , seated there , I didn't mind though , my heartbeat faster and excitement took over me , I didn't realize it at that moment but since then anything makes you happy made me happy too .

When your sad , it makes me sad too , that day you cry when your parents decide they wanted a divorce, your pretty face is a mess with tears and your pure heart is broken. You cry until you fall asleep in my arms , i promises you that i will never hurt you like that , it pin my heart to see you cry , i wanted to be your comfort zone and comfort you , I wanted to be your sheller and shell you from those pain , i wanted to be your saver and save you from it all I wanted to be , is yours" ..

Long pause

I now believe dreams do come true but it comes at the right time , you have been my dreams for the last 11 years and am so happy that i finally got you


I guess dreams do come true , " Kim said as she smiled looking at the married couple who were exchanging glances.

But unfortunately not all those , " Deepak whispered into her ears .. Just like him, Kerry and Dwayne whisper the same thing, Kerry shut her eyes, tears rolling down her face , Dwayne sighed deeply and Deepak sighed inwardly.

Kim sighs inwardly knowing the reasons why he said that .

You're right .. not all does , " she said

Like mine "it was on the tip of his tongue to say it but didn't.

Deepak, I am sorry i lead you on but it was harder to lead you off. I think I deal with it the easier way but it turns out there is no easy way , " Kim said .

I will accept your apology only if you accompany me to my brother's wedding, " Deepak said and Kim looked at him questionly .

How many brothers do you have ?.

One of course.

Then Aren't we at your brother's wedding?

Not this one ..

Deepak, do you mind explaining yourself in your mysterious ways ? , " Kim whispered in a teasing tone as she smile at him.

It was a smile that Deepak had never seen before and it took his heart away ..

Cough as he clears his throat as he looks away then looks back at her .

We will be holding another wedding ceremony in Mumbai and i will like you to accompany me , " he said

What about Deepika? Kim questioned as she turned to him and now they were standing face to face , well Deepak was looking down on her as she looked up to him .

What does any of this have to do with her ? ,"he questioned as his eyes turned dark.

Deepak, we broke up over 7 months ago. Please don't tell me , you didn't give her a chance ? , " kim questioned in disbelief.

Deepak looked away …then looked back slightly but didn't look at kim face , " God he was looking anywhere then my face and I didn't need his answers to know that he didn't, Deepak hates lies , so he doesn't tell it . , "Kim said to herself as she sighed as she already knew what to expect.

Kim this isn't the time or the place for us to have this conversation, " he whisper softly then turn and walk away , while saying " I need to get a drink"

Kim knew it was just an excuse as the servants were serving drinks all around. There was no need to leave .

God Deepak when are you gonna move on … don't you know our ages just don't add up , am too young for this, for you, and i don't love you ," kim said to herself as she silently regret the day she ever agree to be his girlfriend , Deepak always expected so much from her but it was more then she can give.. However that is what he deserves for always being there for her always …

Later that evening inside the building.

Kim pov

We entered inside after the groom said his speech as the ceremony was inside not outside, everything in here looks so expensive that i wonder how the hell we are even here , we are ten times poorer than these people ..

The music plays softly as the bride and groom have their first dance , " i belong to you _-_Jacob_Lee ..

this loveless marriage that I was well prepared for , turns to be and unconditional love that had been alive for more than 11 years now

The bride and groom dance . The bride wear a expensive wedding dress , I don't know if Rohan was prepared for this , if kerry run away in her wedding dress then why does sherry dress looks just right ,

"Tomorrow I will opened my eye's and I will whisper to my wife" I belong to you , and I will wait to hear you say as tears roll down her face I belong to you" … I will be honest right here at the Altar …. Music continues.

I felt Deepak gaze so i turn and look at him

He smiled then looked away and i did the same .

I wanted to go with him to Mumbai, i don't have any idea if i will ever have a chance like this again but I also want him to give her a chance, just one, maybe then she will change his mind.

Soon it was time for the second chance, the best man and the bride of honor had the second dance , I watch as Deepak and Michelle dance , though Michelle is 3 years older then him or more the still look good together, well Deepak will look good with anyone beautiful, he look at me and I smile and he did too . I watch as he dance with another without feeling a pin of jealousy and I knew why , because I don't love him because i don't mind sharing him with another , he is too good for me to keep to myself and i am not selfish…

The dance -perfect by Ed-sheern .

She looks so perfect and i don'tdeserve it babe you look perfect tonight" , " Deepak repeated those words as he look at me while dancing with her ..

I look away and walk to Dwayne who looks a bit distant .

Hey Mr poopy pants , "i teased him .

What's up madness , " yea he got me there I hate that name however i will take it .

Before I could answer he said again " how is things working out with De-epick , " he said as he couldn't pronounce Deepak, I get it, at first i was the same ..

Great, " I mumbled, not sure as I looked at Deepak who was also looking at me .

Not sure, " Dwayne said guessing right .

I think you should focus more on kerry and not me and him , ".I suggest