

This story is about the Alexander's siblings. Dwayne Alexander's POV Can you just give us another chance please " I pleaded no!' you don't love me enough " she sobs kerry , I do love you " I said in a trembling voice ,how can she thinks I don't. no!' you don't as everytime something comes up you always give up on us " kerry sobs it's true, I hate to admit, I did give up everytime but I wanna make it work now. and I do anything to make her forgive me ... ______ As the night falls and the rain begins to fall Just like the first time they met, in Kim's heart it was romantic. But in her mind it was tragic as whatever falls gets broken. A young man who is in his early twenties and a young lady who is in her teens , stood face to face in the rain looking at each other silently–suddenly, someone broke the silence Yang, i have nothing to say to you .. goodnight and goodbye, " said the young lady in a tired and hurt voice as she called the guy by the nickname she gave him before she even knew his real name, Then she walked away ,but the young man held her hands and pulled her back and said while looking at her eyes . No, we are not done talking, and you're not allowed to walk away without answering me !! , " He said, then add . And I'll ask you again ?”..Why did you go when I asked you to stay ?” .Why do you always run away from me ?” What is wrong, Kim ?”, " the young man asks, annoyed She young lady look look at him with a pain expression on her face even tho her lips had a smile on it and even tho the rain was falling on could still see her eyes were looking as if it would soon begin to flow like the rain She then said with a smirked Do you really not know?” ,Did you ever not know ?? the young man nodded his head The young lady finally had enough as it had been 8 months and decided to confess. Yang , I love you, ever since i first saw you and i can't–do this anymore I have been doing it long before..hoping you would be mine one day, but it never works out Pretending to be your friend it's not easy but I try and I try to forget my feelings and live with you but I guess maybe I should have learned to live without you.” She said then sighed inwardly knowing that it was a bad idea to tell him I did live without you for those few months but then there you go again .. you made things a lot harder when you came back and we became friends and now you're going again Yang, I had enough. You can't keep going and coming out of my life like that. The young man was shocked by the sudden confessions and said nothing like he was in another world . Kimanda looked at him for a while , and when he didn't say anything, she asked , " Can i atless kiss you ?? , without waiting for his reply, she walk up to him with all the courage she had and their lips met It was so sudden that even before Yang could come out of his shock ,then comes another one Kimanda suck and nibbled his lower lips as she had always wanted too as she knew this might be the first and the last time she ever got the chance to , so she took her time even though she wanted more she let go of his lips and looked into his shocked eyes. ----- VOl1 = That stranger that became my everything from nothing, Kim Alexander is a young girl who lost her sister , her best friend,her comfort zone , her idol , her advisor, her protector. Lost in grief, she lost hope , she had lost her world., dream and hopes when lovie lost her life , her friends betrayed her. In two years nothing but fear grows in her heart , she gets distant to her family and everyone she once loved. She don't wanna have that pain of losing someone else and she realizes that everyone who comes will leave eventually. At the age of 13 she falls in love with a stranger who is much older than her , fear crumpled in her heart but still it beats for him. Despite the fear , she went ahead and loved him wholeheartedly . She did secretly for months until she told him but he left anyways

LEXi592 · Teen
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89 Chs


We were now alone outside on one of the balcony, we watch the sun set as Deepak still held me close , as he try to talk me out of it , he always does , he always tells me i should learn to give people a chance , makes friends, he knows he is the only friend i have ..

I wrap my arms around him , this is the first time we met but i felt comfortable in his arms and he held me close as if it was a normal thing to do , it's been a while since someone had huge me ... I didn't think i needed it or miss it until now ..."

He was always there for me .

He is the man who cares for me , understands me and loves me …. I want to love him too but I couldn't , I don't know what love is but I know and I trust what he says when he says "I love you"

Deepak, why are you so kind to me ? , " I asked as I try to ignore the fact I was talking about yang and lovie a moment ago..

After a moment of silence, i was about to give up , knowing Deepak doesn't talk much about his feelings…

It's like I am seeing myself in you , that why I am kind to you and I love you because you made me love myself , it's like your healing up my wounds , you take me to places I have never been. I never thought I would either , you are a special girl kim, " he said slowly .

What do you mean about seeing yourself in me ? ..

Silence greeted me again for almost a minute.

When my dad died … I was 11 too , he died in a car accident, and when he died …. I was in the car and I …. I … i was mad at him as he didn't fullfeil his promises, He was too busy worrying with me that he didn't see the car that was coming …."

He died because of … me .. if I wasn't there or misbehaving, he would have just been fine. I don't know if I should be lucky. He spends his last seconds with me , I don't know if you're the lucky , she said goodbye to you , smile for you , because you still miss spending the last second with her , while I was terrified by when I saw he pull his last breath , " Deepak said , emotions in his voice with tears in his eyes but his lips still pulled into a small smile , i was surprised by this Deepak never told me about his pain hid sorrows or his worry one of the reasons i broke up with him..

I lost it after he died, didn't make friends, didn't wanna leave my room , didn't even want to talk to my elder brother , didn't even wanna see my mom, as I felt guilty, I sometimes felt lost, sometimes I sent days in memories of when he was there , when he would do anything to please me , make me smile ..

Tears roll down my cheeks as I heard him , yes we have that one thing in common, we both lost that one person that made our day , we both have been in that dark room with nothing but memories, we were both lost in the past as it makes us forgets our present and our future where that person is no longer there…

I was afraid of letting people in for 6 year until I met you, listened to your story, your pain and talking to you was like talking to myself, I try to find away to get answers to your questions and i found answers for my slef too ,..." I never told you about the motorcycle accident because I knew you get scared easily and that was because I could relate to you , I was alway scared when you won't text back , I was scared you were in a accident or something..

And God, every time you make me scared and I remember him .

Sorry , " I said as my lips trimble as tears roll down my cheeks. I had no intention of making him worried or scared. He always seemed happy , I didn't-- I didn't know he was suffering too.

No need kim , it's all in the past, we should move on and I wanna do it with you , am not saying we try to forget them like they were never there but we should spend sometime with them , with their memories and spend the other times with those who are still alive , spent all the time that left together, met new people make new friends, live the life we have , we only get it once , What do you say ?...

Tears rolling down my cheeks, I had no answer, I couldn't just accpet people in my life , the changing, the new things , the future , everything is just so scary.. what if yang leaves , what if after a time he found someone better , what if i get addicted to him or them but then the leave , what if I am not good at new things , what if things change for the worst , what will our future be like...

Do I have to accpet people in my life ? , " I asked , though I want to , it scares the hell out of me.

I want him, but ....

You're afraid he will leave one day , " Deepak said as if he heard what I said .

I nodded my head slowly,

Kim, " he calls my name as I look away.

Why D , why , why do people leave our life after making us used to them .

I'm not sure, but I think it's best we spent that little time with them , not letting the past effects you not letting tomorrow bother you.

But what if I can't help but overthink everything ?.

Then you gotta learn how to overcome everything.


By being strong by putting your trust in them , by having faith and learning to take chances.

I shake my head , I wasn't letting yang in my life i decided that the day i saw him with another ..

I liked him and i am obsessed with him but I don't love him which was fine , it was just a crush and that crush had crash the day I saw him with someone else . By the way I am 14 for christ sake , i don't need this , I don't need people coming and going out of my life whenever they feel like and yang made me feel that way ..yang makes me feel scared that is probably why I leave most times that is why just looking at him is enough for me because i don't wanna have him tho apart of me do …

Deepak, why do A like B >B like C >C Like D and it kepts going on .

Like how Deepika like you > you like me > and i like someone else > who likes someone else , " I question as realization hit me. Deepak likes me , I like someone else who's likes someone else …

I don't know kim , i don't know everything , " he said as he sighed.

But your gonna be okay kim , your strong enough and you know what the say , embrace that person when you have them as you don't know when your gonna lose them .." he added

I never heard that but listening to Deepak, I knew what he said, he probably heard a million times , so I nodded my head , however i wasn't convinced as yet , i was going to keep Yang at arms level or about 5 feet away or maybe more ..

Good girl, " he said as he peck my forhead again .

You know that guy is a jerk and probably doesn't deserve you , " Deepak said again .

Yea , he doesn't, " I said as i close my eyes and all i see is his Yang .

Kim , your doing it again , you know what , I need to let you know this.." he said as i opened my eyes to look at him , yeah I was in my head again where I only see yang dark but yet bright black eyes , if that makes sense at all .

What ? .

I'm a very jealous guy, If I had known that guy who is messing with your head … he would have…." I shut his mouth with my hands , I really don't wanna hear what he will do with Yang though he can't

Hmm , protective huh , " Deepak said after he remove my hands as he smirked and I grinned..

May I have your attention everyone , the bride is going to throw the bouquet , so we will all knows whoes wedding we have to attend next , ' we hear a lady talk excitedly and for once I believe that, the last wedding we have been to is where sherry caught the bouquet and now she is the bride …

We better get back inside " Deepak suggest and I nodded my head .

After we reached back inside the bride has already throw the bouquet and a white curly hair girl catches it , she doesn't looks familiar, her and her boyfriend was hugging excitedly, we walk pass as we headed to mom as Deepak asked

"I wanna met my mother in law" he said , I was going to correct him but decided otherwise, and said

Your mother in law , Deepika mother isn't here " , I said , Deepak frown and it looks cute, I wanted to laugh but I held it back behind my hands…

Okay your mom then , " he said and I nodded my head ..