
My Wolfman

Zenande is a human who was adopted at a very young age but is neglected and treated indifferent by her adoptive family. She later founds out that her adoptive family had an agenda in adopting her and that they’re hiding a big secret that could destroy her whole world. Zukile is one of the strongest alphas to ever exist but because of power struggles he hides his abilities. Their chance encounter starts their journey and they discover that their unity has given them extraordinary abilities which results in them having a lot of enemies. And they also discover that through a Prophecy they will have to save the whole of humanity using their extraordinary abilities.

Khanyi_Nongogo · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The visit

It's been 30 minutes since I've been home after the incident with the wolf and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew the wolf from somewhere which was crazy. My phone rang. It was Zukile. I smiled and picked up.

Me: "Hey."

Zukile: "Precious one, come out. I'm parked outside." I didn't need to be told twice since I had missed him like crazy. I ran outside and there he was looking all delicious in his hoodie and track pants. He met me half way and pulled me into his arms. I breathed in his scent as he breathed in mine. "Come." He led me to his car. A surprised squeal escaped me when I was suddenly lifted and set on top of the bonnet of his car.

Me: "Zukile I'll ruin your car-."

Zukile: "Shush." I closed my mouth. "Are you hurt anywhere? Did anything happen?"

Me: "Funny that you ask. Something weird and crazy did happen."

Zukile: "Tell me."

Me: "I went to my forest earlier on-."

Zukile: "Your forest?" He raised his eyebrows.

Me: "It's behind my backyard so of course it's mine." I sassed. He smiled.

Zukile: "Whatever you say baby." Yeesh. I cleared my throat.

Me: "Anyway I met a wolf!"

Zukile: "A wolf?"

Me: "Yes! Oh my god Zukile it was so huge and terrifying...um well not so terrifying anymore since it was nice and healed my ankle and all-."

Zukile: "Healed your ankle?"

Me: "Oh my god you won't believe this. So I see this humongous black wolf so of course I start to run away because I mean, it's a wolf. While I'm still running away I twist my ankle and fall. Thinking that the wolf was going to eat me I sort of like kind of surrender but something amazing happens."

Zukile: "What happens baby?" He asked as he brushed the bite mark with his fingers causing my body to shiver and my breath to shorten. "Baby?"

Me: "Huh?"

Zukile: "You were telling me what happens." Oh. Yes. My mind had gone blank there for a sec. I swallowed.

Me: "Um...t-the w-wolf..." I trailed off and released a moan. "D-Don't do that please."

Zukile: "What? This?" He kissed the bite mark again.

Me: "Z-Zukile...p-please."

Zukile: "Okay I'll stop. It's just that I can't help myself. You look delicious as hell in this flimsy vest you're wearing. I can practically see your nipples since you don't have a bra on. And my mark is visible for all to see. Fuck precious one. You don't know how sexy you look to me right now do you?" Oh. Excited to see him, I forgot to put on a bra. And what did he mean his mark? "And knowing that you want me too is not helping matters at all because baby the only thing I can smell now is that pussy of yours." My face turned red and I avoided his eyes. "I'm in need of a cold shower right now or things will become very dangerous very quickly."

Me: "Cold shower? Why?" He chuckled and groaned.

Zukile: "Lord please save me from my innocent girlfriend." I bit my lip not knowing what to say. He sighed. "Are you sure your ankle is fine?"

Me: "Yes. All thanks to the wolf."

Zukile: "So a wolf healed you?"

Me: "Yes. Did you know a wolf's saliva has healing powers? Because I didn't know that until today. Isn't that awesome!"

Zukile: "Wow." I giggled.

Me: "I know it sounds crazy but I swear it's a thing. The wolf heals with its saliva."

Zukile: "Ohhh...okay."

Me: "You don't believe me do you." He laughed.

Zukile: "But baby I didn't say anything."

Me: "It's written all over your face. You think I've gone coocoo."

Zukile: "Coocoo?"

Me: "Yes. Cray cray."

Zukile: "Ohhh." He nodded.

Me: "You see so you do agree!" He laughed putting his hands up.

Zukile: "I didn't say anything. Why're you putting words in my mouth."

Me: "Whatever." I sulked. He tweaked my nose and I smiled. He was lucky that he was handsome otherwise I wouldn't forgive him for not believing me. He laughed wrapping his arms around me.

Zukile: "When did you say your family is coming back again?"

Me: "Errm...well..."

Zukile: "Precious one?" He was now looking at me. I closed my eyes. The thing is I had lied to him yesterday when we had talked on the phone. I hadn't told him that they would be gone for the whole weekend. The treatment of my family towards me was still embarrassing to say out loud . "Where are they?" His voice was different now. I opened my eyes. Yeah, he was angry.

Me: "I-I'm s-sorry I-I d-didn't m-mean to lie."

Zukile: "I'm not angry at you baby but at the situation. Yes I'm not happy that you didn't tell me the whole truth but that's fine. Just don't do it next time. Okay?"

Me: "Okay."

Zukile: "You don't have to hide things from me. I'm on your side, always." He told me caressing my cheek. I blinked back tears.

Me: "You're so g-good to me." He smiled.

Zukile: "You're my soul, the reason that I exist. I should be good to you." I threw my arms around his neck.

Me: "T-Thank you even though some of the things you say sometimes scare me a bit." He chuckled.

Zukile: "Precious one, I'm a very intense guy. It comes with what I am."

Me: "Now you sound a lot like the dream you." I mumbled. His body shook in laughter. He pulled back and held the back of neck.

Zukile: "What am I going to do with you baby huh?" Anything you want. His eyes glowed and a deep and sexy growl was released from him. "Be very careful what you wish for precious one." I blushed as I looked everywhere else but him. "I think it's time that you told me about your family precious one." And I did. I told him everything.

We were now on our way to his house. After I finished telling him everything, he told me to go pack a bag since I was going to be spending the rest of the weekend with him. I tried to argue but he told me to not argue and do as he says. And I did. Thing is he had been scary. Not that I thought he was going to hurt me or anything. No. Oddly enough I trusted him. I felt safe with him. Something just told me to do as he said. I kept on giving him side glances on the drive to his house because I could see he was in a dark mood. The whole car was filled with it and even myself, I could feel it within me. Couldn't explain it but it was like I was in tuned to his moods so I felt what he felt. His eyes were even doing that glowing thing they did which I still didn't think should be humanly possible. Now I see why the wolf's eyes had been familiar earlier on. The wolf and the handsome man had the same eyes.

Zukile's house was in the woods. And it wasn't only his house there. There were many more like maybe ten or twenty of other houses but they were widely spaced out. There were many people wondering about. Men, women and children. They looked like humans but at the same time they also looked different. I don't know how to say it but immediately when we entered this place, the energy or should I say the aura changed. And what was more weird was the people's reaction to seeing Zukile's car. They literally stopped whatever they were doing to lower their heads down. Was it some form of submission maybe? When it first happened with a group of men that were in the midst of building something by the gate I didn't really pay any mind to it but as we kept driving by I saw more and more people doing the same thing. We were parked in front of a three story cabin house to which I immediately fell in love with. It was beautiful. It looked like it was straight out of a picture and I noticed that it was the biggest cabin out of all the cabins I saw when we were driving up.

Me: "How old are you again?"

Zukile: "24."

Me: "You're not in anything illegal right?" He smiled. I was glad to see that his dark mood had cleared.

Zukile: "Precious one what're you trying to say?"

Me: "N-Nothing." He chuckled lightly.

Zukile: "I'm not in anything illegal. Don't worry okay." I nodded

Me: "What is this place? It looks like a community of some sorts."

Zukile: "That's one way to put it."

Me: "Not only are you weird, your life's weird too."

Zukile: "Come, let's go in."