
My Wolfman

Zenande is a human who was adopted at a very young age but is neglected and treated indifferent by her adoptive family. She later founds out that her adoptive family had an agenda in adopting her and that they’re hiding a big secret that could destroy her whole world. Zukile is one of the strongest alphas to ever exist but because of power struggles he hides his abilities. Their chance encounter starts their journey and they discover that their unity has given them extraordinary abilities which results in them having a lot of enemies. And they also discover that through a Prophecy they will have to save the whole of humanity using their extraordinary abilities.

Khanyi_Nongogo · Fantasy
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16 Chs

His Cabin

His house was beautiful inside and outside. I also liked that it smelled like him. Being in his personal space was making me nervous. We just started dating and already I was sleeping over for the weekend. I wasn't experienced in dating but I knew this was moving fast. Were we going to sleep on the same bed? Thinking about the possibility terrified and excited me.

Me: "Y-You live a-alone?"

Zukile: "Yes."

Me: "Oh."

Zukile: "Make yourself at home while I go put this upstairs okay?" He meant my overnight bag. I gave a tentative nod. His eyes lingered on me for just a few seconds and then he disappeared. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Make myself at home. How the hell was I going to do that? Zenande what were you thinking? I honestly didn't know. I shouldn't have come. I hugged my middle as my eyes wondered around. When Zukile reappeared again, he was no longer in his hoodie. He was in a black vest which was show casing his nice strong arms. I blushed and fiddled with my glasses while looking everywhere else but him. "Are you hungry precious one? I could make you something to eat." I was about to answer no when my stomach chose to grumble. Zukile chuckled. "Come." He pulled me with him to the kitchen. I sat on one of the counter chairs while he moved around making me something to eat. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I didn't know until him that a man who knew his way around the kitchen was super attractive.

Me: "S-So...erm..."

Zukile: "Out with it precious one."

Me: "W-Why are you and those people out there living as you are?"

Zukile: "You mean as a family?"

Me: "Yeah."

Zukile: "It's because we are a family." I frowned because I didn't get it. Well, not really. It was all so confusing but I shrugged it away because there were many things about this boyfriend of mine that I didn't get. "Which means you're also part of the family."

Me: "M-Me?" I asked in a high voice.

Zukile: "Yes." I shook my head.

Me: "W-Why?"

Zukile: "Because you're mine."

Me: "As simple as that?"

Zukile: "Yes precious one. As simple as that."

Me: "Oh." I said in a small voice.

Zukile: "Why? You're not happy?"

Me: "N-No i-it's not that. It's just that..."

Zukile: "Talk to me."

Me: "Why would those people accept me as being part of the family just because I'm yours? I don't get it."

Zukile: "It's because they have to. It's our way."

Me: "What do you mean by our way? Whose way."

Zukile: "Theirs, our forefathers, mine and now also yours."

Me: "I still don't get it." He stopped what he was doing and came to me. Having him in close proximity affected me.

Zukile: "You don't need to get it now precious one but you can accept it, can't you?" I kept quiet and bit my lip nervously. "Can't you?"

Me: "I can."

Zukile: "Then it's sorted." I sighed.

Me: "That's your favorite line for everything isn't it?" He smiled.

Zukile: "What do you mean?" I rolled my eyes.

Me: "As if you don't know." He chuckled. He gave me a pat on the head and went back to what he had been doing.

We were busy eating when Zukile stopped and got this faraway look like he was seeing something somewhere.

Me: "Zukile? What's wrong?" When he didn't say anything, I touched his hand and his eyes snapped back to me. He blinked. "W-What's wrong?"

Zukile: "Oh sorry baby. It's nothing. But I need to step out for a bit." He said standing up.

Me: "What?"

Zukile: "Something needs my attention. I'll be right back."

Me: "But Zu-."

Zukile: "I'll be right back precious one. Finish your food." He gave a kiss on the head and then he was gone.

<i>Hey. </i>




Precious one, I'm busy.</i>




Why is everyone busy today? Even the real you left me just now without explaining where he was going. </i>






Give me a second baby, okay?</i>




Okay. </i>



After a few minutes...

<i>Precious one</i>





He chuckled.

<i>Are you mad?</i>








You sound mad.</i>




I'm not. </i>




Did you finish your food?</i>








Don't lie.</i>

<i>How would you know?</i>




I just do. Eat your food.</i>




So bossy like the real you.</i>



Another chuckle.

<i>What were you busy with anyway?</i>




Alpha duties.</i>




I see you're still crazy. </i>

He sighed.

<i>It's not easy being an Alpha especially with a Luna that thinks you're crazy even when you're telling her the truth. </i>

I laughed.

<i>I take it that I'm this Luna.</i>




You said it not me. </i>

I kept quiet.





Can I tell you something?</i>

<i>Anything baby. </i>




The real you says I'm part of his family. </i>

<i>You are. Does that worry you?</i>









I don't know.</i>




Talk to me baby.</i>



I sighed.

<i>What if they don't accept me? </i>




They will. </i>




But what if they don't?</i>




Precious one, trust me. They will. I'm sure of it.</i>




My own family doesn't even want me. So it's possible that these people also won't. </i>




I'm sorry my mate but your family are a bunch of assholes who I plan to deal with when they get back. But believe me when I say that when it comes to my pack, you have nothing to worry about. They will like you and give you the respect that you deserve because by them doing that, they're honoring me as their Alpha.</i>




That's a nice thing to say but silly we're not talking about you here but the real you. </i>




Tomato tomahto. </i>

I giggled.

<i>You're funny. </i>




Are your worries put to ease now?</i>




Somewhat. </i>




Why didn't you tell all this to the real me? </i>




I didn't want to seem pathetic to him. He's all perfect and I'm just a loser with abandonment issues. He deserves better. </i>


<i>Hello? Are you still there? </i>


I sighed. I'm sure he's busy with his Alpha duties again. I giggled. I quickly finished my food and was about to go rinse the plate when Zukile entered.

Me: "Oh hey you're ba-." The look on his face together with his glowing intense eyes caused my heart to beat around fanatically and my body to light up like a Christmas tree. I was both extremely scared and excited for what was about to happen because I knew whatever it was, it was going to be life changing. He took the plate from my hands and put on the counter. Next, were my glasses, which he also put them on the counter. Then he pulled me to him and kissed me senseless. And when I said senseless I meant every sense of the word. He took and took and took, and also at the same time, he breathed life into me.