
My Wolfman

Zenande is a human who was adopted at a very young age but is neglected and treated indifferent by her adoptive family. She later founds out that her adoptive family had an agenda in adopting her and that they’re hiding a big secret that could destroy her whole world. Zukile is one of the strongest alphas to ever exist but because of power struggles he hides his abilities. Their chance encounter starts their journey and they discover that their unity has given them extraordinary abilities which results in them having a lot of enemies. And they also discover that through a Prophecy they will have to save the whole of humanity using their extraordinary abilities.

Khanyi_Nongogo · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Wolf

Zukile: "What's wrong precious one?" I shook my head. "Then why're you quiet?"

Me: "I'm always quiet."

Zukile: "Look at you trying to get smart with me." I giggled softly. "Are you sure there's nothing bothering you?" I bit my lip. "Out with it."

Me: "I-I'll tell you when we're sitting down."

Zukile: "Okay." We were walking towards one of the restaurants at school. Like in the morning, people were staring and whispering behind their hands as they pointed at us. It was even worse now. I tried to extract my hand from the handsome man but he held it more firmly in his. I was dying inside since I was a person who hated attention and wasn't used to it. I had pleaded with Zukile for us to have our lunch under my tree but he refused. He said it was cold to eat outside. Even when I tried to argue with him that I wasn't cold he told me to listen to him that he knew best especially when it came to me. One thing I've realized about this boyfriend of mine was that he was kind of bossy.

<i>It's hard to deal with the real you.</i>

The voice just chuckled and said nothing.



<i>Really? You're going to ignore me when I need you?</i>


<i>What do you mean?</i>


I humph'd. Even the handsome man in my head was giving me a hard time today.

We entered the restaurant and luckily we found an isolated booth that was away from prying eyes.

Zukile: "Tell me what's bothering you."

Me: "Y-You're popular."

Zukile: "What do you mean?"

Me: "Everybody knows who you are."

Zukile: "I wouldn't say everybody."

Me: "Tomato tomahto." He laughed.

Zukile: "You're getting sassy with me precious one?" He teased. I blushed and looked at my hands. "Does it bother you that I'm well known?"

Me: "I-I d-don't like attention." I confessed biting my lip.

Zukile: "I know baby but I what can I do? It's not like I can get unpopular." I gave him the look. He smiled. "I'm not really that popular. It's just that my friends and I are in the school's basketball team so a lot of people recognize us because of that. There's nothing more to it."

Me: "I-I heard that...y-you r-rejected tons of g-girls." He made a face.

Zukile: "Don't listen to talk baby. I have to warn you, after today there will be a lot of talk going around. Just know that you're the only woman for me no matter what anyone says. Remember I exist and breathe only for you." I stared at him not knowing what to say. This man was intense. "You hear me?"

Me: "I-I'm worried that...I'll ruin your reputation when people find out that you're...dating me." I said the last part softly. "You know, I'm not Naomi Campbell."

Zukile: "Who the fuck is that?"

Me: "She's a model."

Zukile: "Precious one."

Me: "Huh?"

Zukile: "I don't want a model or anyone else for that matter. I want you. Only you. Always. Do you get me?" Gosh! I nodded. "I need words baby so I know that you really get me.

Me: "I get you Zukile."

Zukile: "Good. Now let's order. I'm starved."

I was staring out my bedroom window. It was quiet out there in the forest tonight.


<i>Hey baby.</i>

<i>You're sounding more and more like him.</i>

<i>That's because I am him.</i>

<i>Yeah right.</i>

The voice sighed.

<i>What are you doing?</i>

<i>Staring out at the forest. You?</i>


<i>You're more crazy than I thought.</i>

He chuckled.

<i>What are you hunting?</i>

<i>Just a second ago you were saying that I was crazy.</i>

<i>Just humor me.</i>




<i>Those are werewolves who have either been kicked out of their pack or have left on their own. Right?</i>

<i>I'm impressed precious one.</i>

<i>I've read a lot of paranormal novels. Duh.</i>

<i>I see.</i>

<i>Why are you hunting rogues?</i>





<i>They've been attacking our pack lately.</i>






<i>You're mine now or have you forgotten already?</i>

<i>Wait. So you're saying that you're a werewolf?</i>








<i>And let me guess, I'm your mate?</i>





<i>That you are. Mate. Mine.</i>

The possessiveness in that answer alone almost brought me to my knees but I ignored it and just laughed out loud.

<i>One day you'll find out that all I've been telling you was true.</i>

<i>I doubt that.</i>

<i>Wanna bet?</i>





<i>I don't do bettings with crazies.</i>

Now it was his turn to full on laugh.

<i>Okay. I have to go now baby. We've spotted the rogues.</i>

<i>Be careful.</i>





<i>You're worried about me now, the crazy?</i>






<i>Later mate.</i>

It was Saturday morning. I was in the forest. This is what I did every Saturday. I explored the forest with my camera around my neck. I was the most happiest and free when I was here. It felt like my second home apart from my bedroom. I felt safe and at peace. The rich smell of nature and the sounds that everything made here was harmony to me. For some reason, today this place reminded me of Zukile. Maybe because of how earthly he smelled. I was snapping away with my camera as I moved along the pathways. Even though there were animals here, they were harmless. I was admiring some peach flowers when I heard howling. A wolf? In all my years that I've been exploring this forest, I've never seen any wolves. I looked around and saw nothing. I'm sure it was nothing. I bent to smell the flowers again when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I was being watched. I straightened up and looked around some more. Nothing. But I did notice one thing though. The forest had gone completely silent. I think it was time for me to leave now. I was halfway out of the clearing when I heard a twig snap behind me. I stopped and turned around slowly and there it was. A wolf. I've seen many wolves on television. All different kinds. But I've never seen a wolf like the one I was looking at now. First of all, it was flippen humongous. Almost the size of me. Kid you not. And it was black. Like charcoal black. It's eyes were vividly amber. When it made a move to come closer to me that's when I turned and ran away. As I ran away I kept looking back behind me. Yeah the wolf was chasing me alright. But I then realized that it was actually playing with me because I knew there was no way in hell that I could outrun it. If it wanted to it would've caught me by now. I've heard about predators playing with their preys on hunts before killing them. This wolf was doing the same with me. I could see the clearing now. I was almost there. Please God please. Let me get out of this alive. I looked back once more which was the exact time when I stepped on something causing my ankle to twist. I cried out in pain as I went down falling.

I quickly scrambled back remembering that I fell because there was a wolf chasing me. I held up both my hands in front of me in hopes that it would stop the wolf from advancing but it didn't. Who was I kidding?

Me: "P-Please p-please stay away. D-Don't c-come any closer." It didn't listen of course. The darn wolf kept on advancing as it made whining noises. Oh my god! This was it. I was going to die "Don't eat me please!" I screamed closing my eyes expecting it to kill me but none of that happened. Instead I felt something wet my ankle that was hurt. I opened one of my eyes and for the life of me I couldn't believe what was happening before me. The wolf was lapping my twisted ankle with its tongue as it still made whining noises. I stared at what it was doing not knowing what do to. But the amazing and disbelieving part was that as it carried on licking me, the pain in my ankle started to ebb away. It was like the wolf was healing me with its saliva. I don't believe that I was actually the one saying this, but it appeared that the wolf's saliva had some healing powers. The hell? After it was satisfied that my ankle was healed, it moved closer and started to rub its muzzle all over me while it whined and whined. I stayed utterly still as I was caught off guard. When the shock eased away I remembered that this was an actual wolf with sharp teeth. I scrambled back and stood up on my feet. I was grateful and all that it healed my ankle but a predator was still a predator. It couldn't be trusted. I started to walk back. It's eyes stayed on me as I retreated, not moving. I don't know but it's eyes were familiar somehow. I felt like I've seen them before. When I was sure that I was at a safe distance I turned and ran all the way home.