
My wife is the richest woman

Bai Lianhua: "this is your expense this year. We are cleared!" Chen Ango: "why?" Bai Lianhua: "I'm bankrupt!" Chen ange (thinking): "why don't... I raise you!" White Lotus:????? If you think "my wife is the richest woman" is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends!

DaoistGrSS68 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 35 - Empty Numbers

"Sister, your charm is unstoppable!"

"So many gifts oh, those guys are not here to listen to the show at all, all of them are here to see sister!"

Juan Juan, who plays the role of the green snake, held a bouquet of blue sirens and took a deep sniff.

In front of the imperial dressing table, Paeonia stroked her long hair, a gentle smile surfaced on her face.

"Whether it's to watch the show or to watch me, it's nice to have someone to come!"

Now this plum garden on her still persist, fortunately, these two years the benefits are good, but the benefits are good, trouble comes with it.

The word "opera" should have been combined with social flower a hundred years ago, after all, it is not like hundreds or thousands of years ago for the peddler's pastime entertainment items.

This century, the yellow plum tune for the upper class has never been.

Such as the current general, can come in to see the plum garden, either to quietly taste, or those who are rich children.

The average person is not in the mood to appreciate this culture.

"That old gentleman Jiang seems to have come too!"

"I saw it, also went over there!"

"Hey, how good it would be if it weren't for the old man!"

Juan Juan sighed with intent.

Paeonia laughed lightly, picked up the grate on the dressing table and combed her hair, inside her eyes, clear as if they had been washed by water.

"Miss Song!"

Backstage people came, is a very tall very stable and elegant person, with glasses, a suit looked a little decent, but this age still come backstage, must also be some small mind.

"Mr. Huang!"

Song Shaoyao rose, her face is still with a gentle smile like water, her voice is very womanly, and her hands and feet are quite the flavor of the stage.

"Miss Song this white snake interpretation is getting more and more wonderful."

The opening words were praise, but Song Shaoyao still keenly noticed that it was different from before.

"Thank you Mr. Huang for the compliment!"

"You don't need to be modest, there are many types of operas in this Dahua, and the White Snake has repertoire within several genres, but when it comes to the interpretation of the White Snake, you call it second, no one dares to call it first!"

Song Shao Yao did not speak, her watery eyes staring at Huang Dongshan, waiting for his next words.

"and Miss Song have known each other for so long, it seems that there has not been a good chat, but the other day Jiahui should have come to see you!"

Huang Dongshan sat down and had no intention of leaving after sending flowers.

Song Shao Yao smiled and nodded, without the slightest displeasure.

"Mr. Huang, you've done my sister a disservice!"

Juan Juan was a bit indignant.

"It's my fault!"

Huang Dongfang admitted his fault in a good manner and seemed to be organizing his words.

"My wife and I were classmates and took quite a bit of care of me during school, I know what she meant, just never had anything too deep. After graduating from college and entering the career, but unfortunately rugged and bumpy, and then ... later married my wife, I spent ten years climbing from an office assistant to today's position."

"Mutually supportive, respectful, sounds very beautiful, but I imagine among the married life and these are not tied. These words sound more like friends, but I know how it all came about now, my mother's side of the family is quite satisfied with me, and I am also very satisfied with my wife, five years ago we had a daughter, very happy, the original thought of this life is so!"

Huang Dongfang said here suddenly looked at Song Shaoyao, helplessly shook his head: "In fact, I am a person who likes romance, Miss Song, do you believe it!"

"I believe!"

Huang Dongfang froze, very happy smile: "Thank you!"

"If I could have met you earlier, I think it would have been excellent. My family is poor, so when I went to school I did not dare to distract myself, in this life, in addition to my wife, I am afraid to see you the most times, now think about it is also quite sad, my first emotional touch even in the approaching forty years old!"

"So lately always like that the gentleman born I have not been born, although this sentence is not enough to summarize, but also similar, also had a momentary impulse to do a Chen Shi Mei, but ultimately did not have the courage! This thing I did not deliberately hide, my wife also saw, but she did not quarrel, I know her very well, I can marry her in this life, is the blessing of ten lifetimes. But always feel resentful in my heart, but also until after she found you, I slowly figured it out."

"It was not suitable, so why force it. I think this half year to Miss Song also brought a lot of trouble, the future should not be, maybe in the future should bring his wife to see Miss Song's performance, of course, if Miss Song has any trouble, you can also find my wife to help!"

Huang Dongfang finished leaving a phone number, turned around and left.

"Sister, what does he ... mean!"

Juan Juan listened to the confusion, but somehow had the urge to punch Huang Dongfang.

"Nothing meaningful, but a coward!"

Song Shaoxiao smiled faintly and reached out to pick up the phone number and tore it up directly.

"Hey, I get it!"

Juan Juan's eyes lit up.

"What did you understand?"

Song Shao Yao stared at her.

"By you so look, I do not understand again!"

Juan Juan's face was bitter.

"Do not understand good, understand and then annoying! But although he is timid, but can make such a decision, I have a lot of high regard for him, and, that wife of his ... official family woman, really extraordinary!"

Song Shao Yao fine thought, can not help but lose a smile.

The fact that the two did not happen anything, Huang Dongfang is also considered decent, see before are flower delivery, adding up words I'm afraid is not as much as said tonight.

But before just hazy expression, but today is a stab, but look away.

Song Paeonia's performance is once a week, so tonight will burst field, but she personally do not like to stay in the theater more, just listen to Huang Dongfang talk today delayed a lot of time.

Just as she was about to go out, the door backstage was knocked on again.

The one who came in was a young man, very eye-catching, even Song Shao Yao could not help but look at a few more, but did not care.

You know where there are many handsome men?

Pear Garden!

Young man!

All handsome!

"Do you want something?"

After all, it is an unfamiliar face, Juan went up to greet, some helplessness in his heart, another man who fell under his sister's skirt.

"Oh, hello two, this ... goddess, can you leave a phone number?"

Chen Ange's very lame way of communication began.

Song Shao Yao tilted her head and stared at Chen An Ge like a fool, and then smiled and gave a phone number.

"I still have things to do, so goodbye!"

Song Shao Yao said and took Juan out of the backstage, and disappeared with a turn from the back door.

Relieved, Chen Ange does not care if the other party leaves, anyway, the phone number to hand on the line.

This plum garden looks small, but the back door to door open, so that Chen Ange actually took the wrong way to run outside on the street.

What a shame!

"Damn, if you guy dares to hit the attention of peony, see if I do not scold you to death!"

"And, what have you been doing!"

Jiang Shan was still a bit indignant when he went home after the show.

"Oh, asked for her phone number!"

"Phone number? Impossible, her phone number will not be easily given to others!"

"Here, this is not!"

Chen Ange spread out the small slip of paper in his hand and then dialed it.

A few seconds later!

"Sorry, the user you dialed is an empty number ..."

Jiang Shan burst into laughter.

Chen Ange's face instantly blackened!