
My wife is the richest woman

Bai Lianhua: "this is your expense this year. We are cleared!" Chen Ango: "why?" Bai Lianhua: "I'm bankrupt!" Chen ange (thinking): "why don't... I raise you!" White Lotus:????? If you think "my wife is the richest woman" is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends!

DaoistGrSS68 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 36 - Hwa Entertainment wants the copyright

The unprecedented release of "Sinister" brought everyone's attention to it.

The name An Ge, for the first time, really started to circulate inside the director's circle as well.

Inside an office of Hwa Entertainment, the crowd looked at the film that was sent to the Dingdu Film Festival, and it was quiet inside.

And those who can sit here are mostly people in the circle.

"I have to say, this An Ge has a few brilliance!"

"The way he makes movies is obviously different from us!"

"If it were me, I would definitely go for the big scenes, but if it were me, I shouldn't be making this kind of film, after all, the pattern is too small!"

"You guys obviously didn't get it, this Ange has an extremely deep and unique understanding on top of artistic attainment."

"By the way, who is this original?"

"It seems to be a network writer! Preacher!"

"I read it, that author is very deep, "Nie Xiaoqian" is a literary text, these days can have such a deep literary skills, should also not be ordinary people."

"Then what are you guys waiting for?"

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, instantly understand.


Chen Ange wanted to hit someone, he never thought Song Shao Yao would give him an empty number.

He is very much like a prodigal son?

Just a phone number, as far as it goes?

However, he was not in a hurry when he learned that Song Shao Yao had weekly performances. Near November, the heat had passed and the evenings by the river were even cooler. But for people who run at night but very comfortable.

The river breeze, although with a little fishy and earthy smell, but for people living inside the concrete walls, this closest to nature's breath also seems intimate and precious.

Twenty years ago, the Plum Garden was remarkable, with a staff of 70 to 80, many famous actors, and a wide variety of plays, such as "The Seven Fairies Descend to Earth", "Meng Jiang Niu", "The Weaving Girl", and the then head of the Plum Garden was called Pink Peony, the best is "The Legend of the White Snake", dressed as the White Snake, almost half of Anting, at that time the Plum Garden wall was not blocked up, at that time the front of the street are There were people standing and watching."

"I heard that he learned from the Northern Swallow School and used his kung fu on the beam to the extreme. It is a pity that he died at the age of less than 30. After his death, the plum garden also fell into decline, until later after the two sisters of peony came to take off."

"Rumor has it that Pink Peony fell in love with a woman that year and had a close relationship with that woman, and somehow the woman left, and the reason why Pink Peony died should be for love, trapped in love and died."

"A few years ago the Peony sisters to Anting, very smoothly took over the Plum Garden, and heard people say that Peony is the daughter of Pink Peony, just ... look at that between the eyebrows, there are indeed a few similarities. But how specifically no one is clear."

"By the way, what are you inquiring about these things?"

Two people fishing at the riverside, chatting with each other when Chen Ange always asked about Mei Yuan and Song Shao Yao.

As a person who came over, Jiang Shan, after all, ate quite a lot of salt, so he also said a few more words about what he had seen before.

"I've heard about you, but I can tell you, can be good to a person is always good to a person, the old man I used to do wrong, hey ... talk more is a bit preachy, let it be!"

"Your old man thinks too much!"

Chen Ange bristled, he also more or less knew Jiang Shan's previous muddle. But also will not arbitrarily to review life, people in this life, who have not done wrong, some people turn back in time, some people a mistake in the end, some people want to make amends but look back at no one, while some people, but even survive the pillars are not.

Inexplicably remembered the flowers, Chen Ange had an urge.

He wants a daughter now!


The phone rang, Chen Ange answered the phone, his face was a bit odd.

Chen Ange was not considered a guest in the Jiang family now, Hua Hua completely treated Chen Ange as family, the aunt who cooked the food was also familiar with Chen Ange and treated people gently, which was similar to the temperament of Jiang Shan's family.

Jiang Shan was outside tidying up his flowers and plants, and Chen Ange was holding his computer on the second floor balcony, with a light smile on the corner of his mouth and his ten fingers crackling on the keyboard.

"Preaching teacher, what do you think?"

When the other party called, Chen Ange was fishing with Jiang Shan, so he just said he would talk more about it at home.

"Hello, I'm She Yang from the purchasing department of Hwa Entertainment's copyright department!"

It was such an introduction that Chen Ange understood.

But he did not speak, but watched the other party typing.

"Chuan Dao teacher, we want to buy the rights of your Shu Shan Sword Warrior Legend and Eight Dragons of Heaven, as well as the rights of the short story Painted Skin!"

The other party typed and kept waiting.

Chen Ange smiled lightly, the appetite is quite big ah.

But after the "Sinister Girl" exploded, he knew someone would definitely come to ask, but I didn't expect the first person to come was someone from China Entertainment.

Not to mention three copies, even one Chen Ange did not want to sell them.

But this is only the previous idea, now well, he changed his mind, he is ready to make a good wave of China Entertainment, for the white lotus flower outlet.

"The copyright is not sold, only authorized!"

Copyright this thing, even one of them absolutely can not be completely sold, when the "Eight Dragons" do not know how many times the remake, each remake to collect money, if a one-time sale, that's still necessary.

Although the price of authorization is a little less, but Chen Ange is very clear about the value of "The Eight Dragons".

Authorization only?

She Yang was stunned and laughed, this is to see their "Nie Xiaoqian" after the fire bullying pride?

It's not that they haven't signed licenses before, but they've all been for large IPs or well-known novels.

Anyway, they just want to shoot one, who will go to shoot a second time?

Moreover, if they ask for the rights to shoot, who would dare to shoot a second time?

After asking his boss, She Yang agreed.

The contract was finalized, but Chen Ange only awarded Tianlong and Painted Skin, for Shushan he did not want to move yet.

And the contract also states some subsidiary terms inside.

But this signing ...

There is some trouble.

Chen Ange did not want to show his face.

"Preaching teacher, are you there, are you there?"

Cute and beautiful little Lou Lou!

Looking at the avatar that popped up all of a sudden, Chen Ange's eyes lit up.

"In, what's up?"

"Chuan Dao teacher, what happened to you recently, write so slow oh, I have been waiting for more it! And ah, many companies came to ask you about the copyright of the book. But we all told the truth, and did not reveal your contact information, you see?"

You did not reveal it, but someone has got my cell phone number?

But Chen Ange didn't care.

"Are you interested in hanging out with me?"

At the end of the computer, Xiaolou saw this line and only felt that his eyes were a little blurry, rubbed them and was so scared that he almost jumped off the stool.

What the hell?

The preaching teacher has taken a fancy to me?

Or is ... ready to adopt me?

No, the preaching teacher should not have seen me ah!

Xiaolou rubbed his little face.

"Have you thought about it?"

Another message came, Xiaolou gritted his teeth and put up a fight.

"Preaching teacher, you say!"

"When I assistant, in the future, some of my book will need you to operate, as for the salary, I am a generous person, I give you shares, I believe that you when the editor, should be clear about the value of my book. I need a company, you as a legal person, but only the front office people, you understand?"

"Oh, a leather company!"

Hey, how can a little girl speak so white, but quite clever.