
My wife is the richest woman

Bai Lianhua: "this is your expense this year. We are cleared!" Chen Ango: "why?" Bai Lianhua: "I'm bankrupt!" Chen ange (thinking): "why don't... I raise you!" White Lotus:????? If you think "my wife is the richest woman" is good, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends!

DaoistGrSS68 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 34 - The White Lady

"Thanks to you, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with it!"

"Don't talk much with that guy in the future, that guy has a bad reputation!"

Zhang Donglai withdrew his gaze and said indifferently.

Wang Lingyin froze, and then smiled and nodded her head.

Although she and Zhang Donglai have not known each other for a long time, and even the friendship is not too deep, but because they have cooperated in a drama, the two more or less understand each other, and also have a tacit understanding.

In addition, Yang Feifei to Zhang Donglai also relatively respected, said the circle Zhang Donglai reputation is very good.

"I can't handle this kind of socializing at all!"

Fame is indeed her hope, but after the fame of the trouble is more and more, but also fortunately she has not signed the company, otherwise I am afraid that when facing the microphone to answer the reporter will not be able to say a word.

"This circle is like this, a lot of powerful people, and this is only our own circle inside, in addition to these people, there are investors ..."

Zhang Donglai said here, some worry Wang Ling Yin.

Such a girl into the acting circle, and do not know whether it is good or bad.

"By the way, you have not yet signed the company, any ideas?"

"I want to ask Mr. Chen!"

Zhang Donglai sniffed and nodded: "Indeed, you should ask him, if he has the ability, you should still stand behind him!"

Wang Lingyin nodded her head.

Zhang Donglai also did not say much, there are too many rules inside this circle, need a little to experience firsthand.

And there are only a few people at the top, and even those few people can only lower their eyebrows in the face of certain characters, not to mention others.

This is the status quo!


Jiangnan and Jiangbei, there have been many changes in history, where certain cities may belong to Jiangbei for the first hundred years, and then belong to Jiangnan for the next hundred years.

Jiang Shan knows how to enjoy life, his sons and daughters-in-law are all living in their new homes in northern Anhui, but he does not want to move, living with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren in his old home south of Jiangbei.

Said Jiangbei, in fact, some years ago after the national geographic division, this place has been included in the Jiangnan category, but only less than ten years, to change the mouth, I'm afraid it will take a generation or two.

In addition to fishing, the old man ran the most diligent is the theater.

As a literary worker, he is very fond of traditional things, traditional theater these years the country is also strongly advocated.

Perhaps it is because of the development of technology, most people's eyes are looking to the future, so the traditional things are lost too much, but it is necessary for literary workers to pick their dross and inherit the essence.

Chen Ange agrees with this, other industries are not clear, take the actors and singers alone, many people are learning these traditional drama before they start.

And this kind of traditional drama inside many things are the essence, such as body, voice, dress up all kinds.

A little closer is the drama group.

Nowadays, the acting circle can be called artists, most of the old troupe out of the old, and drama is also the most honed.

The scope of theater is relatively large, in a broad sense, stage plays, plays are in the scope of theater.

Of course, theater is not just a certain country's repertoire.

Turning head, kicking step, appearances of these things in the last world of Hong Kong and Taiwan drama is very common, even the early years of the fifties in Hong Kong is the most popular is the yellow plum tune, and even later the emergence of writing martial arts, but also less yellow plum tune mixed in.

Beijing drama later too many good things were absorbed by the film away, certain martial arts films in the appearance of a Beijing opera face is not uncommon.

Of course, the most enjoyable one is the famous overseas "Farewell My Concubine".

The theater looks older, should be some years, but the construction is quite chic, in the evening there are still a lot of people, surprisingly people of all ages.

"It seems that the people of Anting are quite fond of traditional plays!"

Chen Ange praised.

Today after dinner he was dragged by Jiang Shan, saying that he wanted to bring him to see a play.

Only after asking did he know that it was Huangmei Tunes.

It's just that in the previous life, Huangmei opera only began to really form professional performances at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and there is no Qing here, so I don't know what stage the Huangmei tune has actually developed to.

"By the way, what is being performed today?"

"The White Snake!"

Chen Ange raised his eyebrows, and by the way, he also picked up his phone and searched for Huangmei Tunes.

When he went in, there were already quite a few people sitting inside, and there was no noise, and each one had a happy look on their faces.

"Jiang Lao, this way please!"

One person in front greeted Jiang Shan, and then led the way in front.

Chen Ange smacked his lips, it seems that this old man comes from time to time, and the old man is after all old, and his identity is not bad, although he does not show himself much, others may take it as ordinary people, but the people of the theater should be aware of it.

"This is the old man's special seat for me!"

Brought to the second floor elegant seat, Jiang Shan with a proud face, seems to be showing off to Chen Ange.

"Fine, I'll take advantage of you then!"

The second floor location is indeed very good, with a wide view, facing the stage, and people on both sides, looking at the temperament should also not be ordinary people.

"I was not too interested in these when I was young, then I saw more, or our ancestors' things are good na!"

Jiang Shan sip a mouthful of fragrant tea, revealing a soothing expression, speaking between the eyes a little wandering, and do not know what comes to mind.

"This does not like the people quite a lot of well? Young people are also quite a lot!"

Chen Ange eyes sweep the whole room, the seat is empty, a bit unusual.

Jiang Shan bristled: "You think these young people are here to see the show?"

Chen Ange froze, a little did not understand.

"This plum garden corner is known as 'Han River Goddess', stunning beauty!"

Oh, got it!

Come to pick up girls!

Chen Ange laughed, no wonder some young people stretched their necks. It's true that beautiful girls are popular everywhere.

The lights of the theater changed, originally some buzzing sound gradually disappeared, at the same time, the radio inside the narrator appeared!

The water of West Lake is dry, the river and the lake are not safe!

Leifeng Tower falls, White Snake emerges!

Then the curtain slowly pulled open, the scene inside has changed, not like the old theater in the previous world, those scenes are not real, the wall directly hanging a huge screen, the screen above the computer to make a seemingly illusory and real external scenes.

Strange rocks, thousand-year-old vines, foggy, a mountain wilderness.

At the same time, four big words appeared.

Two snakes fighting!

This is the name of the first fold.

Big screen scenery began to fall from far to near, a white mane appeared, a huge snake head from the mountain streams and lakes in the leap out, the big snake body flooded with cold light, eyes like lanterns, if a child in the fear of really want to cry.

Just then, lightning flashes, the white snake rises to the sky, it seems to helicopter immortal world, mid-air, a lightning strike, all of a sudden, the white light, the white snake has all but invisible, a moment blast, the actor out of the scene.

The woman in white dresses fluttering, up and down, like a flying swallow gently landed on the reef, hands spread out, surprised looking at their hands and feet, the first time the excitement of being human interpretation of the best.

Then he started singing, roughly expressing his joy after his incarnation.

"What a white snake!"

Chen Ange face slightly surprised, although a bit far, but this actor's face is not much powder, so that people can even see the feelings in her eyebrows.

Also at this time, a rustling sound appeared, the green shadow, the green snake appeared.

The reason for the double snake fight is that the green snake wants to marry the white snake.

The second fold is the ferrying of love.

The third fold is the golden bowl.

The fourth fold is the suppression.

Four short folds, lasting an hour and a half, Chen Ange also generally clear.

This "White Snake" should be separated from the "White Snake eternal town of Leifeng Tower", the plot deleted a lot, but added the two snakes fighting, this should be the result of today's advanced technology, and the beginning of the high-tech fighting projection is quite shocking.

However, and the last life of the White Lady is quite a lot worse, at least the plot can not be the same day, such as the widely circulated water Manshanshan Temple here is not, and the ending is still the White Lady was suppressed under the Leifeng Tower, note the eternal town!

White maiden less behind a large section, the charm plummeted.

But this does not say that this "Legend of the White Snake" is not wonderful, on the contrary has been for the Chen Ange who has experienced the full version, this ending is very emotional.

The exit, but the audience inside the theater did not leave.

The dazzling lights on the stage disappeared, followed by a woman dressed in white walking up to thank the curtain.

The costume on her face had been washed off, revealing her original face.

A thunderous roar rang out in the moment.

Only after that was the dispersal, but Jiang Shan had not moved.

When Chen Ange was puzzled, he saw that the goddess Han Jiang had already changed her clothes and walked over.

"Mr. Jiang Lao, thank you for coming to support the show!"

"Where where, come, here are the flowers for you!"

Jiang Shan also did not know where to pull out the flowers.

The two spoke to a few words, and the Han River Goddess took her leave.

Chen Ange looked at Jiang Shan with an odd face.

"I think she's backstage, can I go in?"

"What do you want? I'm telling you, I won't allow you to wreak havoc on her!"

Jiang Shan had a wary face.

Chen Ange opened his mouth, he used to just hear people scold dead geek fans for being so disgusting, but now he's seen something even more disgusting, grandfather fans!


Old immodest!

Chen Ange left Jiang Shan and went straight to the backstage!