
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 215 Asking for help

 "If you want to do business, you can do it in Lingnan."

  In fact, Jiang Tangtang has been busy with political affairs in the past year, and many shops have been managed by Lu Zhixi.

  Nowadays, branches of Yipinxiang, Cake and Pastry House, and Fuyu Tower have been opened in Qiongzhou, Lizhou and other places.

  War broke out everywhere on Thursday, and it was not just the poor who escaped. There are also many wealthy families who had to move due to the war, or aristocratic families who always like to take one step at a time.

  After these people came to Lingnan, they found that the refugees were properly resettled and there were many policies to benefit the people. The local government was completely different from what they had seen before.

  The government in Lingnan really does practical things and truly considers the people.

  There was no war here, and there was a reliable government. The family that originally came to see the situation settled here immediately.

  Building houses, buying land and opening shops, etc., quickly boosted the local economy. At the same time, these people have also become the main force in the consumption of Jiang Tangtang's high-end shops.

  Lingnan is now in a state of prosperity and prosperity.

  Jiang Tangtang is thinking about opening a few more shops.

  Seeing that Lu Zhixi was not satisfied with the current situation, he immediately suggested it, "I'm thinking of opening a few silver shops and a few more workshops recently. How about I leave them to you to take care of them?"

  "No, in Lingnan we all live together. Under the wings of my brother and sister-in-law, I can't stay like this forever! I want to be like my second brother and go out to conquer the world for you." Lu Zhixi hugged Jiang Tangtang's arm and said coquettishly.

  Jiang Tangtang gave her a strange look, "I think you don't want to conquer the world for me, but you want to go wild outside! I don't dare to do this. Ask your elder brother."

  Lu Shiyan's power can't control the outside world, and she can't control the outside world . Unlike Lu Shili who was good at kung fu, if he was caught by someone who wanted to go out, the consequences would be disastrous.

  "Brother will definitely not agree." Lu Zhixi said with a bitter face, "Sister-in-law, just help me?"

  Jiang Tangtang was unmoved, "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

  Lu Zhixi hesitated for a long time, Only then did Jiang Tangtang realize that it was Su who was looking at someone else for her again.

  In the past, the Lu family was an exiled criminal. Su wanted to choose a good one for her, but she couldn't.

  But things are different now. With Lu Shiyan's dominance after the uprising, the status of the Lu family has also changed, and Lu Zhixi now has more choices.

  The Su family selected several suitable men for Lu Zhixi to choose from. However, Lu Zhixi did not want to get married, but she couldn't resist the Su family, so she finally thought of running outside to hide.

  Seeing that there was no hope of getting out, Lu Zhixi finally shook Jiang Tangtang's hand and said, "Sister-in-law, can you help me persuade my mother? She will definitely listen to what you say."

  After Wei Haohan was eliminated, Lingnan was completely separated from the Great Zhou Dynasty. imperial court. Lu Shiyan has the final say on all matters in Lingnan.

  But at this time, he handed over full power of Lingnan to Jiang Tangtang. Whether it is the appointment and dismissal of officials or local policies, she has the final say.

  And he is only responsible for the training of soldiers, border defense, etc. He is like a general who works hard to defend the territory for the queen, and Jiang Tangtang is that queen.     The counselors around Lu Shiyan felt very ridiculous.

  Although Lingnan has not yet become a country, its area is not small. Moreover, this land is very important. It is equivalent to Lu Shiyan's grain and grass base after the uprising. How can such a big matter be left to a woman to have the final say?

  When everyone was opposed, Su stood up and strongly supported Jiang Tangtang in taking charge of Lingnan's affairs.

  "My daughter-in-law can manage a deserted island with nothing in it, but how can she manage Lingnan?

  You haven't gone to Treasure Island to see, but in just one year, my daughter-in-law managed that deserted island. Even better than the capital city.

  The newly built streets on the island are clean and tidy, and there are schools that teach everything. Residents on the entire island can go to the schools to learn things. Even if it is the capital city, it can't be compared. ."

  She listed Jiang Tangtang's contributions and talents in managing the treasure island one by one, leaving no room for refutation.

  Su's protection and admiration for Jiang Tangtang, her daughter-in-law, can be said to be known to everyone in Lingnan.

  The more Lu Zhixi thought about it, the more she felt that if her sister-in-law went to help her put in a good word, her mother would definitely stop urging her.

  She kept pestering Jiang Tangtang, asking her to help convince Su.

  Jiang Tangtang was so pestered by her that she had no choice but to say: "Okay, I will find an opportunity to tell my mother about your matter. You sit and drink tea, and don't disturb my discussion with your second brother."

  "I'll listen to everything. It's my sister-in-law's." Lu Zhixi obediently sat aside to eat snacks and drink tea. Jiang Tangtang and Lu Shili talked about outside business.

  "The war outside has become more and more serious. Because of the war, all the shops in Chuzhou and Anping have been evacuated. Some roads are also impassable. The shops in Jingzhong are not affected at all. In other places, the income has dropped by 20%. "

  Jiang Tangtang had expected that his business would be affected during the war, and he was not surprised.

  They only asked about buying food and recruiting craftsmen.

  Lu Shili shook his head and said that because of the war, the people fled, a lot of land was vacant, and the purchase of grain was not going well. However, he followed Jiang Tangtang's instructions and found many skilled craftsmen.

  Jiang Tangtang asked: "Everyone is reliable?"

  Lu Shili said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I have asked people to investigate the backgrounds of these people, there will be no problems."

  Jiang Tangtang nodded, "Then I will find a time to meet."

  "Sister-in-law, you guys Is the matter finished?" Lu Zhixi stared at Jiang Tangtang from the side, "After that, come with me to see my mother."

  Jiang Tangtang shook his head helplessly, "There is really nothing I can do about you."

  She said so, but in the end she still He got on the carriage with Lu Zhixi.

  Now, except Mrs. Lu, all the Lu family have moved back to Yazhou. Still living in Zhuangzi as before.