
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 214 Development

After taking control of the entire Lingnan, Lu Shiyan did not rush to expand, but cultivated his health.

  Although the war had gone through, a large number of disaster victims poured into Lingnan because of the remarks that Wei Haohan deliberately spread that day.

  Therefore, the population of Lingnan not only did not decrease, but actually increased.

  Although the influx of refugees put a lot of pressure on local officials when they first arrived, after surviving the initial difficulties, the benefits were visible to the naked eye.

  Lingnan has always had a small population and a backward economy.

  But after the influx of a large number of refugees, these wastelands were exploited and cultivated.

  With people, there is tax revenue, which improves the economy.

  In the spring of this year, Jiang Tangtang organized people to distribute seeds to the people.

  She has planted this kind of seeds many times in the space, including improved beans, wheat, millet, rice and other seeds.

  Seeds that have undergone spatial improvement not only have higher yields than ordinary seeds, but also have fewer pests and diseases.

  In addition, Jiang Tangtang also took the sweet potatoes, potatoes and corn seeds she brought from modern times and distributed them to the villagers to grow.

  The cassava found on the island was also brought over.

  These are foods with high starch content that are both filling and nourishing. Moreover, sweet potato leaves and cassava leaves are very good feed.

  She also instituted a policy of getting piglets on loan.

  In other words, as long as you go to the government and sign an IOU of 500 yuan, you can get a piglet from the government.

  Common people could choose to raise piglets and sell them to pay back the money, or they could give the raised pigs to the court.

  The government will not ask for the people's pigs in vain. It will still calculate the pigs according to the pound, and the extra money will be provided to the people at the market price.

  Now all the people in Lingnan are her subjects, and Jiang Tangtang is very generous to them.

  Of course, she is only generous to her own people.

  In order to prevent her seeds from leaking outside, the border control points are very strict, and everything sent out must be inspected.

  Under the various policies formulated by Jiang Tangtang, Lingnan quickly recovered its vitality. Even because of

  the autumn harvest, the people were laughing from ear to ear.

  "This year's harvest is really good. The seeds given by the God of War are really good. In previous years, the harvest was the most prosperous. One acre of land could only harvest two hundred kilograms of beans. This year, there are more than half as many beans as in previous years."

  "Beans. " It's nothing. The most powerful thing is the sweet potato that Mrs. God of War found. The yield is really high. One acre of land can actually produce two to three thousand kilograms. From now on, we will never go hungry again."


  Common people They gathered around and discussed this year's harvest. In addition to sweet potatoes, the output of beans, potatoes, and corn is also large.

  After paying taxes, people have a lot of food left in their homes.

  Moreover, spring planting was in a hurry this year. Many people did not have much land, so naturally they did not plant much. The people all discussed that they should take advantage of the winter to open up more wasteland and plant more crops next year.

  In addition, many families are discussing building houses.

  After the refugees received land from the government, most of them built simple sheds first. Now that the fields have a bumper harvest, the farmers have gained some confidence.

  They all thought about repairing the house.

  While the people were thinking about repairing their houses, Jiang Tangtang was looking at the account books. This account book shows the taxes collected this year.

  In order to attract refugees to settle here, her taxes are not high, and the food she receives is naturally not much.

  With so much food, the army's daily needs are no problem.

  But if we fight again, it won't be enough.     Nowadays, the situation outside is becoming more and more tense. Xirong has occupied seven cities of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and three other cities have been occupied by several small countries.

  If this continues, the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty will be swallowed up.

  But the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty were still the same as before. Those who should seek benefits for themselves were still seeking benefits for themselves. When it was time to fight for power, the fight was still bloody.

  The people outside are increasingly in dire straits. Basically, people travel thousands of miles to flee to Lingnan every day.

  Many people never dreamed that Lingnan, which they once looked down upon, would now become a blessed place.

  Although the refugees were full of praise for Lingnan, Lu Shiyan had a bad look in his eyes.

  Jiang Tangtang knew that he was angry that the Dog Emperor of Zhou was not a human being, and sooner or later he would send troops to drive out the enemy and oust him from power.

  "Is there anyone selling grain outside?" She closed the ledger and asked the steward next to her.

  "There is some, but not too little." The steward explained: "The people are afraid of hunger and are reluctant to sell food. They feel that food is their strength."

  "You don't need to buy other food, but you must buy as much sweet potatoes and eggs as possible." Jiang Tangtang said: "It doesn't matter if the price can be raised a little more."

  In May this year, Lu Shiyan came back with his people. He gained a lot from this trip. Not to mention some small capitals, even the most prosperous capitals, he also arranged Manpower was obtained and a shop was built.

  According to Jiang Tangtang's instructions, in addition to the seafood restaurant and rouge shop, there is also a snack shop.

  This shop specializes in selling various snacks made by Jiang Tangtang.

  Rely on freshness, uniqueness, good taste and other characteristics to attract customers.

  In addition to spicy dried fish, grilled shredded squid, dried sardines, shredded eels, spicy small sea crabs, spicy shrimp chili sauce, there are also dried sweet potatoes, fried taro chips, potato chips, etc.

  These items are especially popular with wealthy people.

  Jiang Tangtang earned a lot of silver, and then used the silver to buy the things he needed.

  Even if she wants to store food, she can also buy some outside.

  However, in addition to all kinds of seafood and small fish, the snack shop also lacks sweet potatoes and potatoes.

  Crispy sweet potato chips, dried sweet potatoes, and fried potato chips are all very popular among nobles. This thing is only found in Lingnan.

  "I'll go right away!" The steward saluted Jiang Tangtang and hurriedly followed Jiang Tangtang's instructions and went out to buy food.

  The steward walked away for a while, and then brother and sister Lu Shili and Lu Zhixi walked in.

  "Sister-in-law," Lu Zhixi rushed over to Jiang Tangtang like a butterfly, "What are you busy with?"

  "Why are you here?" Jiang Tangtang did not answer her question, but looked at Lu Shili and said.

  Lu Shili glared at Lu Zhixi and said angrily: "Tell your sister-in-law yourself and see if she agrees."

  Lu Zhixi said flatteringly: "Sister-in-law, I want to go out to do business with my second brother. Just let me go with you. !"

  "No, it's so chaotic outside." Jiang Tangtang said without thinking.

  Lu Zhixi said stubbornly: "But I want to go out to do business with my second brother."

  Lu Shili would leave within a few days after returning.

  Firstly, there are many shops outside and he often has to visit them. In addition, besides doing business, he also has tasks assigned to him by Lu Shiyan to complete.