
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 216 Servant Conflict

Nowadays, in addition to Rouge Factory, Zhou Nanzhuang has also opened a large food processing factory.

  This workshop mainly produces dried sweet potatoes, dried fruit tea, potato chips, etc. for export.

  Mr. Su lives in Zhounanzhuang and mainly helps to supervise these workshops.

  In addition to the workshop, Jiang Tangtang's originally planned flower and herb planting base, rubber forest, etc. have also made progress.

  Nowadays, many flowers and medicinal materials in Rouge Square are basically self-sufficient.

  The rubber forest has not yet started to harvest rubber, but according to Jiang Tangtang's request, large areas of rubber have been planted.

  And the reason why rubber is not harvested in rubber forests is not because it cannot be harvested.

  In fact, many wild rubber trees in the forest have already been harvested. The reason why they have not been harvested is that Jiang Tangtang was too busy and forgot about it.

  And He Qiuniang didn't know the use of the trees Jiang Tangtang ordered her to plant. She only knew to follow Jiang Tangtang's instructions, sow seedlings and maintain the adult rubber trees.

  Sitting on the carriage, Jiang Tangtang was thinking about all these things and planned to arrange them when he got back today.

  The horses pulling the carriage outside were fed by Jiang Tangtang with the spiritual spring and spiritual grass in the space. Not only were they very strong, they also had special spirituality.

  In addition, in order for the Lu family to transport goods, the pipelines coming out of Zhounanzhuang were rebuilt.

  Now the official road has not only been widened on both sides, but also paved with small stones, making walking more than twice as fast as before.

  Before evening, Jiang Tangtang and his party arrived at the village.

  When Mrs. Su saw Jiang Tangtang coming back, she was very happy, but she said angrily: "You are so busy. If you have anything to do, just send someone to tell me. Why do you have to come back in person?"

  Jiang Tangtang smiled and said: "Mom, this year the people The harvest has been great, and the new policies implemented have gone very smoothly, so there is nothing busy at the moment."

  Su didn't believe it.

  The court has always been a man's world. In the eyes of these men, women can only stay at home to support their husbands and raise children.

  The daughter-in-law is now subverting tradition and taking charge of a group of men. Can these old-fashioned people really be convinced?

  My daughter-in-law has no idea how many difficulties she faces all day long!

  Thinking like this, Mrs. Su felt even more sorry for Jiang Tangtang. She took Jiang Tangtang to sit in the room and immediately ordered her servants to stew bird's nests for Jiang Tangtang.

  Standing behind Jiang Tangtang, Lu Zhixi, who was completely ignored, said: "..."

  If she had known that as long as her sister-in-law was here, her mother would not remember her at all, and she would not have to run away.

  As long as her sister-in-law comes back often, she can attract all her mother's attention and forget about her at all.

  Jiang Tangtang looked back at Lu Zhixi's resentful eyes and couldn't help but laugh.

  "Mom, don't make the servants busy. I'm really not tired anymore. But my little sister, I've left so many shops to her, I'm tired and thin."

  No bird's nest can compare to the spiritual spring in her space. .

  Instead of eating the saliva of a swallow, it is better to go back to space and eat two peaches when you have nothing to do.

  "Why is she so tired? You have organized the shop before, and she is just looking at the accounts, so why bother?" Although Su said this, she grinned from the corner of her mouth to her ears. Obviously these are just her humble words, but she is actually very proud of her little daughter.

  Lu Zhixi exclaimed: "Mom, how can I just look at the account books? I have also opened many branches! I have been running around for most of the month."

  She raised her arms, originally wanting to complain to Su Shi , saying she was tanned. But looking at her gleaming white arms, she rolled her eyes and changed her words: "If it weren't for the balm given by my sister-in-law, I would have sunburned."

  "Then thank you sister-in-law." Su Shi looked at the little girl The daughter's frizzy look reminded her of her daughter's marriage. She pulled Jiang Tangtang and said, "You are such an adult, but you still act like a child all day long. Come and help me see which one is suitable for me."

  Lu Zhixi immediately regretted it and said to her . He looked at Jiang Tangtang for help.

  Jiang Tangtang suppressed a smile and said, "Which families have you visited?"

  Mrs. Su took out the booklet she had prepared for her little daughter and told Jiang Tangtang the situation one by one. There were officers around Lu Shiyan, as well as students with excellent academic performance.

  After Jiang Tangtang read them one by one, he said: "These people are good, but they are not good enough for a little girl."

  Su agreed very much.     If they hadn't been in trouble and were exiled, with their family background and their daughter's talent and beauty, they should have been matched with the best husband in the capital.

  Although now he has got rid of the reputation of sinners and still dominates the country, Lingnan is still a barbaric land. How can a rising star compare to a son who has been nurtured by a century-old family?

  In Su's eyes, the men she picked out were just the tallest among the shortest.

  Seeing Su's agreement, Jiang Tangtang advised Su not to be impatient. When they take over Da Zhou, Lu Zhixi will have whatever kind of son he wants.

  The Su family listened to Jiang Tangtang in everything else, but she disagreed with this matter, "Now we are all old girls. If we wait two years...it won't work, the marriage should be settled as soon as possible."

  Lu Zhixi is actually only 18 years old now. In people's eyes, she is already an old girl.

  Jiang Tangtang really disagrees.

  "Mom, in fact, I heard from Doctor Xue that getting married too early is not good for women. If a woman is too young, both mother and child will be in danger during childbirth. It is best for women to give birth after they are 20 years old."

  "Where can I find such a saying? ?" Su said this, but unconsciously thought of when she gave birth to a child.

  She was only 18 years old when she gave birth to Lu Shiyan, and she almost lost half her life. If it hadn't been for the imperial physician in the palace, I'm afraid he would have died a long time ago.

  Even so, her health became very poor after that. She took many nourishing medicines to nurse herself back to health, but she never became pregnant again. I took the painful medicine for four or five years, and then I finally gave birth to my second son.

  She couldn't bear to let her daughter suffer like this.

  Seeing her expression, Jiang Tangtang knew that he had listened to her words. I took this opportunity to popularize science on the dangers of premature childbirth for many women.

  Hearing that there are so many dangers for women to give birth too early, Mrs. Su is not in a hurry to marry off her daughter, but she feels that the love affair cannot be left to an end.

  You can look forward to it first and wait two years before getting married.

  She decided to have people keep a close eye on the men she liked, and then make a decision after careful observation.

  Jiang Tangtang was thinking about what he had just said to Su.

  In the past, she just cleaned up the troubles in front of her, and didn't have to worry about things that were not beneficial to her.

  But things are different now. Now that she has reached a high place, she should do some things.

  It's time to educate the people throughout Lingnan about the dangers of giving birth too early to women.

  In addition, some basic medical knowledge should also be taught to everyone. The matter of universal education cannot be delayed without delay.

  Jiang Tangtang thought to himself and immediately wanted to recruit someone to discuss it.

  However, thinking that this was what he had to do when he returned to Nanzhuang, he temporarily suppressed his thoughts and asked He Qiuniang to come over and talk.

  "Madam!" He Qiuniang endured the excitement in her heart and bowed to Jiang Tangtang in a polite manner.

  Jiang Tangtang asked: "Do you know the purpose of asking you to plant rubber trees in the wilderness?"

  He Qiuniang said in shame: "I am stupid and don't know."

  "I read in a miscellaneous note that it is said that the trunk of this kind of tree can be cut with a knife. , a thick white juice will flow out. This juice has many strange uses. But I have only read about it in books and have never seen it. You prepare the tools and take people to harvest the juice, and then... I will take a look."

  Jiang Tangtang borrowed a book and told her a lot of precautions in rubber harvesting. He Qiuniang wrote them down one by one before leaving the room.

  As soon as she left the room, she was blocked by Hu Dangui.

  Hu Dangui looked at He Qiuniang's decent dress and thought that his wife had just come back, so he invited her to talk.

  She couldn't hide the jealousy in her eyes, "What did the madam say when she invited you in?"

  "Just arrange some things in the forest."

  He Qiuniang answered truthfully, but Hu Dangui didn't believe it and sarcastically said: "Go and betray me again. Do you want your wife to be promoted to your official position? Now your wife is different. She has the final say in the entire Lingnan. In the future, she may have the final say in the entire Zhou Dynasty. You must not try to please her."