
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 213 Victory

This year's New Year's Eve, Jiang Tangtang spent a busy time.

  The same goes for Lu Shiyan.

  At first, Wei Haohan just wanted to defeat Lu Shiyan and subdue his troops. However, the more losses he suffered later, the more distressed and irritable he became. In the end, he was desperate and wanted to fight to the death with him.

  The war situation intensified and gradually entered a white-hot stage.

  Lu Shiyan's soldiers also suffered a lot of injuries.

  However, the wound medicine used in Lu Shiyan's military camp was specially made by Xue Banxian.

  Xue Banxian has high medical skills and the medicine he makes is very effective. Not to mention that Jiang Tangtang also cheated. Most of the medicinal materials given to Xue Banxian were grown in space, not to mention the effect.

  Therefore, although the battle was tragic, not many of Lu Shiyan's soldiers died. As long as there are no critical injuries, most of them can be saved by military doctors.

  Not to mention the soldiers, even the military doctor couldn't help but sigh that the medicine his wife sent was simply a miracle medicine.

  It can bring people back from hell.

  However, although the medicine Jiang Tangtang sent was good, it could only save the soldier's life. However, many soldiers with broken arms and legs could no longer go to the battlefield even after their injuries were healed.

  Wounded soldiers retreated to the second line to recuperate. They not only needed food and medicine, but also needed someone to take care of them.

  Nowadays, the fighting on the front line is fierce, and Lu Shiyan simply cannot spare too many personnel to take care of the wounded soldiers.

  After Jiang Tangtang learned about the situation, he took his people back to Yazhou and decided to take the wounded to the island to recuperate.

  "Madam, do you really want to take so many wounded people to the island?" The old military doctor responsible for caring for the wounded was both moved and unbelievable.

  He has been working as a medic in the army with his master since he was a teenager. Before coming to Lujiajun as a military doctor, he had been in many armies.

  Most soldiers who were thus rendered incompetent were left to die. The wound medicine should be reserved for soldiers who are slightly injured and may return to the battlefield.

  How could he be like Lu Shiyan, who would give all good medicine to wounded soldiers without considering the cost at all.

  Not to mention this, the lady actually said that she would take them to the island to recuperate. In all his years of living, this was the first time he had encountered a master who treated wounded soldiers so kindly. How could he not be moved?

  Jiang Tangtang did not feel that she had done a great thing. She said seriously: "They were injured on the battlefield, so they should be treated kindly. When they recover from their injuries, they will stay on the island to help me."

  Some soldiers looked at With his broken leg, he felt inferior and said, "But we can't even take care of ourselves.

  How can we help Madam?" "Why can't we help? Don't belittle yourselves. You have all been on the battlefield. Good soldiers, your aura is different from ordinary people." Jiang Tangtang was not giving false comfort, but telling the truth.

  These soldiers have all been on the battlefield and experienced life and death. The aura on his body is something ordinary people don't have.

  "There are thousands of prisoners on the island, and there are so many refugees. When there are more people, there will be chaos. The security issues on the island have been bothering me recently. You can just help me by going.

  Besides, we have other people on the island . A very powerful miracle doctor, maybe someone's leg can be cured! You go and have a look first. If you don't like it, we will arrange for someone to send you back to Yazhou. If you like the island, you can also bring your family to live with you. "

  Jiang Tangtang said this very loudly, and the wounded soldiers in the entire shack could hear it.

  After listening to her words, many wounded soldiers couldn't help crying.

  They are not afraid of going to war, nor are they afraid of death.

  The most fearful thing is that people are not dead but disabled. They can no longer go to the battlefield to serve their country and their country, nor can they take care of their families. They have become a drag on everyone.     But the lady said that they were still useful. They couldn't go to the battlefield, and they could still go to the island to help maintain law and order. They even said that they would ask the island's miracle doctor to treat them, and their injuries might be cured.

  The soldier who originally thought there was no hope for the rest of his life due to his serious injuries regained hope for the future.

  The news spread to the front line, and the morale of the soldiers on the front line also increased greatly.

  They are different from other soldiers. When they die, the God of War's wife helps take care of their families. When they are injured, the God of War's wife asks someone to take care of them and arrange the rest of their lives.

  They are protected, what are they afraid of!

  Some people even used this incident to stimulate the other side's soldiers.

  Lu Jiajun's generous treatment, rich meals in the army, wounded soldiers are all treated equally, and all can receive treatment...

  all aspects make the other side's soldiers envious.

  Jiang Tangtang's policy of taking care of wounded soldiers for the rest of their lives has made many soldiers anxious.

  Taking advantage of the defeat of the opponent's army, Lu Shiyan sent troops and captured Wei Haohan in one fell swoop.

  After Wei Haohan died, the remaining soldiers fled and surrendered, and the war finally came to an end.

  At this point, Lingnan was all in Lu Shiyan's hands.

  Both the Lu family and the people of Lingnan are very happy about this. If anyone is unhappy, I'm afraid it's just Jiang Caiwei.

  Seeing everyone in the village dancing with joy, even her useless husband was full of joy.

  It seemed that if Lu Shiyan's uprising was successful, they would get some benefits.

  Jiang Caiwei pursed her lips and snorted coldly, "You are stupid or not, that is a rebellion, and you will be beheaded when the Holy One comes to investigate. Why are you so happy? If you don't get the benefits by then, you will be the first to be beheaded."

  Her face was already disfigured, and now she looked ugly and dark because of years of working in the fields. Coupled with the vicious and mean expression on her face, there is no trace of the style of a noble lady from the capital.

  Lu Bowen looked extremely bored, and raised his hand to give her a slap on the ear, "Bitch, you just hope that something bad happens to me, right?"

  Jiang Caiwei's neck was crooked after he hit her, and her eyes widened angrily, "I have Did I say something wrong? If they are well, what does it have to do with you? He would rather support outsiders than recognize you. Seeing you suffer here, is it possible that when he becomes emperor, he will suddenly recognize you? "

  "Even if he doesn't recognize us, we are still relatives of the emperor, and we are not lowly criminals." Lu Bowen gasped and cursed: "You are a woman with long hair and short knowledge, what do you know?"

  Jiang Caiwei sneered, " Then he must be destined to become the emperor. Where are he now? Are you just dreaming about this dream?"

  If Lu Shiyan becomes the emperor, doesn't Jiang Tangtang also need to be the queen? What qualifications does she have to be a queen?

  Even if she died, she wouldn't let them succeed.

  Jiang Caiwei pinched her palms bitterly and went to send a message to the mysterious man, but she didn't know that the carrier pigeon that sent her message would fly to Lu Shiyan's residence first after receiving the message.

  When the homing pigeon flew back, it also arrived at Lu Shiyan's residence first. What she received was what Lu Shiyan wanted her to know.

  Even if she is still alive now, it is just that she still has some use value.