
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 130 Sky-high-priced strawberries are a hit

Jiang Tangtang agreed. She came back this time to see if the strawberries in the field could catch up with the Spring Festival.

  "It's just that I'm very squeamish about wild berries in the field. They softened when I touched them lightly." Xia Zhirong wondered: "How should I pretend to do this?"

  "Just leave this to me."

  After talking to Xia Zhirong, Jiang Tangtang Lu Shili was asked to drive back to the shop and bring back the remaining bamboo gift boxes in the shop.

  He took people to the river again, picked some reeds and came back. He first used the reeds to pad the bottom of the basket, and then padded it with soft grass.

  The strawberries are placed one by one in the soft green grass, which not only looks good, but also plays a role in protecting the strawberries.

  On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Xia and Lu's family didn't bother to rest. Genius Mengmeng got up at dawn, picked the bright red strawberries, put them in a basket, and went to the county town to sell them.

  Although it was agreed at the time that the Xia family would be responsible for the sales. But when it came to business, Jiang Tangtang didn't feel completely at ease leaving it to the Xia family, so he went with Xia Zhirong that day.

  Xia Zhirong had already contacted the stewards of the Fu family, Yu family and other families. Several families are wealthy local businessmen, and they are owners who are not short of money.

  Moreover, it is easier to deal with businessmen than officials. So when they arrived in the county town today, they went straight to several houses.

  The first one to go was the Fu family.

  Because they had agreed earlier, the two of them met the steward without waiting at the concierge for a while.

  "What does your fresh fruit taste like?" The steward of the Fu family looked at the strawberries Xia Zhirong took out, with a look of satisfaction on his face. This smell is delicious.

  Xia Zhirong took out a strawberry that didn't look very good in another small basket. Just as he was about to hand it over and ask the steward to try it, several young men in brocade robes came out of the Fu family courtyard.

  One of the young masters in brocade robes was shaking a folding fan, it was Song Muci. He sniffed and walked towards Jiang Tangtang and the others, "What are you doing?"

  Seeing that he was the young master's distinguished guest, Manager Fu hurriedly explained: "A villager came here to sell fresh fruits. I It looked fresh, so I planned to buy it for the old lady to try."

  Song Muci casually grabbed a strawberry from the basket and threw it into his mouth. Then, with an extremely subtle expression on his face, he looked at Jiang Tangtang and said : "This is what your family grew?"

  Jiang Tangtang hesitated for a second, but still told the truth, "Yes, it is what my family grew."

  He nodded and looked at Jiang Tangtang slowly, "Did we meet somewhere? Passed?"

  Jiang Tangtang rolled his eyes in his heart, but said respectfully: "My family has a shop in the county town. I think you have been to my shop to buy things. I must have seen it by accident!"

  "Brother Song, you This is it!" The young master who came out with him winked at Song Muci, obviously misunderstanding the relationship between the two.

  Jiang Tangtang tried his best to suppress the impatience in his heart and asked: "I wonder if Manager Fu is interested in my ground berries? These are just ripe from the ground. They taste the best and freshest. I eat greasy meat during the Chinese New Year. How can I eat this?" Ground berries can not only change the taste, but also regulate the stomach."

  Before Manager Fu could say anything, Song Muci asked: "How to sell it?" Jiang Tangtang said

  : "Ten taels of silver per basket."

  Several people with Song Muci The noble masters all come from wealthy families, but they were surprised when they heard the price.

  But Song Muci didn't even blink, "As many as you have, send them all to the Song Mansion." He said, took a few steps towards Jiang Tangtang, and said with a smile: "Why do I feel that you look like the same person? "

  Jiang Tangtang took a few steps back and distanced himself from him: "There are thirteen baskets of ground berries, a total of one hundred and thirty taels of silver. Do you want the young master to pay now or wait until it is delivered to your house?"

  Song Muci was not very good at it. He threw a bag of silver to Jiang Tangtang seriously, left three baskets of strawberries for the Fu family, and asked Jiang Tangtang to send the rest to the Song Mansion.    

  Xia Zhirong was dumbfounded the whole time and didn't react until he came out of the Song Mansion.

  When he thought about it, no matter how novel the wild berries were, they were only worth two taels of silver per basket. Unexpectedly, Jiang Tangtang directly bid ten taels of silver per basket. Moreover, the young master of the Song Mansion didn't even negotiate the price, and just paid one hundred and thirty taels of silver.

  One hundred and thirty taels!

  Many people have worked hard for a year, but they may not be able to earn this small amount, and there are still some immature ones in the field. After two days, they can pick another ten baskets.

  Although these belong to the Lu family and he can only get a small share, as long as the Xia family grows them themselves, are they still worried that they will not be able to make money in the future?

  The more Xia Zhirong thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he respected Jiang Tangtang.

  To be honest, he could tell today that they didn't need their Xia family connections at all. As long as she sells it herself, she can sell it.

  Partnering with their Xia family is simply to find a reason to send money to the Xia family. When he goes back today, he has to talk to his family.

  Jiang Tangtang didn't know that Xia Zhirong had thought so much. When he returned to the village, he gave Xia Zhirong the money that should be allocated to the Xia family.

  Xia Zhirong held twenty-six taels of silver, which was like a huge sum of money, and everyone almost turned into a fool from laughing.

  People in the village don't go to work in the fields during the New Year. Every household visits each other, and everyone in the village knows what is going on.

  The Xia family and the Lu family were busy working in the wasteland early this morning, and then drove out of Zhuangzi, and everyone saw it.

  When I saw Xia Zhirong coming back from outside, I couldn't hide the joy between my eyebrows. Someone immediately asked, "You have been working in the wasteland this winter. Are you so happy because you made a lot of money by selling the things in the field?" Xia Zhirong was not willing to tell outsiders about

  Wildberry's money. He shook his head and said, "No, no! It's just some hard work."

  But the more he denied it, the more people thought he was making money . He made a lot of money, and he was worried that everyone would steal his money, so he refused to tell everyone.

  Villagers also have a new perspective on strawberries grown in wasteland. At this time, people also began to seriously consider Jiang Tangtang's proposal.

  Some villagers even came to the Lu family in twos and threes and asked about growing sugar cane.

  How to get the seedlings and how to charge the price, Jiang Tangtang has already thought about it in her heart.

  I immediately took a pen and paper and wrote a deed for everyone to see.

  In addition to protecting the rights and interests of the growers, the contract also imposes restrictions on the growers. These mainly include highlights.

  First, the sugarcane grown in her area can only be sold to her and not to others, even if others offer a higher price than hers.

  Secondly, sugarcane seedlings must not be exported.

  He also stated that all deeds must be notarized by Manager Xia and filed at the Yamen to ensure the rights and interests of both parties.

  Seeing this solemnity, people hesitated again.

  Several waves of people came that day, but in the end nothing was concluded.

  After everyone left, Mrs. Su quickly pulled Jiang Tangtang aside and said, "Why did you suddenly think of asking the villagers to plant sugar cane? Where are you going to get those sugar cane seedlings?"