
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 131 Come to propose marriage

Jiang Tangtang said calmly: "Mom, I have had this idea for a long time, but I never told you."

  As for the sugarcane seedlings, first find someone to buy them locally and try them. If you can't buy them, The ones in her space can also be taken out and used.

  After the sunflowers in the space were harvested, Jiang Tangtang transplanted some sugar cane. Because of the special nature of the space, the transplanted sugar cane can be planted again soon.

  With such a reproduction speed, Jiang Tangtang is not worried at all about not being able to produce sugarcane seedlings after planting in spring.

  However, Jiang Tangtang didn't tell Su this. He only said that he knew someone who had a way to get sugar cane seedlings.

  Hearing what Jiang Tangtang said, Mrs. Su felt relieved and didn't say anything more.

  There was nothing to do during the Chinese New Year, so Jiang Tangtang simply decided to find someone to knock out the furniture in the new house so that he would not have to live in the old rented house when he came back later.

  It can be seen that Lin Zhengqiang put a lot of thought into it. After the house was built, the broken wood and other debris inside had already been cleaned up.

  In addition to Jiang Tangtang's request that the floor in the house be paved with bricks, a well was also drilled in the yard.

  Knowing that Jiang Tangtang and the others came to look at the house, Lin Zhengqiang and Manager Xia also came over.

  Seeing Jiang Tangtang and Su looking at the well, Lin Zhengqiang said: "At that time, a hidden spring was dug here, so I asked someone to drill a well here.

  " Rice is also convenient for washing vegetables." Mrs. Su praised Manager Xia: "Your nephew is very good at doing things."

  Manager Xia said humbly: "That's what he should do. Look at what else is unsatisfactory in the yard. Regarding the areas for improvement, although it is said that during the Chinese New Year, everyone is idle at home, so it is convenient to call over for modifications."

  Care has been taken in every aspect of the house, and it is well repaired. There is nothing to improve.

  Jiang Tangtang paid the balance to Lin Zhengqiang and asked about the furniture purchase.

  Originally, she planned to ask some of Master Luo's apprentices to come over and make furniture. However, seeing that the door frames, windows and other places of the house were well made, she was too lazy to go to the city again, so she asked Lin Zhengqiang directly about the matter.

  Lin Zhengqiang said: "We work together, and many of us are good at carpentry. I don't know what kind of furniture you want? I'm afraid you won't be satisfied with it."

  Jiang Tangtang also plans to keep the furniture in the new house simple and elegant. , and immediately told Lin Zhengqiang the request.

  Hearing that there was no need for carvings, but simple furniture, Lin Zhengqiang felt relieved, patted his chest and promised to leave the matter to him.

  While they were talking, Ge Shuanniang led Ge Hongxia and walked in with a flattering look on her face.

  "Sister Su, are you looking at the new house?"

  The Lu family's new house was built in such a grand style that Ge Shuanniang had already been enticed by it and wanted to come in and take a look. It's a pity that the gate was locked before and the courtyard wall was high, so she could only think about it. When I saw the Lu family arriving at their new house today, I quickly seized the opportunity to come over.

  When I walked in, I saw that everything was in good repair.

  It seemed to be in better repair than the Xia family's house, and Ge Shuanniang wished she could move here.

  But although she can't move here, my daughter can!

  As long as the daughter is married, why don't you still help your mother's family?

  She seemed to see the big house waving to her, and regardless of Su's cold face, she pushed her daughter in front of Su and said, "Sister Su, what do you think of my daughter?"

  Su has never seen her in such a long life. It's such a careless life.

  She became rude and said, "Your girl looks quite old. Is she talking to someone else? When will the banquet be held? We will definitely come over to congratulate you then."    

  Ge Hongxia's face turned the color of pig liver, and Ge Shuanniang said: "How old is she? My daughter is two years younger than your daughter-in-law!"

  "Really?" Mrs. Su pretended to be surprised and exclaimed, "Look at this. It doesn't look like her. With her face, if you didn't tell me, I really wouldn't have noticed."

  Looking at Jiang Tangtang's face, which was as white as white porcelain and more tender than tofu, Ge Hongxia felt a trace of jealousy in her heart. She just hated You can't peel off that skin and put it on yourself.

  The smile on Ge Shuanniang's face froze for a moment, but she quickly said: "Sister Jiang, you can't say that. You can't choose a daughter-in-law just based on her appearance. You also need to look at her character. My Hongxia is capable and prosperous. Whoever marries the other will make the money. Are there many second sons in your family who are not married? I think they are a good match."

  "My eldest daughter-in-law is also capable. Look, she made the money to build this big house. , and the shops in the city were also run by her.

  Not only are they capable, but they can also give birth to children. Look at how handsome my grandchildren are. This appearance is still very important. If these children don't look like How could my mother be so good-looking?"

  Mrs. Su originally just wanted to shut up Ge Shuan's mother, but the more she spoke, the more proud she became, "After a few years of marriage, my children and grandchildren may not be as prosperous as mine, but my daughter-in-law has one child. Three treasures, one birth can support others' struggle for two or three years."

  Ge Shuanniang was so angry that she opened her mouth and spat out dirty words, "No matter how good you are, you can only have one, you can't let your eldest son share the same woman!"

  " You are really a treacherous person who can't spit out ivory and can't stand on the stage!" Mrs. Su's face turned dark, "What I mean is that my second daughter-in-law should be found according to the standards of my eldest daughter-in-law!"

  She was torn apart. Face, Ge Shuanniang stopped pretending. She kept saying that the Lu family was a sinner, their children and grandchildren had no future, and their ancestors had been inferior to others for generations. She was so arrogant that her son was just waiting to be a bachelor!

  The two had a big argument, which ended with Jiang Tangtang driving the Ge family's mother and daughter out with a broom.

  But obviously, after the Lu family opened a shop in the county and showed a certain amount of financial resources, it was not just the Ge family who were eyeing Lu Shili's wedding.

  In just two days, seven or eight village women came to Lu's house to check on their oral health. In addition to the villagers from the main village of Zhounanzhuang, there are also the villagers from the neighboring village.

  Mrs. Su was originally anxious to arrange a marriage for her second son, but these people were dissatisfied.

  Not to mention finding a daughter-in-law who is as good as Jiang Tangtang, but at least it can't be too far behind! But the girls in the village who came to marry her were far behind her eldest daughter-in-law.

  In the end, I was so annoyed that I wanted to go back to the city after only two days in the countryside.

  In the past two years, Jiang Tangtang has implemented the furniture for the new house, and has re-planned the planting of wasteland and appointed new workers. He has to wait until spring before he can implement the tree planting in the wasteland. There is not much to do in the countryside now. Naturally, I agree to return to the county seat.

  The family packed up and returned to the city. The Lu family did not feel too reluctant to leave Zhuangzi, who had not lived there for more than half a year.

  On the other hand, He Qiuniang and the others saw a trace of reluctance in their eyes when Jiang Tangtang was about to leave again.

  Jiang Tangtang got on the donkey cart, got off the cart, and patted He Qiuniang's hand comfortingly: "I have to take care of things in the shop, and I can't care about things in the fields for the time being, but the seeds in the fields are equally important. Others, I Don't worry, I can only do other things with peace of mind if you watch over me. When someone else takes over the affairs of the fields, you can go to the city with us."

  This moved He Qiuniang so much that she even He said: "Don't worry, boss. As long as I'm watching, the dealers in the fields will definitely make no mistakes. If we don't go to the city, and I don't know how to do business, what are we going to do in the city? We'll be in the countryside, helping the boss take care of the land." , boss, just go and get busy."

  Jiang Tangtang smiled and said: "Then don't be too tired, pay attention to your rest, and cut the cloth I brought back by yourself, don't be reluctant to wear it."

  Thinking of the money and cloth Jiang Tangtang received during the New Year, He Qiuniang once again I made up my mind to help my boss look after the land and house in the countryside so that he would have no worries.