
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

  Chapter 129 Fried Melon Seeds

"After frying, you have to let it cool before eating, otherwise it won't be crispy!" Jiang Tangtang saw that the heat in the pot was almost done, so she scooped up the melon seeds and poured them on a dustpan to cool.

  In winter, when the temperature is low, the melon seeds will become cold after being spread out. Several children grabbed a handful of them without any ceremony and started eating them.

  This time, everyone couldn't stop.

  In fact, what Jiang Tangtang is frying is the most common fried spiced melon seeds in modern times. The reason why it attracts so many people, Jiang Tangtang suspects that it has something to do with the aura in the space.

  Anyway, my family eats it, and eating more is good for the body, so Jiang Tangtang stirred up another pot.

  But this time it has a fried caramel flavor.

  Compared with the five-flavored flavor, the caramel flavor is obviously more popular among several children.

  After the caramel-flavored melon seeds were fried, several children abandoned the five-flavored melon seeds and all ate caramel-flavored melon seeds.

  Even on the donkey cart, several children kept talking.

  Su thought both flavors were good, but she was an adult after all, and she didn't have poor self-control like a child. She stopped after eating for a while and talked to Jiang Tangtang, "Tangtang, where did you buy these melon seeds? They taste really good. , how about selling it in the shop after the new year?"

  Jiang Tangtang said with a smile: "Mom, this is a good idea, we will make arrangements when it opens on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year."

  In this era, there are no five-flavored and caramel-flavored melon seeds for sale, such novel flavors , selling business in a shop is definitely a good thing.

  However, she does not plan to sell the melon seeds in the space, and the melon seeds purchased from outside will definitely not taste as good as the ones they eat at home.

  Su smiled and said: "It's not my idea, but you are smart enough to come up with such a way to fry melon seeds."

  As the people talked, the donkey cart quickly arrived at Zhuangzi.

  As soon as he arrived at Zhuangzi, villagers gathered around him.

  Before the Chinese New Year, some villagers went to the county town to sell mountain products and purchase new year goods to go home for the New Year. They saw Su and others busy in front of the pastry shop. After asking about it, they found out that it was the shop opened by the Lu family in the county town.

  Seeing that the business was so booming, the villagers were surprised and envious at the same time. When they returned to Zhuangzi, news about the very good business of the shop opened by the Lu family in the city spread in Zhuangzi.

  Seeing the Lu family coming back at this moment, everyone gathered around the Lu family and asked all kinds of questions: "Daughter-in-law of the Lu family, the business of your shop is so good, you make a lot of money, right?"

  "Your shop is still short of manpower. No? We are short of manpower. What do you think of my little son? This boy of mine is smart and good at work. Just use it and pay him whatever you want."

  "Aunt Zhang, who doesn't know that your iron head is lazy? He is also greedy. Your son went to a shop and ate the food sold in the shop instead of doing any work."

  Ge Shuanniang said, pushing Ge Hongxia forward, holding Su's hand affectionately and saying: "Sister Su, look at my daughter. My daughter is well-known for being virtuous in the countryside. If you ask my daughter to work, I guarantee you won't lose money!"

  Ge Hongxia shyly glanced at Lu Shili, who was holding the donkey rope.

  She couldn't help but blame her mother for why she didn't take advantage of the injured leg during the landing to settle the marriage when everyone misunderstood that he was lame.

  However, if she could go to work in a pastry shop and get along with him day and night in the future, there would be a chance.

  As for Lu Shiyan, whom she had previously loved, she had already followed Lu Shiyan to join the army, so she had no idea.

  She doesn't want to be a widow when she goes to the barracks to serve as a soldier and lose her arms and legs and her life at some point! It's better to go to Lu Shili, who is doing business in the city, and she will be the young lady after marrying her.    

  Seeing Ge Hongxia looking at her son with such a shy and coy look, Su didn't know what they were planning.

  She mentally spat at the shamelessness of the two of them, pulled her hand out of Ge Shuanniang's hand with a stiff movement, and said calmly: "Old aunt, I'm really sorry, there is no shortage of people in my shop. Besides, my wife is the owner of my shop. It's okay, my wife has the final say on these matters. I'm just an idler, so don't embarrass me with this kind of thing."

  Ge Shuanniang wanted to get close to the Su family and call her sisters, but the Su family didn't accept her tricks at all and even called her She was an old aunt, which made Ge Shuanniang very angry.

  She didn't believe what Su said.

  How could Jiang Tangtang, a junior, be allowed to take charge of the family? This must have been Su's refusal.

  Ge Hongxia and her mother had the same idea, they both thought it was Su's refusal. She glanced at Lu Shili shyly and decided to try to please Su.

  But there was also a lack of understanding people at the scene, who seriously went to Jiang Tangtang to ask about recruitment.

  Except for the Xia family, who had to maintain a good relationship with them, Jiang Tangtang did not want to recruit workers in the village.

  However, she didn't want to offend anyone, so she used the same method as last time to talk to the villagers about the purchase.

  This time, in addition to taro and winter melon, Jiang Tangtang proposed to let them plant some of the seeds he gave them, and then harvest them at a high price.

  Jiang Tangtang mainly wants people to grow sugar cane.

  Her current pastry shop uses a huge amount of sugar.

  If you can have your own raw materials and make your own sugar, it will not only reduce the cost of the shop, but also develop a new industry and increase your income.

  However, people reacted strongly to growing crops they were unfamiliar with. Many people don't trust Jiang Tangtang, "To put it nicely now, if you don't harvest the seeds after they are planted, won't our efforts be in vain?"

  "No! If the whole family is hungry and can't pay taxes, our lives will be at stake!"

  "If you don't want to ask us to work in the shop, what's the point of tricking us?"

  "Of course I won't let your efforts go to waste. If you are willing to receive the seeds, I will sign a contract with you."

  Jiang Tangtang finished speaking. Said: "My shop does have enough manpower now, so I don't need too many people. And the things I ask you to grow, I have to spend a lot of money to buy them from outside. It's really for the sake of the folks in the village, so I only think about everyone if it's a good thing, otherwise, I can even grow it at home."

  Of course, people are mostly skeptical about Jiang Tangtang's statement.

  Land cultivation is a major event, related to the harvest in the coming year and the family's food rations. Even if Jiang Tangtang said to sign the contract, people would not be completely reassured.

  Someone also talked about the Xia family planting wild berries with the Lu family. They said that Xia Zhirong spent most of the winter in the wild berry field and did not get any work done. This shows how serious Jiang's words were.

  As everyone knows, the strawberries that the villagers are not optimistic about have already ushered in the harvest time.

  Although there is no greenhouse, straw is used to keep warm, and Jiang Tangtang waters Lingquan from time to time. The quality of the strawberries is no worse than those produced in modern greenhouses.

  Xia Zhirong has been watching every day for the past few days, fearing that something might go wrong. As soon as Jiang Tangtang came back, he discussed selling strawberries with Jiang Tangtang