
My Werewolf King

Born human a young girls dies for her family only to find out she is really the lost queen of the vampires. And her mate is none other than the king of the werewolves.

Betty_Tatum · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Family Surprises

Later that night dad knocks on the bedroom door. All three of us are working on our Spanish when he says," okay just wanted to let you know they will be here Sunday."

Ariana gets all upset and says," But dad that's her birthday, We had plans."

"I'm sorry honey, make them for later in the day. The Alpha and Luna will be here at nine. They don't plan to be here long. We just won't tell them it's her birthday. You know we can't be rude to a visiting Alpha."

"It's okay dad our plans started at noon we just have to push them back by an hour."

"Thank you Byron always the diplomat. Oh and I don't know if you want to warn your mom but we will be stopping at the hospital so they can meet their sons mate."

"Thanks dad but I think mom can deal with it all on her own. I don't feel like being nice to her."

"And we totally understand that after everything you have been through. That's why I asked what you wanted to do. I will give you any updates I get about the visit as soon as I get them. Now get back to work. I heard this test was going to be hard."

We nod our heads and get back to work. Three hours later Ariana went to bed while Byron and I were still working on translating clothing. Somewhere along the way I fell asleep. Byron was still working when his mom came in and saw us. She walks over to him and taps his shoulder," Why don't you put it away you have lost both study partners."

Then she points at me and says," If you can be a gentleman just slide her over and cover her up. Don't force anything on her."

"Laughing he says," Mom it's not me you have to worry about. I love her but I'm trying to wait till her birthday and trust me she's not making it easy. I kissed her the other day and she climbed in my lap. She was willing to go all the way and I stopped it."

"It's the mate bond son she's got it bad. I have seen the way she looks at you. But when you do complete the ceremony please be careful. She shouldn't get pregnant till she goes into heat but being half human I don't know."

"Don't worry mom I will be careful. Besides we still have another year of school to go, we have plans."

"Good I'm glad your thinking properly about your future. Now get to bed you have school in the morning."

"Yes mom, good night see you tomorrow."

"Good night Byron, see you tomorrow."

As I slowly wake up I realize there is something a little off here. When I am fully awake I realize Byron's arms are around me. I slowly tilt my head up to look at him hoping not to wake him but he is already awake. He smiles at me and says," Are you ready to get up? The alarm will go off in five minutes. I didn't want to wake you, I like having you sleep in my arms."

I smile again and say," I don't even remember falling asleep but I like waking up in your arms. But we need to get serious now we have a test today and I get to start work today."

"He laughs and says," I have never met anyone who is excited to go to work. But let's get up and get moving."

Once we are ready we head downstairs and meet Ariana in the kitchen."Hey guys are you ready for the test? Girl are you ready to start work?"

I laugh and say," No to the first question, but yes to the second question. I can't wait for work. Let's get moving I just want this day to end."

"Yes and your birthday is only two days away. Then we can party."

"And don't forget you get to meet your grandmother and grandfather the same day. So this weekend will be very busy for you."

"Yea well not overly excited about meeting the family but can't wait for my birthday. Now let's go."

They both laugh at me as we walk out the door. We are at school in no time, as we walk up the stairs I get pushed from behind. If it weren't for Byron's arm around my waist I would have fallen. Before Byron could do anything I knew it was Chris. I turn around and see Chris and Kindra behind me.

"What the hell do you want? I moved out to get away from you."

"Well freak your in my way so move."

"If I'm a freak what do you call her? I'm the same as her."

"Your nothing like she. She is special, unlike you."

"Dude you know your crazy right. Not only and I a born Alpha but I'm mated to one. What are you mated to? Oh yea a crazy bitch who is jealous because I have the greatest man in the world and she only has you."

"You bitch take that back. He is better than Byron any day."

"Okay whatever you say. We have a test take go away."

Byron steps forward and says," Enough of this, Chris you will not touch my mate again or I will kill you. Kindra you will stop pushing your mate to hurt his family or you will both spend a week in the dungeons. You know I can and will do it, no go to class.,

"Yes Alpha, we will leave her alone."

After that they both walk inside. I get on my tip toes and kiss Byron's lips then I head inside with Ariana. Then Bryon looks up and sees my brothers He walks over to them and says," How can I help you gentleman?"

"We wanted to give our sister a few birthday gifts but our father and Chris won't let us. Can you pass them to her for us please?"

"Yes since you two have always stayed back and not attacked her I will help you out. Do you have them here or do I need to come get them?"

"Actually we have them in here. Also mom's gifts are in here. The bag is Makayla's so it won't be a big deal if we give it to you. Thank you Byron and we are happy she is finally happy. That girl keeps pissing off dad and Chris about Makayla and we don't know why. She comes over daily to say all kinds of bad things about her. Mom isn't happy about it at all."

"Maybe I will go talk to your mother later I might be able to help."

"She is at work today."

"Okay well let's get to class. Thanks guys."

"Thank you Byron."

After that everyone went to class. Over all the day was good. We did our Spanish test and I think we did well on the test. After school Byron took us to work. All in all that went well. After work I made dinner and dessert as usual Then I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

Saturday went by quickly, Ariana and I worked but Sunday we both had off for my birthday party. After work we made plans with mom and dad for the relative's visit.

Sunday morning.....

I got up at six, to say I was nervous was an understatement. I took my shower and got dressed then I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I hand made everything because I had so much pent up energy. I made country style potatoes, omelettes with ham, bacon, and cheese in them, bacon, sausage, toast, a fresh fruit salad, and fresh squeezed orange juice and coffee. By the time I was done it was almost eight in the morning. Everyone had simply waited in the front room so I could work. They knew what I was dealing with. As I started bring things out to the dining room Byron walks up to me and hugs me. In my head I hear Mate Mine. Then I hear a purring sound. I ask the voice," Who are you?"

"I as Jasmine I am your Wolf. Happy Birthday."

"Hello Jasmine I am Makayla. I knew nothing about you till two weeks ago so you might have to help me figure things out please."

"Girl that's what I'm here for. So what's on the agenda today? We will shift tonight but what are we doing today?"

"Well after breakfast I meet my birth fathers family then later we party, Why?"

"Just wondering, now kiss mate."

"Pushy much.."

Once Byron's done hugging me I kiss him and smile as I yell breakfast. Everyone comes rushing in. Once we are seated and eating I say, "So I'm assuming it's normal for Jasmine to talk to me before the first shift. And let me tell you she is a pushy female."

Mom gets up and comes over and hugs me. Then she tells me it's perfectly normal.

"So when will the relative's get here?"

"They shouldn't be here till about 9:30 a.m. We have plenty of time to eat. By the way this is wonderful. But it's your birthday we are supposed to be spoiling you not the other way around."

"It's okay dad I like to cook besides I had a lot of pent up energy I had to work off."

"Mate should help with that."

"Oh my goddess if this is what I have to work with I want an exchange."

Everyone looks at me and starts laughing. Then mom says," Oh we can guess by the look on you face what she said. No go get changed they are early. We will clean up."

I run upstairs and change my clothes as I turn to leave Byron is waiting outside my door.

"Your brother asked me to give you this today. They are gifts from the twins and your mom. And here is an early gift from me."

Then he gives me the most heart stopping kiss. I was amazed. It took a second for my brain to start working again. I put the bag on my bed and Byron and I went down to meet the Alpha who was walking through the door.

Once all six of the new people were in the house I heard the women sob. I looked at mom and she could only shrug her shoulder. Then the Alpha steps up to me and says,"I'm sorry we haven't seen his face in seventeen years. It is a bit of a shock. This lovely women is your grandmother Merabelle and I am Thomas. Your father's name was Jacob. From what the Alpha tells me you just found out about all of this a few weeks ago. We are happy to help anyway we can."

"Thank you sir, my family has answered most of my questions I just didn't know anything about my father or you."

"Alpha perhaps you can tell us why it was your lawyer who sent her family here rather than to your pack to begin with?"

"Forgive our deceit my son left a letter for his mom we only found it a year ago. In it he said he found his mate but she was married. He explained about the blizzard but he also told us that his mates husband already knew about him. He said he knew he was in danger and asked us to take care of the child he learned about the day he died. After that we hired a private Detective and once he found them he talked to our sons mate. I guess they became friends and she told him a large hospital ruined her life so we sent her here. We figured she would never go back to Boulder."

"Your right about that sir. But she was sure Micheal never knew about my dad, boy I guess she was wrong. Perhaps you could meet her at the hospital later."

"We would like that. We have a letter from your father for both you and her. This one is yours."

"Thank you. So what's next? I mean now that we have met, now what?"

"That will be completely up to you. We won't push we just wanted to meet you."

"Yes we can only stay a few minutes we have other meetings to get through today. It has been an honor meeting you and if you ever want to talk your dad has our contact information."

We talked for a bit longer then they head over to see mom. Once they leave I grab Byron's hand and pull him into the hallway.