

Sapphire's POV

"Why do you want to go there again?" Xander asked while I take a shower. When we woke up I asked about going back home for something.

I groaned. "There are letters that Mom left me, I never read it before because it was hidden under my bed, and I just moved back a couple of days ago so when I was cleaning I found it and I forgot to read it, so can you come with me please?" I asked while wrapping the towel on my body.

"Okay whatever you say" He sighed. I was about to exit the bathroom when I heard the door slammed.

"Sapphire!!" Casey shouted. "Oh hi Xander, Where's Sapphire?"

"In the bathroom, I'll wait outside." I heard his footsteps and then the door closed.

"Hey Vampire Goddess' Daughter." I chuckled and exited the bathroom.

"That's a long nick name." I smirked.

"Wait, does that mean you're the new Vampire Goddess? Well clearly you possess the same power and all." I nodded.

"I guess so?" I breathed and sighed.

She suddenly pounces on me and squealed. "My best friend is the Vampire Goddess oh my god!!" She wrapped her arm over my shoulder." Picture this: The Prince Of Vampires and The Vampire Goddess." then she squealed and hugged me. "Get your ass ready VG I'm coming with you!" I laughed and nodded while she skipped out humming.


We arrived and I went straight into my room. "Wow you really did clean your room." Casey said while checking out my room.

"It should be here somewhere… Aha!" the box was on top of my desk. I ignored the tear shedding pictures and searched for the letters, then I found 2.

(Dear Sapphire,)

(If you are reading this letter then I guess I must have died and you have probably grown into a wonderful young lady, I expect you to be a successful child. I asked your Aunt to look after you in order to protect you. When you turn 18 the house is yours, take care of it like you're taking care of me and your father. The money that we both own will also be yours, keep it. Secrets will be revealed when you reach the right time and age. True power will be upon who you are destined to be. Take care,)



"Secrets will be revealed when you reach the right time and age. True power will be upon who you are destined to be"

"That's it?" I muttered. I was kind of disappointed since I really wanted to learn more about her but I guess I wasn't really meant to do so.

"What does that even mean?" Casey crossed her eyebrows then Xander appeared.

"Secrets will be revealed when you reach the right age, you have reached 18 and you said that before the ball you already dreamt it." Oh yeah. "Then the attack at the palace which Mom told you about the Vampire Goddess." I nodded.

"True power will be upon who you are destined to be. Your mother had a human mate, so she turned herself into a human therefore losing all her powers. So if you have a Vampire mate, you get to keep your powers and fulfill your duties by being a Goddess," I get it now.

I opened the second letter, which Casey and Xander read it as well.

(This is the secret,)

(Since that I can't be there to tell my story I'll lay it down here.)

(I was a Vampire Goddess. Being a vampire goddess has many obligations to fulfill especially protecting your own kind. I was the most powerful being to ever lived. But, the one that made me resign was your father. We met in the middle of the woods, I was on a mission and he was laying there, week and wounded, I quickly came to him and learned that he was my mate. I carried him to the palace and healed his wounds. I wanted to be with him but I cannot turn him into a Vampire. There werr only two options: 1. Is to make him forget about me being his mate and for me to carry on being a Goddess but the pain will forever be in my heart. and 2. for me to permanently turn into a human myself and lose all of my powers.)

(I chose to be human and married your father. We were happy, especially when I gave birth to you. A year had passed we lived a very normal life, until the wolves attacked our house. I hid you inside the closet, called your Aunt and explained everything to her. She's not a vampire because she was adopted. I wrote this letter the day before the incident, yes one of my powers was prediction. It's very handy, isn't it? I hope that you get these powers also and have a vampire as your mate in order for you to keep these powers. I sacrificed myself to kill all the wolves that came to attack us, that was my final power. I guess 2 powers was left when I became a human. If you are still human then I assumed you can already predict the future but don't try and sacrifice yourself. But if you're a vampire now, I am very proud of you.)

(I'll still watch over you even if I'm already gone, I'll always be by your side I love you my dear Sapphire...)


Mom )

(ps. Find all of your powers and fulfill what I should have done, make me proud.)

"So we already know 5: 1. is prediction 2. Is healing 3. Is Mind erase 4. Is that you can turn yourself into a human permanently and 5. is... sacrifice?" Casey said.

"If she knew that the house was going to be attacked why didn't she run away?" Xander asked.

I wiped my tears and faced them. "She gave up her powers for Dad, She sacrificed herself in order to save me. If she ran away, then I will be in danger for the rest of my life. That was the only way to save me and she did it." I sobbed.

"She was a great Mother" Casey said and hugged me.

"She still is." I sobbed.


We arrived back to the palace and I brought the letters with me, giving it to Elena.

"I want to tell you a story." she said while leading me to the garden.

"What is it?" I asked while sitting down and admiring the flowers.

"This is where me and Samantha used to go." She started. "We were best friends, she fought the wolves and protected me and the palace. I helped her find her powers and she protected me in return. One day, I found my mate. She was happy and so was I, she fought even more. Then I became pregnant with Aiden, she protected me even more.

"One day a wolf got passed her and tried to kill me but she quickly got there before the wolf could attack. Jasper was out dealing with stuff because he was the future king. Samantha chase after the wolf and lead her into the woods, there she found her mate wounded. She quickly ran here and asked for me to heal him, but I was pregnant so I couldn't use my powers properly, she cried until she discovered another power, healing. She healed her mate and asked me the permission for her to turn him. I didn't think it was possible for a goddess to turn her mate into a vampire, so I did some research, I found out that a vampire which has more than 2 powers are considered a goddess/god and therefore the consequences of being one is you cannot turn a human into a vampire, but you can turn yourself into a human thus losing your powers.

"She had second thoughts of turning herself into a human because she wanted to protect me but I convinced her not to hesitate. She turned herself and then I gave birth to Aiden. Then I got pregnant again after a year. When I gave birth to Xander I heard that she was pregnant that time. I was happy and ordered men to protect her from any harm. Later on when she gave birth, a beautiful child was born. She said to drop the guards because she wanted her child to have a perfect life. I agreed and ordered the guards to come back here. A year later I gave birth to May and they said that Samantha died. I cried for months and ordered men to investigate. But came back saying the child's body wasn't there. I got my hopes up that her child was alive, I ordered men to find you but they can't

"Years passed and I lost hope of finding you, but hoped that you are alive and safe. I thought that maybe it'll bring you harm if they found out that I found you, it could've cost your life and I was right, when you came here a few days passed the wolves attacked and tried to kill you but thank God you were safe, and from now on, I promise to always keep you safe and protect you like you're my own." she hugged me and wiped my tears away.

"Thanks Elena" she shook her head.

"No, From now on, you will call me Mom, and Jasper as Dad, got it?" I smiled widely and hugged her.

"Now!" She said while standing up. "Let's go get dinner." he smiled widely and I nodded.

Maybe being with her will make me feel like I'm with my Mom. Mom's presence will always be with us I can feel it.

I stood up and felt the cold wind blow then the wind was wrapped around my body like hugging me, tears flow down as I muttered "Mom…" then it disappeared. I smiled and nodded "I know you will always be here. Thanks Mom." then I went inside.

() Is also for anything that is written hahaha.

Sorry for the late update, I have been busy these past few days.

Thanks for the support!


Elykennacreators' thoughts
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