

Sapphire's POV

I groaned as a heavy arm landed on my belly which prevented me from breathing. I tried to take the arm off of me but it wrapped around me tighter.

"Xander... can't... breathe." I mumbled as he lifted his arm up and looked at me, smiling when he closed his eyes.

"Sorry, Good Morning Baby."

I bit my lower lip when I heard his morning voice, it was almost as if he was groaning. His morning voice is so sexy I just want to jump at him and--

Wait... come to think of it, we only have 6 days until the end of the month, so we have to... do it?

I shook my head as an attempt to shake the thought out of my head but clearly failed.

I sighed and just smiled. I sat up and stretched for a bit before heading straight to the bathroom to freshen up, but then I heard the door slammed open. It's still early and I don't hear May shouting, I felt something's wrong so I quickly rushed back.

I was right.

Aiden was kneeling on the floor crying, I quickly ran towards him.

"What's wrong?!" I asked but he kept crying.

"I-Its..." He sobbed. I looked at Xander to make him come over and comfort his brother.

Xander sat next to him. "Aiden tell me what happened."

Aiden nodded, breathed deeply and sighed. "T-they took C-Casey..." then started to cry again. I never saw a boy cry for a girl, I thought seeing a boy cry was the funniest thing ever but this just broke my heart, my knees collapsed and I sat on the floor, speechless.

"W-Who took h-her?" I said in a shocked voice, Xander stood up and carried me, caressing my back for me to calm down.

"The wolves." Xander muttered, I can feel my blood rise up and I ran outside as fast as I could but Xander caught me. "Where do you think you're going?!" then Aiden came, next is May.

I pulled my arm back from Xander, almost breaking his. "To get my friend back!" my eyes turned red and I can feel the fear in Xander.

"We don't even know what could happen if we go in there." Aiden defended.

I frowned and sat helplessly on the ground, almost collapsing. "What should I do?" I mumbled to myself.

Aiden came towards me and kneeled in front of me handing me a... pillow? "Go be a good girl and sleep for us, okay?" I stood up and kicked his knee making him fall over while he winced at the pain.

"This isn't the time to be joking around! Your mate is in danger!" I was about to shout some more but I noticed the serious look on their faces.

"You could predict the future through your dreams, maybe your dreams could help us solve this one, if you could connect your dreams through reality we may able to check Casey." May said.

What? I don't even think that it's possible...

I sighed, nodded and calmed down. "Can you sleep here?" Xander said while sitting down.  He patted on his lap and reach his other hand out to me.

"I could try." I said and took his hand. He pulled me close and had me sleep on his lap. Calming down, I felt myself falling asleep.

Connect my dreams with the reality... you can do this...

{A pack house, white and big. The way is to the north about an hour and a half if we run from here, 2 guards in the front gate, 3 guarding the other side. If we take out one of the guards from the back of the house no one will notice us.}

{Inside, there seems to be a pack meeting in a room, all of the wolves are there so there should be no problem getting passed them. Stairs from the left leads to the dungeon. Casey's cell is second to the last, Oh my god. Thank god she's safe, she's unconscious, maybe if I talk to her she'll be able to hear me.}

{"Casey" I whispered, "Casey" I shook her gently.}

{"Sapphire?" she mumbled "How did you--"}

{"No time to explain, how are you doing? What did they do?"}

{She shook her head. "They kept me here and they dosed me with sleeping pills but before I passed out I hear someone say that when you come for me they'll kill you. Please, tell Aiden I love him." then she began to cry.}

{"I'll get you out so you could tell him yourself okay? I promise. Hold on for me okay? We're coming to get you." she nodded.}

{"I'll be waiting, hurry." Then the guards came.}

I woke up and stood up. "I know where she is."

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