
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The red crystal

The dimly lit swamp echoed with the clash of steel against scales as Klauss, surrounded by the relentless horde of manipulated lizardmen, fought to navigate the treacherous waters.

The red glow of their eyes intensified, casting an eerie radiance over the battleground.

With each swing of his sword, Klauss carved through the advancing lizardmen, their ferocious roars mingling with the sounds of splashing water and clashing metal.

However, the swamp seemed to conspire against him, its murky depths concealing unseen dangers that lurked beneath the surface. By this time, Klauss had already slain over 50 lizardmen, their numbers undying. 

Amidst the tumultuous dance between Klauss and the manipulated lizardmen, the mysterious manipulator observed from the shadows, his gaze piercing through his glass globe.

Fixated on the lone hunter challenging the orchestrated tide of foes, this unseen adversary reveled in the unfolding spectacle – the chaos meticulously orchestrated with a devious touch.

The mysterious figure took pleasure in the success of his design, witnessing Klauss gradually succumb to exhaustion.

As the shadows concealed the manipulator's identity, his satisfaction echoed in the quiet corners of the dark room he resided in. Through his globe, he watched Klauss navigate the treacherous battle, appreciating the weariness settling upon the valiant hunter.

The motives behind the manipulator's actions remained veiled in secrecy, leaving all observers, including Klauss, in the dark about the true purpose of this malevolent scheme.

The battle that unfolded was more than a mere clash of blades; it was a prelude to something far more sinister.

As Klauss struggled against the relentless tide of foes, the unseen manipulator held his cards close to his chest, ensuring that the true nature of his plan remained shrouded in mystery.

"Fuck, there is no end to them", Klauss said to himself, realizing the futility of prolonged combat against an endless horde, he decided to take a strategic retreat.

Utilizing his agility, he vaulted onto a partially submerged tree trunk, evading the snapping jaws below. The lizardmen, however, were relentless, leaping after him with surprising agility.

As Klauss leaped from tree to tree, the manipulated swamp revealed its malevolent nature. The once firm branches now seemed to writhe and twist, threatening to dislodge Klauss into the murky waters below.

It was as if the very essence of the swamp rebelled against his attempts to escape. 

Despite the challenges, Klauss managed to find a momentary respite on a relatively stable tree branch. He surveyed the manipulated swamp, taking note of the continued emergence of lizardmen.

The situation had escalated beyond the scope of a typical gate expedition, and Klauss couldn't help but wonder about the motives behind this orchestrated mayhem.

Perched upon a sturdy branch, Klauss found a moment of respite amid the chaos of the swamp. Countless perplexing thoughts raced through his mind like the relentless creatures that surrounded him.

"What in the world is happening here? This gate is far from normal, and these monsters are acting strangely. Do I have to use the return stone so soon?" Klauss pondered, his thoughts spiraling in the midst of the mysterious chaos.

As he weighed the option of utilizing the return stone provided by Sylvetta for emergencies, a subtle yet malevolent scent wafted through the air, cutting through the swamp's unpleasant odors.

Though the smell was irritating, it carried a unique and distinct quality that Klauss intrigued Klauss. With instincts honed by years of experience from his previous life and confronting countless dangers, he felt compelled to trace the source of this distinct aroma.

The scent, unlike anything he had encountered since entering the gate, beckoned him to follow its trail.

Trust, he had smelt a lot of things since entering the gate. Intrigued and cautious, Klauss decided to venture forth, guided by the elusive scent that hinted at an underlying mystery within the heart of this abnormal gate.

With practiced stealth, Klauss descended from the branch, avoiding the hordes of lizardmen that continued to emerge from the depths of the swamp.

Crouching low, he blended with the surroundings, maneuvering expertly through tangled thickets and treacherous mud pools. The malicious scent guided him like a tainted beacon drawing him toward unknown perils.

Deeper into the swamplands he delved, the stench intensifying until it permeated his nostrils with a sickly sweetness that turned his stomach.

Yet Klauss pushed on, his curiosity and caution vying for dominance. Soon the scent led him toward a small clearing within the gnarled swamp forest, and his eyes locked onto the source.

Nestled incongruously between twisted trees rested a tiny hut, primitive in construction. It was this simple structure that emitted the overpowering stench that saturated the damp air.

Klauss narrowed his eyes, instantly suspicious of the hut's purpose in such a remote location. His intuition screamed warnings even as the scent's intensity continued building.

Creeping nearer while concealed by vegetation, Klauss scrutinized the mysterious hut. Aside from the stench, he sensed no movement or hazards around it. But he couldn't afford to let his guard down for one moment, so Klauss drew his sword and then covered the blade in mana.

With a calculated sweep of his arm, he launched a horizontal arc of mana, neatly slicing the small hut in half.

The remains of the small structure collapsed partially inward, exposing its contents to Klauss's intense gaze. He froze momentarily as his mind registered what lay inside.

Shock swiftly turned to wariness as Klauss understood he had uncovered something sinister lurking in this swamp.

Inside the destroyed hut knelt the corpse of a lizardman, kneeling down, arms uplifted as if making an offering to depraved gods. The desiccated body showed signs of decay and lacked any muscle or scale coverage resembling others of its kind.

Most disturbingly, empty sockets yawned where eyes should reside in its elongated skull. Despite the lack of life, it seemed locked in perpetual supplication.

Gripped within the corpse's clawed hands gleamed a pulsating red crystal, roughly carved into an oval shape. It was from this strange artifact that the overwhelming stench emitted in regular waves, undulating like poisonous fumes seeking vulnerable hosts.

The strange red crystal, hosed off very light red fumes, almost invisible to the naked eye. To Klauss's mana-attuned senses, the gemstone also exuded an intrinsic foulness, a contamination that had no place existing in this gate instance.

Klauss stood transfixed momentarily, assimilating the spectacle of a blind lizardman cadaver apparently worshiping a toxic crystal.

The answers he sought since arriving in this swamp now manifested directly before him, yet the implications were potentially more hazardous than anything he had yet faced.

Tearing his gaze from the unsettling tableau, Klauss swiftly surveyed his surroundings, probing for external threats. Convinced he remained unobserved, he returned scrutiny to the macabre display the destroyed hut had unveiled.

As Klauss scrutinized the strange situation, in the obscure confines of a clandestine room, the mysterious figure abruptly rose from their seat, hands firmly planted on the desk, eyes glaring intensely at the globe.

"How on earth did he uncover it? This shouldn't be within his grasp, especially at this level. I have to swiftly modify my plans!" The figure muttered frantically, realizing that Klauss had ventured into an area never meant to be accessible.

Panic gripped the enigmatic orchestrator as Klauss stood on the verge of unraveling the intricate web of manipulation woven into the fabric of this aberrant gate.

Klauss pondered the revelations thus far. The uncontrollable hordes of lizardmen revealed a disturbing yet unmistakable pattern – violence and chaos inflicted by an outside intelligence exerting control over them.

It required minimal conjecture to link the pulsating red crystal and its miasma with the lizardmen's wild behavior.

Was this corpse once the overseer of that vile control before the crystal turned against its wielder? Had the one who originally discovered this stone fallen victim to its corrupting energy? Was this corpse a sacrifice to turn the other lizardmen out of control? 

The last thought process seemed the likeliest, although Klauss couldn't prove his suspicions. But one thing was certain: this red crystal was the cause of the lizardmen's madness and aggression. 

"What if destroying this crystal could return them to their usual selves? Hmm, but who would do such a thing and why?". As Klauss pondered his next course of actions, he suddenly heard the horde of lizardmen fast approaching his location. "No time to think, let's just destroy it. Act now, think later!" he decided. 

As Klauss swung his sword towards the crystal, he noticed the dead corpse twitch, despite lacking the muscle drive to move.

This sudden activity confirmed the gemstone indeed retained sinister potency and was doubtlessly exerting its possessive powers to dominate the lizardmen, perhaps even the environment itself. Its very presence held this swamp dimension within its thrall.

The crystal possessed enough strength to animate corpses and subjugate minds. Only a fool would underestimate its capabilities or willingness to resist threats. Destroying the gem would require skill, intense power, and precise execution.

Klauss felt invigorated by the rising challenge. He enjoyed testing himself against dangerous foes that required the limits of his skills. This malevolent crystal represented a worthy opponent despite its cramped environment.

Calm purposefulness flowed through Klauss as he prepared to wage this unusual but necessary battle. 

The fate of the swamp dimension hung in the balance.