
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

King of the lizardmen

As Klauss's sword cleaved through the red crystal, a surge of energy engulfed the surroundings. The swamp seemed to recoil from the impact, and in the midst of the dissipating energy, the corpse, once lifeless, twitched with renewed animation.

The reanimated creature rose, its movements now fueled by an otherworldly force. The holes where its eyes once were were now filled with an eerie crimson glow, giving the impression that it could see through the void.

A peculiar reptilian crown, made of bones and scales adorned its head, a regal symbol that hinted at its past significance – the king of all lizardmen.

Klauss could feel the weight of the swamp's history and hierarchy in that moment.

The creature held a spear, its tip adorned with a smaller fragment of the shattered crystal. It seemed to resonate with the lingering energy of the larger crystal, intertwining with the reanimated lizardman's essence.

The newly crowned figure stood before Klauss, the embodiment of a once powerful ruler now bound to the remnants of the malevolent crystal.

Klauss, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, steadied himself. The cryptic forces at play in the manipulated gate continued to unveil their mysteries.

The reanimated lizardman, now a regal phantom of its former self, raised the spear in a defensive stance. The swamp's atmosphere became charged with tension, signaling the commencement of an extraordinary confrontation.

As the reanimated corpse rose once again, a spine-chilling scream reverberated through the swamp, cutting through the eerie silence. It was a croaky roar, a mixture of relief and newfound strength.

Klauss maintained his guard and composure, watching the creature intently as it seemed to revel in its reawakening.

To Klauss's surprise, as the reanimated lizardman took a breath, ten other lizardmen converged around it. They formed a protective circle, standing guard like loyal sentinels shielding their king.

The atmosphere became charged with an ominous energy as the group of lizardmen seemed to acknowledge the reanimated corpse as their leader.

Klauss's keen instincts and experience led him to a resolute conclusion – this monstrous assembly was undoubtedly the final challenge, the apex predator within this manipulated gate.

The regal reanimated lizardman, now surrounded by its loyal guardians, exuded an aura of malevolence that surpassed any adversary Klauss had encountered within the swamp.

The stage was set for a battle of epic proportions, with a lot at stake, as Klauss prepared to face not just a single foe, but an orchestrated assembly of formidable adversaries led by the reanimated king.

The swamp dimension held its breath, awaiting the clash that would determine the fate of Klauss and the mysterious forces at play.

The dynamics of this battle diverged significantly from the chaotic encounters Klauss had faced thus far in the swamp. The orders issued by the reanimated King were sharp, precise, and deadly.

Despite Klauss's inability to comprehend the language, the commanding aura and the intense focus in the lizardmen's eyes conveyed absolute authority. The radiant energy from the crystal seemed to infuse the lizardmen with newfound strength and unwavering determination.

The initial clash commenced as two formidable lizardmen advanced towards Klauss, each wielding sturdier and more imposing spears, adorned with thick hides for added protection.

The battle had escalated, with the minions of the reanimated King displaying a level of coordination and strategy that Klauss hadn't encountered before. The swamp echoed with the sounds of clashes and the hiss of lizardmen, creating an atmosphere of heightened tension.

As the twin spears thrust simultaneously towards Klauss, he braced himself for the onslaught, relying on a combination of skill, agility, and strategic prowess.

Stepping back, his sword expertly intercepted the twin attacks, creating a barrier against the coordinated assault of the lizardmen. The twins fought with remarkable cohesiveness, presenting Klauss with a formidable double obstacle to overcome.

Undeterred, the lizardmen lunged again, but this time Klauss anticipated their movements. Just as their spears closed in, a third lizardman, having stealthily circled around, attempted a surprise strike from behind.

Klauss's heightened awareness maintained his guard up, something he never dropped after being murdered in his previous life, allowing him to sense the approaching danger.

He pivoted, deflecting the third assailant's attack with a swift motion.

As the initial strikes from the twin lizardmen created a diversion, Klauss keenly observed the remaining eight lizardmen repositioning themselves.

It became apparent that the regal lizardman king was a master tactician, orchestrating the battlefield to maximize the advantage of his minions. The intensity of the fight elevated, turning this encounter into a strategic dance where every move held profound significance in the unfolding battle.

Klauss recognized that defeating this reanimated King and his loyal followers would demand more than just brute strength – it would require outsmarting a cunning adversary and overcoming a highly coordinated offensive.

The next skirmish unfolded with three lizardmen strategically positioned at 10 o'clock, 12 o'clock, and 2 o'clock.

Without affording them the chance to fully prepare, Klauss surged forward with immense speed, targeting the lizardman at 12 o'clock and swiftly decapitating it.

Unfazed, the two flanking lizardmen rushed towards him, spears pointed menacingly.

In a display of extraordinary agility, Klauss leaped into the air, causing the two monsters to collide into each other.

As he descended, he unleashed two mana-condensed fast slashes – the first form of his dancing sword art – cutting through the two lizardmen, leaving them in halves. Landing gracefully on the ground, he then pointed his sword at the lizardman king.

"You may be smart, but your minions are too weak. Let me show you how to win!" Klauss declared with a cool confidence that mirrored the skill and precision he had just demonstrated.

The battlefield became a stage for Klauss's mastery, challenging the regal lizardman to rethink his strategy in the face of such a formidable opponent.

In mere seconds, three enemies lay fallen at Klauss's feet, their strength and vigor no match for his skill. The lizardman king, witnessing Klauss's prowess, shivered slightly, realizing the formidable opponent he faced.

Pointing his gloomy spear at Klauss, the king unleashed a mana blast. However, Klauss dodged it with almost casual ease, tilting his neck in a seemingly nonchalant manner.

"Ahh, I was expecting more from the-" Klauss began, but his speech faltered as the mana blast boomeranged back at him.

Swiftly rolling to his left, narrowly avoiding the returning attack, Klauss couldn't help but notice a small smirk on the lizardman king's face. The skinny monarch had almost hit Klauss with his own attack.

Before Klauss could fully regain his footing, the king commanded three lizardmen to rush him. Charging in a straight line, they aimed to overwhelm Klauss with sheer force.

Temporarily grounded, Klauss pointed his sword at the oncoming lizardmen and whispered, "Klauss Dancing Sword Art, Third Form: Aura Blast." A straight beam of mana shot forth, piercing through the lined lizardmen's chests.

Slowly rising to his feet, Klauss calmly addressed the lizardman king, "You thought you were the only one who could shoot out mana? Funny, right?"

The tables had turned, and Klauss demonstrated his own mastery over mana, leaving the regal lizardman to reconsider his strategy in the face of such unexpected capabilities.

The mysterious observer, who had been meticulously monitoring the unfolding battle, couldn't conceal his shock. Everything he had known or heard about Klauss suddenly seemed irrelevant.

This wasn't an ordinary rookie hunter; Klauss's fighting style, his strategic analysis, and the way he carried himself were all indicative of someone with hidden depths and secrets, particularly concerning his true identity.

The composed and poised figure lost a bit of that composure. The trap set to catch Klauss off guard had failed spectacularly, and the backup plan involving the red crystal appeared to be on the verge of failure as well.

The mysterious observer, now less composed, pondered the unexpected turn of events.

"At this rate, all my plans have come to nothing. I've even wasted a precious artifact. I need to report back. The information we have on this D-rank hunter is a complete lie. How has the association managed to keep this monstrous individual a secret?"

Indeed, Klauss had proven to be a formidable force, catching the observer off guard with his adept use of mana and displaying remarkable swordsmanship.

The facade of an average D-rank hunter had crumbled, revealing a much more dangerous and skilled individual beneath the surface.

The regal lizardman king, now with four pawns at his disposal, strategically placed himself at the center, forming a defensive arrangement of 2-1-2.

Klauss, keenly observing the sly tactics of the king, was certain of one thing: this king was weak and incapable of standing alone in combat. It seemed the decaying body couldn't withstand the overwhelming power channeled from the red crystal.

Beyond the glowing red eyes and the formidable spear, there was nothing extraordinary about this particular gate boss. Klauss grew bored of the prolonged fight and sought to bring it to an end.

Fatigued and somewhat irritated, Klauss, utilizing his second form, blurry steps, swiftly dismantled the carefully crafted formation of the lizard king.

With fluid and efficient movements, he decapitated all four remaining lizardmen, leaving himself face to face with the weakened king. With a growing anger reflected in the king's eyes, he pointed his spear at Klauss, ready to unleash the full extent of its power.

However, little cracks started to appear on the spear, signaling that the crystal's force or the corpse body had run its full course. The battle ended in an anticlimactic manner, leaving Klauss to sigh in disappointment.

He walked over slowly and expressionlessly to the now powerless decayed king.

Klauss was about to deliver the finishing blow, until the lizardman let out a weird a plea, "Wait! cough! Wait!". Klauss's eyes lit up as he heard a familiar language emanating from the monster's wide mouth.

The remaining energy from the crystal had temporarily given the king the ability to converse in human language.

"I don't... have...much time… please free… my tribesmen… it… was all...my fault." His speech was unclear and cracked, making it difficult for Klauss to understand, but he managed to piece together the message.

"In the… hut–" said the dying king. His last words were filled with mystery as Klauss watched the decaying king slowly evaporate into the swamp. Puzzled by what he had heard, Klauss looked in the direction of the destroyed hut.

As he approached it, he discovered, where the dead king had originally knelt, an underground staircase hidden. "Hold on, does this gate have a dungeon?" said Klauss, his excitement and shock evident.