
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Red eyed lizardmen

Facing the enraged onslaught of the four lizardmen, Klauss was determined to swiftly conclude the bout, recognizing that these creatures served no further purpose in his observations.

Fueled by unbridled rage, the lizardmen lunged at Klauss without coordination or strategy, mouths wide open in an attempt to catch their prey. Klauss skillfully evaded the sudden rush of the ferocious beasts, maintaining his agile stance as he distanced himself from the pack.

Taking advantage of the muddy ground, Klauss picked up a spear, broke it in half, and tossed the lower half aside, keeping the sharper end as an improvised weapon.

As he manipulated the makeshift spear, Klauss contemplated his strategy aloud, saying, "This will do." In a sudden improvised decision, once again saying, "Ohh I could use this", he then retrieved the discarded lower half of the broken spear and launched it at one of the lizardmen.

The projectile struck the creature in the abdomen, causing it to fall to the ground, hands clutching its stomach.

Surprisingly, as the remaining lizardmen witnessed their comrade's fall, they didn't exhibit the same immediate reaction as before. This observation led Klauss to a realization—something was definitely influencing the sudden rage of the lizardmen, disrupting their usual behavior.

With this revelation, Klauss faced not only the physical threat of the creatures but also the mysterious force that had driven them into a blind frenzy.

Facing the three remaining enemies with an improvised weapon, the strange battle reached its peak. The lizardmen, undeterred by their fallen comrade, rushed at Klauss with renewed fury.

This time, Klauss stood ready, prepared to face their raging assault head-on. One lizardman, leading the charge, swiftly fell victim to Klauss's speed, losing its head in a clean decapitation.

The next lizardman thrust its spear at Klauss, only to find its arm severed cleanly. Green blood oozed from the wound as the lizardman, seemingly impervious to pain, attempted a wild punch with its remaining arm.

Before it could execute the attack, Klauss swiftly severed the second arm. Now armless, the lizardman stood defenseless as Klauss decisively slit its head in half before it could attack with its wide mouth.

With only the squad leader of the lizardmen remaining, the creature, witnessing the brutal slaughter of its brothers, began to panic and promptly turned tail to flee.

Klauss, surprised by this unexpected twist, didn't anticipate the monster, still with its red eyes, to flee in such a manner, especially after watching its comrades and subordinates being killed.

Unbelievably, Klauss let out a chuckle and gave chase. The pursuit wasn't much of a chase, but rather Klauss watching the creature run, its long tail wiggling in all directions.

About 10 seconds into the "chase," Klauss stepped onto the lizardman's tail, abruptly halting its escape. The creature fell awkwardly, shivering in fear as Klauss loomed over it.

Aware that its fate was sealed, the lizardman anticipated joining its fallen brethren in lizardmen heaven, maybe. Klauss, showing neither mercy nor hesitation, bent down and stabbed the lizardman in the leg, delivering a calculated and precise blow.

Addressing the creature with a mix of disappointment and sarcasm, Klauss remarked, "For a leader to flee after watching his fellow subordinates die at the hands of an enemy following your orders, truly disappointing. I guess you do have the intelligence of a human."

With these final words, Klauss thrust his hand, enveloped with mana, straight at the lizardman's heart, granting it a quick and decisive death.

Observing the lifeless creature, Klauss decided to extract its eyes, contemplating their potential significance. "Sylvetta could use this to figure out why their eyes turned red. I already have a bad suspicion about this."

Klauss's mission in the gate was to gather as much information as possible—whether about the environment, the inhabitants, or any other useful details.

Despite the tedious nature of the mission, Klauss's progress unfolded smoothly as he delved deeper into the mysteries of the unfamiliar dimension.

As Klauss meticulously extracted the eyes from the deceased lizardman, completely engrossed in his mission within the gate, an enigmatic figure concealed within the shadows of a dark room observed every move through a sophisticated globe.

The room itself emanated an air of secrecy, with dimly lit corners and an assortment of mystical artifacts adorning the shelves.

The mysterious observer, fixated on Klauss's actions, couldn't help but be impressed by his quick wit and decisive nature.

Uttering in a hushed yet contemplative tone, the figure spoke, "He is not your average hunter. Quick-witted as well." Leaning closer to the glowing globe that displayed Klauss's progression, the mysterious person muttered once again, "What are you hiding, young one?"

The inquisitive observer had developed an intensified interest in Klauss and, after a moment of consideration, decided to present him with another challenge.

A subtle smirk played on the mysterious figure's lips as they spoke, "Anyway, let's see how you fare this time." The atmosphere in the dark room seemed to thicken with intrigue as the mysterious person anticipated Klauss's response to the forthcoming challenge.

Klauss continued to navigate through the mysterious swamp within the gate, maintaining a heightened sense of alertness.

Suddenly, he found himself scratching his ear, a gesture prompted by an unusual feeling. With a nonchalant expression, he remarked, "Who is talking behind my back? Probably Aisha or Sylvetta saying bad things about me to Cassius. (sigh)"

Meanwhile, on the outside of the gate, in a charming café not far from the entrance, Cassius savored a delectable glass of ice cream. Aisha observed him with a mix of amusement and fondness, sharing in his enjoyment of the sweet treat. Sylvetta, casually flipping through her phone, occasionally glanced over, spying on the adorable boy indulging in his dessert.

Despite the tranquility outside, two hours had elapsed since Klauss entered the gate, and in the real world, only 20 minutes had passed.

As Klauss delved deeper into the swamp within the gate, the once mysterious environment took a darker turn. The swamp, initially filled with an eerie yet damp aura, began to deteriorate, transforming into a more foreboding and malevolent landscape.

The air became thicker, carrying with it a pungent, nauseating stench that permeated the surroundings.

The ground beneath Klauss's feet turned muddier and more treacherous, making each step a potential hazard.

Murky, stagnant water pools became more frequent, reflecting the twisted vegetation that seemed to weave with an unsettling life of its own.

The previously subtle sounds of the swamp now intensified into a dissonant mishmash of unpleasant sounds. Sinister croaks and ominous hisses echoed through the desolate landscape, creating an oppressive atmosphere.

The once dim illumination from an unseen source began to flicker, casting eerie shadows that danced menacingly among the gnarled trees and murky waters.

The worsening conditions in the swamp heightened the sense of unease and danger, as if the environment itself had succumbed to a malevolent force that sought to challenge and confront those who dared to explore its depths.

In the heart of the murky water pool, Klauss found himself encircled by the dense foliage of the swamp, the darkened environment intensifying the ominous ambiance.

A pervasive sensation of being watched loomed over him, amplifying the sense of impending danger. As Klauss lowered himself, the penetrating gaze on him became palpable, an unseen force scrutinizing his every move.

Straining his eyes, Klauss discerned numerous red dots concealed within the thick bushes, their intensity growing as more of them materialized.

The eerie glow from the red eyes marked the presence of a horde of lizardmen, emerging stealthily from the shadows. Surrounding him, their relentless advance closed the gap between Klauss and the impending threat.

As the lizardmen closed in, Klauss couldn't shake the feeling that this situation defied logic, a realization that someone or something was manipulating these creatures with calculated intent. The intent to hunt him down.

The lizardmen, now more menacing than before, lacked weapons but compensated with sharpened long claws, exuding a more ferocious demeanor. Muscular and drooling, their sheer numbers posed a formidable challenge, prompting Klauss to mutter, "Fuck, this could be troublesome."

Undeterred by the escalating odds, Klauss finally reached into his dimensional bag, retrieving a gleaming sword he got after the duel against Brutus, with a swift and fluid motion. His previous one got broken during the duel and was gifted another one by the association.

The metallic sheen of the blade complemented the ominous red glow of the lizardmen's eyes, and the swamp's murky water seemed to still, anticipating the clash that was about to unfold.

As the first wave of lizardmen lunged at him, Klauss moved with the grace of a seasoned predator, his sword cutting through the air in a deadly dance. The initial clashes echoed through the swamp as Klauss fought a relentless battle against the encroaching horde.

The swamp, once filled with the croaks of unseen creatures and the rustling of leaves, became a chaotic battleground as the murky water was layered with green lizardmen blood. 

Klauss skillfully weaved between the attacking lizardmen, his every move calculated and precise in order to manage his stamina . The air was thick with tension as the battle raged on.

Amidst the tumultuous struggle, Klauss couldn't shake the feeling that this orchestrated chaos served a greater purpose. The mysterious force manipulating the lizardmen seemed to be playing a twisted game, pushing Klauss to the limits of his abilities.

With each lizardman that fell, more emerged from the shadows, the relentless onslaught showing no signs of abating.

Yet, Klauss remained resolute, his sword cutting through the darkened air as he faced the enigma that awaited him in the heart of the manipulated swamp.