
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Rewardless dungeon?

Dungeons are enigmatic extensions of gates and stand as elusive treasures in the vast unknown, their existence shrouded in mystery and known to only a privileged few.

Veiled in secrecy, they beckon to the daring with promises of untold rewards sought by many. Each discovery within, a whispered revelation echoing through the corridors of time and mysteries surrounding gates and other dimensions.

Klauss, just so happens to stumble upon one, one that could reveal many unanswered questions and raise even more questions.

The air crackled with the anticipation of the unknown as he stood before the concealed underground staircase. With a vigilant gaze, he scanned the surroundings, ensuring no lingering remnants of dangers lingered in the shadows.

As Klauss took his first step onto the time-worn stairs, the air itself seemed to shimmer with ancient and foreign energy, a tangible aura of the arcane.

The descent into the dungeon was a journey into the heart of uncertainty, but Klauss welcomed it. 

With each deliberate step, Klauss descended the labyrinthine staircase, a journey that unfolded over a span of roughly 20 minutes.

At last, he emerged into a corridor adorned with a gentle illumination cast by strategically placed candles along the walls. The flickering flames danced, creating an ethereal play of light and shadow that lent an otherworldly quality to the passage.

The corridor, bathed in this soft glow, seemed to stretch endlessly before Klauss, its vanishing point concealed in an enigmatic distance that tested the limits of his perception.

As he navigated the corridor, Klauss remained vigilant, his guard held high, a testament to the lessons learned in the treacherous depths of the Tarantula Territory's rank C gate*.

Memories of that previous dungeon lingered, where traps lurked in the shadows like patient predators. The echo of caution reverberated in his every step, a dance with the unseen dangers that might materialize at any moment.

In the quiet expanse of the corridor, Klauss's mind wandered, delving into contemplation. Questions of purpose and design filled his thoughts, pondering why dungeons existed and the selective nature of their manifestation.

The same thought process he had in his previous dungeon. The intricacies of their occurrence, like a cosmic riddle, fueled his curiosity.

Why certain gates harbored these mysterious enclaves while others remained untouched but their arcane presence remained a puzzle, a puzzle that begged for exploration and understanding in the midst of the seemingly endless corridor.

Lost in contemplation, Klauss found himself standing before a slightly opened wooden door, a gateway to an unseen realm. Instinctively, he took out his sword from his dimensional bag, readiness etched across his features like a silent prelude to potential confrontation.

An ironic twist unfolded as he, the apparent intruder, prepared to confront an unseen intruder lurking beyond the partially open door.

With a deliberate motion, Klauss nudged the door open, its hinges protesting softly in response to the intrusion. The room materialized before him, cloaked in shadows and dimly illuminated by a lone standing lamp, casting eerie silhouettes across the floor.

Sword in hand, Klauss stepped into the darkness, his weapon leading the way, carving through the obsidian stillness.

Despite the initial appearance of emptiness, Klauss's vigilance only heightened, a paradoxical fusion of relaxation and heightened awareness.

Unbeknownst to him, this room served as the clandestine sanctuary for the mysterious observer, who had hastily fled upon witnessing the imminent defeat of the lizardmen king.

His plans had failed miserably. In the covert dance of shadows, Klauss, unaware of the failed schemes that had transpired, tread upon the same ground as his elusive pursuer.

As he meticulously surveyed the room, Klauss discerned its apparent emptiness. Yet, the room bore the subtle traces of a recent visitor—a lingering aura that whispered of an elusive presence.

The emptiness did not dispel his caution; instead, it fueled his curiosity, signaling that he had unknowingly entered the enigmatic realm of his mysterious stalker.

On a table adjacent to the standing lamp, Klauss's sharp eyes caught sight of a glass globe, an inconspicuous artifact in the dimly lit room.

As he approached, a subtle flicker caused the globe to come to life, projecting an image that sent shivers down Klauss's spine. Swiftly, he raised his sword, as if anticipating an imminent attack.

The globe unveiled the afterimage of his intense battle against the lizardman king in that very location, a haunting playback of the recent confrontation.

The revelation hit Klauss like a thunderbolt – this room served as the clandestine haven of the manipulator behind the lizardmen's actions.

It dawned upon him that he stood within the lair of his true adversary, the one harboring a deadly vendetta against him. The realization fueled a surge of adrenaline, his senses sharpened as he considered the implications.

The mysterious foe had vanished without a trace, leaving behind only the illuminated globe. Klauss grappled with questions that echoed in the deepest parts of his mind.

Why observe him in this random dungeon within an equally random gate? And how? Did the observer intentionally leave the globe behind for him to discover, or was it an oversight underestimating Klauss's resourcefulness to find this particular dungeon?

The unspoken answers lingered, elusive yet tantalizingly within reach. One question remained absolute, what are dungeons?

His sword still held aloft, Klauss meticulously scrutinized the room, searching for additional clues, objects, or anything that might unravel the enigma veiled in shadows.

Each corner became a potential source of revelation, as he pieced together the puzzle left behind by the fleeing observer. The room, now a silent witness to the unseen manipulations, held its secrets close, inviting Klauss to unveil the truth hidden within its walls.

In stark contrast to the dungeon Klauss had conquered in his previously, this mysterious enclave offered no tangible loot or coveted rewards – no gleaming mana stones, no coveted weapons, and no potions or items, nothing.

The room stood devoid of material wealth, a stark emptiness that echoed with unanswered questions. As Klauss surveyed the rewardless expanse, he couldn't help but wrestle with the profound uncertainty that shadowed his thoughts.

The perplexing absence of valuables prompted Klauss to contemplate the very nature of dungeons. "Do all dungeons lack the same inherent value? What are these dungeons truly?" he mused, the questions resonating in the silence of the room.

These inquiries bore a weight that transcended their seemingly straightforward nature, delving into the core of Klauss's dual-lived existence.

In his prior life, dungeons were coveted spaces, hidden spaces that promised extraordinary rewards and unparalleled loot. They were the sought-after treasures within gates, drawing adventurers with the allure of the extraordinary.

However, Klauss now found himself in a paradoxical situation, standing in a room that yielded nothing of value. The difference baffled him; in his past life, dungeons were never described as empty spaces devoid of rewards. The notion seemed preposterous.

Yet, the very room that lacked any tangible loot was paradoxically significant. It wasn't an ordinary, barren space – it was the sanctum of a mysterious observer, a puppet master orchestrating the lizardmen's lethal dance within a gate and Klauss's demise.

The emptiness, Klauss realized, was merely a façade, concealing a web of intrigue and danger woven by his unseen adversary.

The questions persisted, evolving into an intricate tapestry of mystery that unfolded within the silent confines of the room, urging Klauss to decipher the enigma that lay hidden beneath the surface.

A sigh of disappointment escaped Klauss's lips as he decided to depart from the mysterious room, the lack of tangible rewards echoing the emptiness within.

However, he resolved to carry a piece of the enigma with him, reaching for the glass globe and stowing it away within his dimensional bag.

The weight of the orb, both physical and metaphorical, accompanied him as he retraced his steps, ascending the same staircase that had led him into the depths of the unknown.

As Klauss emerged into the familiar surface of the swamp, his thoughts still swirled in a tumult of contemplation. Casting his gaze toward where the fallen lizardman king laid before disappearing into the air, a subtle glint caught his eye.

A yellow mana stone lay amidst the remnants of shattered red crystals, a modest but welcome discovery.

The recognition that he wouldn't exit the gate empty-handed brought a measure of satisfaction, especially considering the rank C status of the defeated lizardman king.

Bending down, Klauss collected the yellow mana stone and the fragments of the red crystal. His mind raced with thoughts of their potential significance and value these fragments could bring to Sylvetta and the association.

These remnants, he believed, could offer valuable clues or insights. With the newfound treasures secured, Klauss made his way back to the entrance of the gate, stepping through its portal and returning to the outside world.

Having spent a little over 5 hours within the gate, nearly an hour in real time, Klauss emerged with more questions than answers.

The enigma of the mysterious room and the puppet master lingered in his thoughts, but the tangible rewards in his possession spoke of a different kind of triumph—one that transcended mere material wealth.

Silently slipping away from the gate's vicinity, Klauss made his way to the car that had brought him there.

To his dismay, the familiar faces of Aisha, Sylvetta, and Cassius were conspicuously absent within the vehicle. A wave of concern washed over him, the events inside the gate triggering unsettling thoughts.

The worst-case scenario gnawed at his mind: "What if the mysterious observer left ahead of me and took them?"

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Klauss, the trio remained comfortably ensconced within a nearby café. Relishing pastries and engaging in light conversation, they waited patiently for Klauss to emerge from his expedition.

The ambience inside the café remained oblivious to the tensions that brewed beyond its walls.

With growing apprehension, Klauss pondered the potential disappearance of his companions. Frustration and worry blended within him as he imagined various scenarios.

The uncertainty pressed upon him until, finally, he decided to take action. Retrievinghis phone, he dialed Aisha's number, his tone noticeably cold as he inquired about their whereabouts.

Aisha's response, delivered with casual ease, informed him that they were leisurely waiting in a nearby café for his return.

Klauss, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected answer, was left speechless. The dissonance between his imagined worst-case scenario and the reality painted by Aisha's calm response made him look foolish.

Gently and quietly, he said "I'm waiting by the car..."