
My Undercover Lover

Cherry, a young billionaire heiress who has lived a life of privilege and comfort. Cherry has never had to work a day in her life, and she is surrounded by people who cater to her every need. From maids for almost everything including basic tasks like brushing the teeth and bathing. But underneath her perfect exterior, Cherry is feeling restless and unfulfilled. She wants more from life, but she doesn't know what it is or how to find it. After an unexpected faithful encounter with a man whom lacked all the things she has. Cherry had made up her mind to do the unexpected by approaching him with a fake identity. Will she find love? Or will she chase love away from her when the truth about her identity is revealed?

Grim_Thred · Urban
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8 Chs

Help me!

Sam's point of view"

I walked into my neatly arranged apartment after a long run, I was sweating profusely and I was tired after running for an entire hour but that was the least of my problems. I found myself doing a lot of things these days to keep my mind off reality. Mum has been at the hospital for some weeks now and her health was slowly deteriorating by the day.

"She needs a miracle" The doctor words kept replaying in my head and I felt tears well up to my eyes as I thought about his words.

I groaned then sat on my bed, trying to push negative thoughts out of my head.

Think of anything…anything but mum's health. Then she popped into mind, the lady I had bumped into, her voice seemed oddly familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen her because it was dark. She must be the new next door neighbor. I was Informed just this morning that someone would be moving in but I was out all day so I didn't get to see the person. Not that I cared, I didn't go about greeting every new person in the estate, I preferred to be on my own.

No, I wasn't grumpy, just liked to be on my own. Little friends, terrible life, terrible dating life, terrible house…Just a sneak peek at how terrible my life is and that's not even all. Damn it!

My mind was swirling with different emotions that I was all too familiar with but I just couldn't get used to it. Like what if mum… I couldn't complete it because it hurt to just think about it, she was the only one I got. Even now, It hurt to go to the hospital to see her but she was unconscious all through ㅡ A brain tumor, that was it was. And it required money, the kind of money that I couldn't get. Even if I sold my self and the only friend I had, it still wouldn't do it.

I was at the verge of breaking down so I dialled peter before I did. I met peter in high school and he became my only friend. I don't even know why he became friends with me, he was the cool guy that was popular with people while I was just that hot guy that didn't like people at all. We had a lot of differences that made people wonder how we got along.

"Yello?" Peter said.

I sat up on the bed.

"Peter, sorry if I'm disturbing. I know it's night but…" I didn't like to be the one to disturb people.

"Of course not, doofus" Peter said laughing.

I sighed.

"I just needed someone to talk to" We had this type of brotherly relationship, we told each other everything! Literally.

"How's your mum?" Peter asked, his voice filled with concern.

I sighed and he got the message.

"I'm sorry. You'll figure out something, I'm currently working towards a contract and if I get it, I'll give you the money so that…" his voice trailed off.

"No! No! No!" I quickly said. Peter had sacrificed so much to help me and I didn't want him to sacrifice anything for me again.

"What do you mean no? I just want to help you" His voice sounded hurt and I felt bad.

"Bro, don't worry. I just needed someone to talk to before I had an emotional breakdown" I said, forcing a laugh.

He was silent.

"You okay?" Peter asked, his voice low.

I nodded as though he could see me.

"I'm fine, I'm good. Thank you" I said.

Everywhere was silent and I could hear his breathing over the receiver.

"Oh well, you should get some rest and so should I" I said dismissively.

He grunted something.

"Alright, then. Don't think much, promise me" He said.

"Promise" I said but it was a lie. I knew I would still continue thinking about it.

I hung up and lay back down on the bed. Replaying the events of the last few days were like a torture, trips into the hospital every day that proved futile, the gentle beep of the life monitor machine, the doctor's words, everything was torture to me. A silent reminder that I was alone in this world.

Unable to bear the suffocating atmosphere in the house, I went out of my house into the night. I stood at my porch, staring into nothing. This wasn't how I wanted my life to be yet it was how it was and there was nothing I could do but accept my fate.

I heard a loud clang In the next house and I whirled round staring at the house.

"Must be the new neighbor" I said to myself.

Looks like I bagged myself a noisy person, just how worse could my life get.

I felt the urge to go knock and see who was in the house but as I said, I wasn't that type of person. I liked to keep to myself not nose in on people's business.

The sound of the person came out a bit too loudly and I realized she was on a call to someone. It was rude to listen in on someone's conversation but I couldn't help it, she was being loud so unless I blocked my ears, I would still hear it. Could she quieten down a bit? Some of us were trying to think about our life and I couldn't concentrate with her babbling on the phone.

"Yes…No, I didn't cook anything….what the, of course I can….I was tired…tomorrow morning? I will fix something myself…Mum?! As if, she believed it…No, I'm taking the week off…it's cozy…Not yet, I'm going to check around tomorrow and see who's around… I'm fine….I won't chicken out…of course not… this is actually fun…it's true…No, Nadia…just stop!... There's no cute guy around…I wish" Her voice rang out and I shuddered. Typical girl talk.

Shaking my head, I was beginning to feel chilly already so I went back into my house to get some rest, no matter how much sleep evaded me.

The new neighbor seemed to be the loud crazy type, the type of person I didn't really vibe with. But I was stuck with her next to me for a long time. Well at least tomorrow, I would get to see who she was and know a little about her. No matter how much I didn't like associating with people, I liked to know the people around me because of security reasons. I had to be conscious about that before I would end up living next to a serial killer. That sounded absurd though and unlikely plus she didn't seem like the type.

I picked up the photo of my mum and I from my bedside table and I hugged it to my chest.

"Be well mum. I can't afford loosing you" I muttered to myself. I wasn't a religious person but these days, I prayed, prayed for a miracle but it wasn't forthcoming.

I went to sleep with the same troubled thoughts that ended up giving me nightmares. A loud high pitched scream woke me up with a start. I bolted up from bed, the scream was still resounding over and over and I began to fear that we were in a war. Sleep soon cleared from my eyes and I looked out the window and then I realized it… it was coming from the new neighbors house. She sounded like she was under attack by terrorists and I cursed silently.

"Damn it!" I cursed, flinging the duvet off my body. Without bothering to wear a shirt, I sped out of the house to her house In nothing but my pajama trousers.

I pounded on the door in urgency but recieved no reply.

"Fuck!" I cursed, what if she was in serious trouble?! I pushed open the door because it was open and rushed Inside.

The screams were coming from the kitchen and I ran there.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed as I stared at the lady screaming loudly at the pot on the cooker that had caught fire.

She was pointing to it and screaming really loudly and the only question that came to my head was 'how did she manage to do this?'

"HELP ME!!" She screamed at me.

"Damn it!" I said inwardly.