
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Shocking moments....

Episode 4

 Break is over, so I quickly rush to wash my arm, feet and face. Entering the class, I could not find my books. Looking around, I found my books with Rachel meaning I should seat by her.  No excitation, I say by her and I could see the class surprised. Just smiling at each other till closing your.

Few students were still hanging around in the school for few reasons but mine was because I wanted to go through Rachel's file. Luckily, I had access to the file room with the assistant of the security guard. I knew it would take time for me to finish going through her files so I snapped them and in no time got my self out by greasing the hand of the security  guard.

While I was in the bus, I came across her date of birth and surprisingly her birthday was in two days time. This really gave me concern cause I would love to give a wonderful memory.

Getting home with my mind filled with Rachel birthday surprise, I did not notice the people sitting in the living room. Rushed to my room and quickly pulled off my uniform to think well. Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. "uhm, sorry ma am in the toilet" I said. "Meet me downstairs when you are done" she instructed.

Running down the stairs and noticed my parents sitting side by side. "Mom, dad" I rushed to them and hugged them. This was a shock to them, cause have never welcomed them this much.

"Alexander" my papa called out. "are you really the one" he asked. "yes dad, am a changed man now" I said. Tears of joy rolled down momma's cheek. "thank you Lord". They were so happy to see their boy glowing bright. We had dinner together including grandma which was a lovely moment.

The next day was a Saturday so I just laid with my phone and enjoyed the Friday vibe. I was chatting with Rachel when I suddenly remembered what the doctor said about my system. Sat upright and thought for a while but I couldn't figure out so I got back to Rachel. Suddenly my wall bracket light fluctuated, strange. It went off and doesn't look like it was going to turn on. I stood from bed and put on my torch to figure out what the problem was.

I stood for almost 30 seconds but nothing happened. "well, I guess that will be tomorrow" I thought and went back to bed, sitting with my legs on the ground. I was about to lay when I noticed a white sticky note pad. Things were somehow creepy and I began to grow fear. "Meet me at the garden" it was written bold enough for a blind man to see. Peeping through my window, I noticed a human standing in front of my favorite tree. Now I was completely afraid. Different questions were running in my mind.

Firstly, I thought of informing my parents but I thought otherwise and did not inform anyone. Walked gently downstairs and opened the door with no notice, looking left and right, I stepped out and headed towards the garden.

I was not day dreaming cause the person was still there. "who are you and how did you get in?" I asked with a mean voice. "hope I didn't scare you, bro" he said and turned to me. I almost fainted. It's like me  standing here and there. He was moving closer but I held a punch and told him not to come any closer. "we'll get to know each other better" he said and continued moving closer but I threw the punch. Just like in movies, he passed through me which I almost passed out. "what on earth is going on" I thought. "Mom and dad can explain better" he said and went through the fence.

I was headless. It was as if my system were shutting down. Stood for about 5 minutes then secured a chair reserved for relaxation in the garden. I started doing some playback in my head. "It was real, no shit it was real" I exclaimed.

Struggled upstairs cause I was still recovering from the shock and to my very own surprise, my light were back to normal. That could prove.

I wanted to ask about my birth I concluded to make it the next morning.

*** *** *** ***

Waking the next morning, with no memories of last night. I stopped the music and knelt before the Lord to observe my morning prayer. Took my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. Scrubbing and spitting into the basin. Look into the mirror and noticed the reflection was not me. "Hurry up, we need to find out" I was shocked but instantly last night memories came back. "u need to stop scaring me". I said and pulled off my nightwear. I was still surprised cause we look so alike. Even I could mistake myself for him.

Knocked softly on the masters bedroom door. "who's it" I heard my dad voice. "Alex" "come in boy" I went in and prostrated to greet. " how was your night" my mom asked.

** **

"Dad why don't I have a senior or junior ones" I asked. My question was kind of a shock. "sit, it's time you know few things" my dad said

"I was 29 when I married your mom legally and she was 26 then. To cut the long story short, we lived for five years with no children. Not even one day pregnancy. Due to this, my family members started disturbing me to get a new wife. So I decided to relocate. After two years in Lagos, I was already getting tired but fortunately, we came across a pastor who told us what to do and believe me your mother conceived after three weeks. After nurturing a twin for 9 months we lost one you survived" he narrated. "but why didn't you tell me" I asked. My mother smiled and said, "everything needs a perfect timing". "what prompted that question" papa asked. "I had a dream" I lied.

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