
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

I kissed her......

Episode 3

Few minutes later, grandma excused herself, living us alone in the living room. "You did not even offer me anything" she indicated. "oh, pardon my manners ma'am. What would you love ma" I presented like a waiter. She smiled and said "anything". I entered the kitchen and grabbed an apple juice pack and took a sachet of cookies. "here" I placed and served both of us. I noticed her stare with her cup of juice. "anything wrong?" I asked. "you leveled yours well" she said and exchange the cup of juice. I sensed she just want to have fun but girls can be crazy most times. I wanted to level up mine which was hers earlier but she grabbed the juice pack, which tells she really wanted to play. "come on" I struggled to have the pack but to avail.

"oh, my back" I suddenly yelled and she dropped  the pack immediately and moved closer to me. "sorry" she was trying to console not knowing It was a prank. I quickly took the juice pack and ran outside. "did you just…." She exclaimed and followed me. Teasing her here and there, we finally arrived my garden. "wow, this is beautiful" she remarked and walked gently into it.

I walked to her and gazed at her, eye to eye just to maintain a eye contact but it didn't last 20 seconds, she hugged me. "when are you resuming" she asked still wrapped around me. "in two weeks time". My reply seemed a shock as she loosened so quickly. "You're joking right" she asked and I smiled. "just kidding" I answered and she gave a relieve breathe. 

Moved closer and this time I kissed her on her forehead. Have never felt so brave before but here I am doing my impossibilities. We cuddled, discussed with each other before she suddenly remembered that she was late. "I wont want to get home late" she said and I reasoned but there was a problem. I needed her number but I could not ask.

"Can you help me flash my phone, I cant find it" I said, pretending not to know where it was. She called it and it rang but we could not find it.( it was in my room). "Let me see you off, I'll search for it later" I said. She made sure she greeted grandma before leaving, which I saw as an attribute of a well behaved child.

*** *** *** ***

"Hi" I sent on WhatsApp. It took few minutes before she replied but her reply was a shock. "you are such a funny boy". We chatted through out the night and by the way she asked if I could manage to make it to school the next day. I knew I wont be allowed by grandma because of she thinks am not steady yet but it worth a trial.

Banged on her door and was told to wait a second. "u want something?" she asked. "I want to resume school tomorrow" I didn't beat around the Bush. "its clearly because of Rachel right?" she asked. "uhhnm, kind of ma" and she smiled. "just be careful, ok" "aawwnn, thank you ma" I hugged her. "I haven't say yes" but that doesn't matter to me anymore. To make dozens of jaw drop, I did not inform anyone about my resumption, including Rachel.


Granny woke me up with taps, cant say how many. "aren't you going to school again" she waked me. "oh my, Good morning ma" I rushed out of bed and prepare for school. "Sleepy head" she commented. I intentionally missed the school bus just to brand my surprise perfectly.

As thought but not as crazy, the morning assembly was disorganized, both male and female rushed towards me. I was about to be carried but I pleaded not to. Rachel was surprised and only gave a smile and turned her face away. I walked straight to the Principal who was giving his speech and gave a slight prostate. "Welcome back" he said and hugged me. I was happy with the warm welcome, cause I never had one before.

Assembly over, and I was amaze to see Rachel and few of some school 2 students, including every girl crush, (Emmanuel) in my class. My book was shared and I had nothing to worry about.

Things were fine till break time, when I was persuaded to play football. It's my favorite sport but "who knows". I handled the ball like Messi ( a big fan of him #wordcup) and invited more audience. Even our break time was extended. After scoring the 3rd goal, I was so high, responding to the cheers and praises. Ran to Rachel with no intention but her eyes were full of....  I raised her hands and the cheers grew louder.

Next episode......loading.....


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