
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

just the beginning...

Episode 5

"Hey" I called out softly. "You can call me Charles" he said as he emerged from the wall. "sorry, about last night, mom and dad confirmed it" I apologized. "that's not a problem" he said. "but why did you  not show up all this while" I asked cause I was still confused with few things. "everything needs a perfect timing" he said. "uhmm, so you're a ghost right?" I asked. "no, we are "HUMOST" half man half ghost" he replied. "but how?" another question. "Sit" he said and continued "according to Alistair my father in the humost world, he battled with the angel of death and stole my soul because he needed a companion. "So when a person dies, and its not time for the soul to access judgment I guess…."yes" he agreed with the statement.

"But it means you are not the only hu…mo…st" I asked. "yes we are one world, just like the human world" he answered. "you'll get to know me as time goes on" he said and I nod my head.

We've been together  and I was kind of coping. "we would make a great team" Charles said. I totally forgot about Rachel not until I received a call from her saying she was at my door. I dropped the game pad and ran downstairs, now forgetting about Charles. I opened the door and could not take my eyes off the damsel. "won't you let me in?" She pushed me away from the door and entered. I was shocked to see Charles sitting at the dining table but I quickly composed my self. "It's like mom and dad are at home?" She asked. " yes" I replied but I was curious about Charles presence. "can I go greet them?" she asked but I declined and told her to wait. "let me check on them", so I ran upstairs. They were still sleeping. Went back downstairs and informed Rachel. "anything for me" I asked and she smiled. "yes, the mathematics assignment has been a trouble" brought out her book.

Not quite long, my dad came down and was surprise to see his son with a friend. "you must be Rachel" my dad said as he climbed down with a smile. "yes sir. Good afternoon sir" she greeted. "How are u, wow am surprised to see you here" he said. I sat and watched them communicate. My mom also joined and I was very shock cause they knew all about her.

She got through and I escorted her to the park. She noticed my silence and asked what happened. "how did they know so much about you? I asked. "to be sincere, am also surprise" she confessed.

"See you tomorrow right" I asked as she entered the bus. "uhm, we'll talk on WhatsApp" I did not understand that statement not until the bus was out of sight when I remembered tomorrow was her birthday. "Holy shit" I had no plan

"I see u completely forgot me" Charles appeared from no where. Holding my chest with fear. "you should stop doing that" I yelled which attracted the attention of some passersby. "I was just practicing" I said to convince them.

Turned to Charles and the fool was laughing. I just kept walking as fast as I could.

"What took you so long" my dad asked as I entered the house. "escorting such a beauty could take time, right?" my mom asked and they laughed. Now am really cross.

"But how do you know much about her" I asked. My dad winked and smiled, "just be careful". What the….

Went up to my room and sat on the bed. "anything wrong" Charles asked. "Let's continue our game" I said and picked up my favorite pad. We played for a while and I brought up the plan for Rachel birthday. "did she tell you" Charles asked but I nod my head in disagreement. "Just buy her gift, trust me, should appreciate" he advised. I raised my left eyebrow and scoffed. "ok sir".

We both went to the shop next to the estate and he picked for her. "if she doesn't like it, I will strangle you" I bluffed and we continued with the game.

One I knew was that, having Charles and Rachel by me would always be great.

Later in the evening, my dad informed me that he and his wife would be leaving for work by Sundays evening. We had a long talk and I got to know he and my Principal were friends. I should better be careful, although we only got few weeks to graduate.

At night after dinner, Charles was still on with games but I chatted with Rachel. We chatted for almost two hours and she never mentioned about her birthday. "that tells.. she's not a lousy person" Charles figured.

*** *** *** *** ***

Cccrraacckkk!!!   I was woken by that sound. I looked through my window and noticed there's going to be a heavy down pour. "Blood of Jesus" I lamented as another lightening hit my window. "You haven't observe your morning prayer" Charles reminded. "thanks". Got to my knees and thanked my Father in heaven. "please pass me my phone" it was beside Charles. "that's not how to greet" he said and passed the phone. "big head, you should be the one greeting" I said.

Took my bath and paid homage to my parents and grandma. I informed them that I wanted to visit Rachel but dad warned me to wait for the rough sky to get clear. Went  back to my room and called he but her line was switched off. Tried severally but same answer.

This is just the beginning.....

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