
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

my love for him...

Episode 11

Spending so much time with Rita reduced the period of time I and my girl chats. I even missed her call twice, and still refused to call her. Not intentionally, but Rita was the cause. She was too much fun so I forgot to call her back. We played game, talked about our self's, watched her favorite program although I didn't like watching movies but she made it fun.

"Over there is like hell. You know lot of rules, perhaps not a father land" she stated. "oh, my parents won't just allow me, not until I finish my first degree" I said. "am just like the old you over there, but am almost done and will be back soon" she added. "almost done" I pointed.

"Wait you're still in secondary school?" she asked. "yeah! Are you…. Oh my God" I was shocked. "well, their education system is faster" she explained. "wow, that's great. Guess we're just helpless" I said. The conversation was going smoothly suddenly she asked if I had a girlfriend.

"Are you guys skipping dinner?" grandma yelled from the kitchen. "Its dinner, let me put on something" I excused. Leaving my room for me, I put my uniform in the machine and got in my pajamas. "am starting not to understand you. Do you have a girlfriend, the simple answer is yes" Charles spoke from a corner. "I could say No, if I wish" I said and dashed out.

As I walked down the stairs, my head was trying to talk senses but I just don't know what happened that period. Was I wrong? Well am confused. "maybe I should just follow the lead" I thought.

She was sitting opposite her granny and already eating. "what took you so long" grandma asked. "uhm..... I was arranging my room" but it didn't sound well. She stopped her food and looked at me in the eye, and felt guilt. I was feeling guilty, but for what? Got no answers. "the food is getting cold" Rita intruded.

I sat by her and served my self. "you don't seem alright, Alex?" Grandma asked. "am fine…cool... am good, thank you ma" I replied and fastened my speed of eating. "you're aware, your bed is for two, right?" Rita said as I was packing my plates to the kitchen. "yeah am doomed" I thought. "are you okay with that Alex" grandma asked but I couldn't say no.

"Its fine ma" I agreed. I went upstairs and less I forget, locked the door behind. "we need to go on a journey  tonight" Charles informed. "bro am not me" I said to him. "that's why we need to act fast. The ghost of disruption is tormenting you" he declared. "am done, what do we do?" I asked. "It should be easy" he said. "11:40 I'll wake you, so we get there by 12 and get back before three. Gate closes by three".

"If we probably didn't make it by three?" I asked. "Both of us gets stuck and needs to wait till midnight" he answered. "its dangerous, bro" I could hardly swallow my spit. "I want the real you back" my twin  persuaded. "I should get it done but without your presence, nothing can be done" he said. "okay, how do we go about it?" seemed to agree but I was scared. "She's here".

Knock on my door and I let her in. "Who were you talking with" she asked as she checked and found nobody. "was I talking to someone?" pretended not to know what she was talking about. "I wanted to inform you that I won't be disturbing you tonight, so you can have your bed all to himself" she smiled. "are you sure you're  fine with grandma?" I asked.

"Noo… I'll be passing the night in the guest room downstairs" she chuckled. I nodded my head and smiled. "goodnight dear" she said and left the room.

"That's better" Charles said. "don't sleep too tight" he reminded. "Yeah" I said and laid on the bed. Was I beginning to flirt? First, Sharon now Rita. I was trying to get myself through but couldn't. Rachel, I remembered. Picked my phone and not surprised to see five missed call. It was too late to call so I texted her on WhatsApp.

"Hi love, I was very busy and was not with my phone" I sent. Not quite long, she came online and we chatted. Never lied so smooth but it worked. She fell for my lies and thought I was working on my garden. I fell asleep while chatting and had a terrible dream that we got stuck in the land of the dead.

I arouse swiftly from the dream and got Charles terrified. "I didn't tap you" he said out of fright. "I was sweating profusely trying to get my senses back. "I think it's a bad idea going over there tonight" I suggested. "bad dream, uhm... I see you're truly tormented, and if we don't act fast, you won't be able to control yourself in few days time"

"Is it time?" I asked and yes it was. "what do I need to do know?" I asked. "nothing much, just seat in between that second triangle, pointing to what he used chalk to draw on the ground. I'll give u the chants" he said and I was still scared. He sat in one of the triangle seeming to be incomplete.

"We don't have much time and mind you, my powers are useless there" he notified. As said, I sat and started reciting the chants he gave me. At once, I felt woozy and boom!! We arrived the land of the DEAD

"Follow my lead" he said and walked through a mighty arc. We headed straight to the admin cause I saw at the gate, D'ADMIN simply meaning I don't know. Surprisingly people there were like me, with flesh. I thought I'll be tiptoeing in the midst off bones.

Everyone there had a sign on their clothes, including us but there were differences. Some with complete triangle like me but few with two sides, not having the bottom line like Charles and many with just the bottom line. Well that could tell.

"Be very careful, okay" Charles said to me as we entered an office. I couldn't believe I was in the land of the dead but yet, here I am.

"DMr. DISRUPTION" it was written boldly on his desk. "I wonder what the "D" stands for" I thought. Charles handed a paper to him and he went through it. Clearing his throat, he began: "yes, I have him controlled because he has a deceptive eyes and allows it to control him, but you're here. He would have to pass three question and gets free" he finished.

"A test of three question, be wise bro" Charles said  to me. "Step forward, into that court and we can begin" an attendant said to me. I walked steadily into the court and watch Charles sit and watch me.

"Question one: Do you love your mom?" he asked. "yes I do" I answered. "louder, please" the attendant said so I had to shout. "Question two: With the merits you've enjoyed from Charles, do you think he loves you or just wants something from you?" "He surely loves me, I bet" I replied.

"Question three: Dividing the love for Rachel and Charles, what percentage belongs to Charles" now I had trouble with that. Not wanting to hurt Charles feeling but my love for Rachel was like damn and you know I shouldn't try lying to avoid embarrassment. "I just met Charles and just building the love for him so I'll judge with... (gave an heavy breathe) 60:40. I answered.

much love

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