
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

more distractions...

Episode 10

My girl has been avoiding me since break. To the extent of sending me off to sit with Rose and inviting Sharon to sit by her. That moment, I knew I had gone beyond my limits, so I had to cool down. "what do I do" I asked Rose. "can I talk? As the matter of fact, you surprise me" she stopped writing and faced me like a mother to son discussion. "I never thought you where this …." Searching for a suitable word. "... afraid" she said. "afraid, am not scared of anything" I boasted but she was sure and it was the hidden fact.

"Now, all girls knows you're a coward with your reaction with the new girl. Because, she's pretty and you were scared of distraction so you grew hatred" she said and looked at me. "you need a lot of training" she added. "I guess you're right" I confessed but she nod her head in disagreement. "not guess, you know am right" she confirmed. "the best for you is to apologize to Sharon in your girlfriend's presence. I got shocked, who told her.

"You know we're dating" I asked with an innocent face. "you are such a joke. The whole school is aware of you two" she said and continued writing. I knew instantly that I would hardly go out for break because, It would seem like all eyes where on me. It was clear that the introverted blood still flows in my veins.

She suddenly stopped writing and dragged one of my ear closer to her mouth. "don't forget my money" and she smiled.

Time so far, it was closing hour and Rachel still refused to talk to me. Seeing her sharing her awesome smiles and laughs with another person was like I was in a war.

I sat behind them in the bus which was yet to be driven. "Am so sorry, although he can be funny but he's fun to be with" I heard Rachel telling Sharon. "he only wants you, I can see that. You're lucky to have" Sharon said.

I was to blush but thinking of how to apologize was a  problem. "how would I go about this now" I soliloquies. "just say hi" Charles send but I didn't see him. Looking around to find where he was but he said I should just say hi and stop looking around like a thief. My twin was surely a psychopath.

"Hi" I said, peeping from behind. "hi" Sharon replied but Rachel was mute. "I just wanted to say sorry. I was just being boyish" that to made them laugh. "am not annoyed just wandering your reactions" she clarified.

"so can we be friends" I extended my hands for a shake and she accepted. Well I had to accept the fact that I was only scared of cheating but thank goodness, things got settled. The bus moved and I sat back on my seat. All this while, I should have looked back to see the horrible face of Paul. He looked at me like "you're crossing your boundaries" but I just looked away.

As our heads were dancing to the tune of the bus, Paul was watching Sharon time to time. At last she got to her stop and alighted without saying bye to him. Perhaps she had not notice him since break.

Rachel also got to her stop but before alighting, she pecked my cheeks and said, "be a good boy". She waved and I waved back with a smile.

Getting to my stop. "hope you still have me in mind" rose suddenly said. "See you tomorrow" I replied with a smile and alighted.

I knew with such face on Paul, he and Sharon would be having issues tomorrow. That was certain. "you owe me an apology" Charles said as he opened the door. "does it requires a cow head" and we laughed.

"Alex is laughing", someone said from the dinner  table and I recognized the voice instantly. Rita, she was grandma's grand daughter, schooling abroad. "oh my God, when did you arrive?" I ran to her and carried her. She got infected with confusion which was all over her face.

I was just overwhelmed cause it's past years we saw each other even I never spoke to her when we were little. I felt a little embarrassed cause her face could tell the past so I tried excusing my self. "allow me to change my clothes" I ran upstairs and still noticed her eyes following me.

Locked my door and rested my head to it. "I cant believe I just caused a scene" I thought. "she's here" Charles suddenly said, then came a knock on my door. "who's there" I asked, to do it right. "Rita" she answered. "hold on a minute please" I quickly put my bag to place and sat properly on the bed.

"Come in" but I forgot the door was locked. "it's locked" she said. "so sorry, here" I opened the door and she walked in. Kind of ill manners but who cares. "if am asked of something impossible, it's you and your moody life changing.  When grandma told me, I didn't believe so I decided to spend my holiday here just to see….. like sincerely am still surprised" she concluded and was still trying to believe.

"Don't you want me like this" I said and smiled. "Got tired of the moody life and stepped into the spot light" I added. "wow, that's great" she said and asked if she could hug me, so I spread my arms and received a warm hug. Thinking of Sharon as a distraction was a mistake, I never knew I was on another path of mistake.


I hope u love the story, LOVE U

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