
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

the favorite....

Episode 12

I opened my eyes and realized I was back in my room. "thank God" but I could not see Charles. Trying to recover the last event, "f*ck" I lamented. We were rushing not to get stuck but I guess he didn't make it. This was a big problem, as I felt unease and wanted to cry. Bad thought swung into my heads but I tried not to reason hard.

"Is everything all right" Rita asked from a corner. "how did you... not again" I forgot to lock the door. Had to tell her about Charles and she was crazy about it. "I really wish to meet him" she excited. "please make it a secret, and you cant see him. Only me can" I said. "but what about him" she asked.

"He didn't make it, maybe you can get to feel his presence tonight" I explained. She felt pity and asked what we were doing in the land of the dead. "I should sleep, it's almost morning and ..." "ok, see you by morning" she closed the door and I fell to the bed.

Suddenly I noticed I wasn't feeling so much for her. Jumped to my feet and did some freaking dance step. "he gave a warning remember?" definitely Charles. I was happy but was scared of his reaction. I thought I disappointed him in the land of the dead but:

"Hey" he called out. "with all have done for you, it doesn't match the love you have for me. I love you bro and I promise never to go back on you"his statement made me cry. "am sorry bro, I know the love isn't enough.." he interrupted "heavens know you only, love me this much but don't love me less".

He embraced me and his was so much warm but can't be  compared with that of Rachel. I could touch him in the land of the dead but in the living world, it's a NO. He explained few days ago saying the humost could feel and touch things in the living world but we the living could only see, hear and feel their presence.

"Thanks bro, you've made my day. I wish there were ways I could be of use too" I appreciated.

*** ***

I arrived school early but Rachel was already in school. I was walking to her on the field and I noticed Rose. "shit the money" I thought. I stopped and was thinking of how to go about this then Charles teleported by my side. "Its in your bag, the reason you saw me late" he said and teleported.

I felt like crying but I had to hold. "hey, Mr. Man come here" Rose called. "good morning" I greeted. "don't tell me you forgot the money, right?" she asked. I smiled and nod my head in disagreement. Rachel hugged all of a sudden, "you're so sweet" she said and walked along with her friends to the assembly point.

Probably they were debating if I would forget but thanks to Charles for making it possible. I really owe him, a lot. I fulfilled my promises to all and told them not to worry of paying back. Rachel could not believe her ears when she was told.

*** ***

In biology lab...

"What of Sharon?" I asked Rachel. "she's an art student" she replied. The art student were having special lecture in the school hall. Definitely she would be with Paul. "why're you smiling" Rachel asked as I steadied my gaze.

"You look different" I said and she blushed. "concentrate" she said and walked to her friends. I noticed the chair she stood from, blood, and looking at her, she was stained. Not thinking of what to do, I quickly pulled my shirt and covered her from behind.

Such a lovely moment, tying the sleeves of the shirt in her front made me hugged her from behind and I  felt her soft, smooth and warm skin. Forgetting I was in public, I didn't want to let go. Wrapped my arms around her and would smell her hair, it was a memorable moment of my life. "Alex" she called softly and I remembered I was in public. I quickly let go but I already caused a scene.

Seeing so much eyes made me felt uncomfortable so I managed to walk back to class. Placed my head on my locker and smiled. "She needs a pad" I heard Charles. "I wont be allowed to step out the school gate" I informed. "I bet you haven't open the third zip" he said and teleported.

Could it be...yes, he kept one pack of pad. I never liked to touch them but I was surprised to see my self holding it with joy. I quickly gave Rose and she looked surprised but I didn't leave chances for question. I walked back to my class and waited them to get  back to class.

During break, Rachel, Rose and Sharon walked in, but seeing their faces wasn't encouraging. "where did you get this from" Rose asked, referring to the pad. "in my bag" I confessed. "so you've been monitoring me, right?" Rachel asked. "no, I had a dream so I kept that in case of necessity" I spilled and they felt calm.

"what are you doing, let's go have lunch" Sharon said and pulled Rose leaving me and my girl. She gave me my shirt to wear but it seemed cold. She smiled and tried catching up with her friends. "Girls can be funny" I thought.

Probably when we were still on break, but cant remember if we were still eating, the bell rang. Students yelled saying it wasn't break over yet but it was for an assembly by the principal.

I got scared, thinking he had heard of what happened earlier in the Biology lab. Few minutes later, the assembly point was crowded. Emergency assembly never ends well. It's either the whole school gets punished or some students had violated the school rules and has to face the consequences in front of the whole school.

The Principal grabbed the microphone and started his speech. "Not to waste time, a student did something no student has ever done in this school. Look, (he gave a pause) in this school, I am the omnipotent and the omniscient" he loves saying that. He stared at his little jotter and smiled.

"Christopher Alexander, come up here" he called out. My heart sank and I began to perceive trouble. "hugging from behind" I thought. I summoned courage and walked up to him. If they had noticed, I was shivering. "a round of applause please" he ordered. "what the heck is going on" I soliloquized.

He spread his arms for a hug as I walked towards him and granted his gesture. "Keep it up" he whispered,  and  now, I was confused. He faced the crowd and continued; "this boy here has proved that good hearted people still exist like me. (Students boo's). He assisted four students with their WAEC fee without asking them to pay back" he concluded and there came this noise.

I felt relieve straight from my brain, earlier I thought it was about the hugging but thank goodness it wasn't. "Here is a little present from the students and teachers including me, to appreciate your kind heart" he said and handed over an award template.

"Our Favorite" was its title. Tears of joy rolled down my cheek as I acknowledged it, raised it up and arouse a loud cheer from the crowds.

To be continue...…

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