
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

beginning of my end.....

Episode 9

I was joyous with the pieces of news I received from Rachel. "She will be resuming tomorrow" I cried as I jumped on my bed. "you never asked me how I figured who the culprit was" he said, as usual with the game pad. "yyeeehh!! That's true. Sorry about that, so how?"

"Alistair helped me consulted the oracle which revealed but wasn't clear enough" he chuckled. "Are you proud of yourself" I asked looking so serious. "yes of course" he replied and noticed my mood. "what's wrong?". "despite you not being alive, you still find ways to fix things. Whenever I try to live up to it, I do fail". I was getting this odd feelings again.

"Well I know you get depressed most time but, look out there. Everyone are trying to live to it but only few will. The life is a battle consisting the preys and their predator, it's all in your hands to choose. And mind you, life itself is a predator." His speech were encouraging so I felt relieved. "there's one more thing" he said. "Meet me at the garden" he added and vanished.

I dropped my phone and find my way. He was waiting, perhaps staring at the evening sky. "You know many would say, the moon and the sun can't be seen at the same time but they are just illiterate who needs to learn better" he said still looking up. "am here" I notified. He looked at me and said I had seductive eyes.

"We both have that, remember" I sat and watch him behave like an old folk. "earlier today, you were only scared, not like you don't like the girl but you love your girl and you're scared of cheating" he faced me with some sweet voice.

I was not feeling comfortable so I stood to my feet. "sorry I cannot continue" I excused myself. One of my problems was that I never could face my fear. I knew he was speaking truth but I had no nerves to withhold those words.

I continued my chat with Rachel and he also teleported and continued his game. "Goodnight" I said as I wanted to lay. "sweet dreams bro, Goodnight".

*** *** *** ***

"Hey, wake up you're late" grandma tapped as usual. "you should adjust with your sleeping habit" she said and banged the door behind her. Seems she was upset that morning but she opened the door for the second time and asked after Charles. "he's fine" I replied.

Normal routine, had my bath and joined the school bus. Not surprised to meet my girl in the bus , she was always punctual but I was shocked to see Sharon in. "You can make amendment" Charles said but I felt he was just blabbing. The bus stopped at Paul's house. He was waiting at the gate when the school bus stopped in front of him. Immediately, I noticed her look, they were like… am not sure but it seems true. He walked in and as usual, the big Gee was hailed.

I was listening to their conversations and looks like they were dating. "like I knew" but it was too early. Within how many hours, or probably they've met before. Well, that wasn't my problem so I focused on the journey.

Arriving school late, although we were not to be punished but the vital information wouldn't circulate, except for me. My girl would surely inform me.

We walked into our class with delight of the upcoming exam. We were to write the WAEC exam but to few students was sadness. Some, due to tension, but most was because of the exam fee. It would only cost fifty thousand naira, but you know the situation of things hasn't be so good.

Rachel's best friend happened to be among even she was also brilliant. "can I borrow her so she can return later?" I asked Rachel. She looked at me and asked if I was serious and yes I was. "yes I promise to return as soon as I can" Rose assured.

I told her I would  be giving her the next day and she could not hold the joy and hugged me. The mistake I made earlier was, I thought Rachel would be a jealous girl like me, but I was totally wrong. She has this pure heart…she's so amazing. Fortunately, I ended up promising four students, at least I had more than enough.

Break time….

Me, Rachel and two of her friends were at the school canteen. "Can I seat with you?"….. you guessed right. Sharon asked. They accepted and were discussing girl to girl. Suddenly she asked a question that provoked my anger. "are you guys dating" facing Rachel. "yes deal with it" you could perceive aggression as I barked. "Alex, calm down", Rachel persuaded but I was not ready to listen.

I excused myself and left for the classroom. "what is wrong with you…..like what is your problem" he asked with this awful look which in my current mood annoyed me more. "She has done no wrong and you behave like she's an outcast" he was also angry but I didn't care. I brought out a book, just trying to ignore him. "fine" he said and left.

This was the beginning of my end….. you wouldn't understand, read on!!

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