
My Twin (my crush)

Alex, an introvert but well behaved teenager by fate got closer to his crush and by the way found out he was a twin. A twin to an HUMOSTH. After enjoying lot of merits from his twin, find out how Alex repaid him.

enigma417123511 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

As we go on.....

Episode 8

"The one with a mark knows about the robbery" I was informed by Charles. We were (me and grandma) at Rachel's house, she was laying on her mom's lap when Charles said to me. I watched closely but I could not find any mark on any of them.

"Praise the lord" I suddenly said. Even Rachel was shocked but I quickly announced that I had a vision. Now all ears were attentive, so I had to place my words wisely.

"God has revealed to me who the culprits are" I paused to watch each reaction, the securities. "and who gave the information" now all gasp and I saw clearly the light skin security reaction, but to be sure I pointed at the dark skin man, who looked hardened.

He fell to his knees and started crying of him not guilty but before anything the light skin man guaranteed. "I knew he had a bad intention since he entered this house" he said and wanted to hit him but I stopped him.

"don't judge a book by its cover. He his the culprit" I pointed to the criminal. "What" everyone's surprised cause he was the calmest amongst. "Earlier you said Adamu now Hakeem, how do we believe you" Rachel dad said like going against what I said. Hakeem has been a loyal guard for almost seven years, I can vow on that" he added

"Sir, at least with a proof. This is my first time of entering your house and have never set my eyes on him. In the vision, the person had a mark on his back, a birth mark, maybe that should proof" I said.

He stared at me and ordered the three guards to pull off their cloth and….. no mark was found. It was a worst moment in my life.

"Look closely" Charles pointed to the faded mark on Hakeem's back. "can you…." I interrupted Rachel's dad speech. "there" I quickly pointed to the faded mark due to use of organic creams.

"Haakkeemm" he yelled and descended on him. Punching every part he could. "I almost lost my daughter" he said as he continued beating. The other guards joined hands and you could feel the aggression from the dark skin man. Her dad doesn't look like a fighter, well that proves his love for his family.

Few minutes later, Hakeem was arrested and taken away by the police. Her dad turned to me and apologized for raising his voice but i assured I was fine.

We were left alone in her room, discussing. "How did it happen, why would they hurt you and not others?" I asked. She did not look like she would be telling me but luckily, Mary walked in.  I turned to her and asked the same question I just asked her sister.

"after they took all the money, big sis had a necklace on her neck and was forced to dropped but she was adamant so they hit her" she said and turned to her sister, "dad asked if you and your …..(referring to me with her eyes) can come downstairs, he has something for both of you". "we would join you soon" she replied with a smile. "am sorry about that. You should have left it, at least we could get you a new one. She smiled and said we should join them downstairs, not minding me.

…Later that day, Rachel's dad organized a parlor party and I was tagged "The hero"

*** ***

News spread so fast that I received several chats from unknown people. "who could that be" I asked Charles. "wait, you are now seeing me as the…" "all knowing" I completed. "no, only God fits that title. Am just helping my little bro". I scoffed and he laughed.

"You know, If I had died, I wouldn't be able to do all this" Charles suddenly broke the silence. " I looked at him and locked my phone. "I don't get you" if I were ghost, you can't see me. Ghost can't touch or be seen, they are completely invisible".

I felt touched and moved closer to him. "I wish I can repay you" I said. "yes you can, just play a game with me" he said. "I know you are not good enough so I'll take it easy with you" I bluffed, cause I knew he was good at it. I ended up securing six goals after six match with him having twenty-two goals in total


Good Friday, not really but it was for me. I knew Rachel wont be able to make it to school so I already made up my mind to pay a visit to her house.

Following the school bus, I overheard that we would be receiving two external students. I didn't put my mind not until a blue eye damsel with pink lips walked in as an external student. The second was a boy, kind of cute but my problem was the girl. She was such a damsel that all eyes would admire.

"Good morning" she magnetized every attention. "shit, she's hot" I thought. She introduced herself and asked if she could sit with me. "sorry, no". I think my reply was disappointing but I didn't care. I could not risk things.

"You can sit here" Paul offered. He was the GEE of the class. "I felt somehow but I knew my self well. Odds of distraction were high".


Closing hour.

I joined the bus and was disappointed to see Sharon, "but after all, she cant kill me" I thought and secured another seat, far from her position. Just like not wanting any thing with her.

"I cant believe you messed up for the second time" Charles said with his arms folded. I could not even explain to my self. Just nod my head and swallowed hard. He sat by me and asked what was wrong but I could not explain. "you know, ….you are a mystery. Only her can solve it" he said, sticking his nose out the window.

"I will be stopping here" I suddenly cried. The driver looked me from his mirror and sighed. "What was that for" I whispered and Charles gave reply. "aren't you aware of the principals announcement on the assembly". All student were to pay a visit to Rachel. Only if I had notice the school buses behind.

After rounding up, they left without me. I preferred to stay till evening.

"How was school?" she asked after everybody were off. "you really need to resume as soon as possible. My day has been a mess, I screwed things up" I poured out. "what's wrong, you don't seem right?" she signified. "now you'll have to tell about Sharon" Charles mocked.

"Yes, because without you around, I am less human" I replied. She smiled and hugged me. "how did you get to be this charming".

to be continued.....

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