
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 14 A Serpent Rises from the Huai River

Someone from the shipyard came to ask.

The first to bear the brunt turned out to be the three Taoists.

Later, after seeing the three Taoists, the descendants hurriedly retreated.

Chen Jiu clenched his fists and looked expressionlessly at the painted skin female ghost lying in the pit.

The painted-skinned female ghost had been beaten to the point of bleeding, terrified and begging for mercy.

"Spare me, spare my life! I will never dare again!"

Chen Jiu didn't reply, just punched him!

The painted skin female ghost was punched again, vomited blood, and was dying.

Chen Jiu grabbed her hair, lifted her up, and punched her like a dead dog.

The painted skin female ghost's body was violently shaken by the beating, but she couldn't break free because of the pulling of her hair, and she was always in Chen Jiu's hands.

So another punch.

Punch after punch.

The three Taoists who rushed over recognized Chen Jiu at a glance, with complex expressions on their faces.

I didn't expect to have a chance to see each other again, and I didn't expect to see him for half a year. Judging from his weather, he seemed to have already cultivated the four realms.

After narrowly escaping from death, he rose to the top of the realm within half a year, this little friend can be called a prodigy in martial arts.

Watching its movement, it seems that it is descending a demon again.

It should be the evildoer they have been searching for near the shipyard these days.

The painted skin female ghost has been beaten to the point of death, her hands are hanging down, her body is covered in blood, her faceless head is crooked.

There was also a lot of blood splashed on Chen Jiu's body, and there was a strong smell of blood on his clenched right hand.

He exhaled and took another deep breath.

Clenching the fist tightly, suddenly full of punch.

Go hard!

The faceless face of the painted skin female ghost was sunken, and there was no movement in her body.

Chen Jiu raised his head, glanced calmly at the three Taoists in front of him, stretched out his hand and threw the dead painted skin female ghost on the ground, turned and left.

Among them, Yuple, the youngest, has the most complex complexion.

She remembered that half a year ago, when she first met Chen Jiu, this young man who looked like a deserter was still heartless, opening and closing his mouth to make jokes that weren't very funny.

Why is it like this now?

The elderly Taoist Zhang Huan spread out the talisman, and a burst of fire burned, turning the corpse of the painted-skinned female ghost into fly ash.

The three of them walked in the opposite direction to Chen Jiu without saying a word.

On the top of the Goulan Boathouse, the woman in red had a gloomy expression, and the magic treasure gold bracelet was hanging beside her, but she didn't make a move.

A green-robed man with a fair face and a feminine demeanor beside him chuckled and asked, "Why didn't you help me?"

The red-robed woman's face became even more gloomy, and she said word by word: "The evil spirits should be killed, why should I take action?"

The green-robed man smiled and sneered, "It seems that you are really afraid of that Taoist temple, to the extreme."

The woman in red suddenly turned her head, stared at the man in green robe, and asked, "Those three people are from Liuyun Taoist Temple, do you still dare to make a move?!"

The man in the green robe was dumbfounded for a moment.

Liuyun Daoist Temple, the top of the Taoism in Tianguang Prefecture, one of the twelve Daoist temples of Taoism, in which the Great Celestial Master sits, the second among the ten people in Tianguang Prefecture, and before the Saints of the Xuegong.

No wonder then.

He shook his head, but still said stubbornly, "But these three people are only at the third realm at most. If they make a move, they can hit it in an instant..."

His "kill" word stopped abruptly, and at some point, his throat was pinched by a big hand, as if it could be easily cut off at any time.

A thick voice came slowly.

"Young people talk, it's better to take it easy."

The back of the green-robed man was already covered with cold sweat.

The woman in red hurriedly bowed and saluted, not daring to raise her head.

Mr. Yin Yang named Fu Hua smiled, let go of the hand that was pinching the green-robed man's neck, patted him on the shoulder like an acquaintance, and said with a smile.

"Liuyun Daoist has a kindness to me, so I couldn't help but shot, don't blame, don't blame."

The man in the green robe turned around, only daring to make amends, "It's a small mistake, I can't figure it out, I'm talking nonsense."

Fu Hua, Mr. Yin Yang, smiled, "That's right. Some things should not be said indiscriminately. Misfortune comes out of your mouth. Maybe one day, you will die."

The man in the green robe was even more horrified, and hurriedly bowed his head and apologized respectfully.

Fu Hua glanced at him indifferently, "That young physique has some cause and effect with me, it's really just a little bit, but I admire him a lot, you can figure it out."

After a word, Fu Hua's figure disappeared.

The man in the green robe raised his head in a daze, and looked at the woman beside him, horrified.

This turned out to be an old Jindan immortal!


In the days to come, Chen Jiu, for some reason, inexplicably got better, and Chuanfang no longer took care of him, and his salary was still paid, so he could do whatever he wanted.

But he still sat there under the big umbrella he made himself, and even remodeled it, the table was changed to a long table with some drinks on it, and he just put it on the rocking chair every day, looking very comfortable.

It's just that no matter how rocking the chair shakes, it can't shake his sadness away.

Lao Cao didn't recognize him anymore, and he babbled nonsense in the pavilion every day, exuding a strong sour smell from his body.

Chen Jiu took a bath for him, and Lao Cao just let Chen Jiu clean it in a daze.

After that, Chen Jiu cleaned the pavilion again, cleaning and replacing everything.

The old man was standing at the gate of the pavilion at that time, like a timid little boy, cowering and afraid to speak.

Chen Jiu looked at it, sniffled, but said nothing.

After Chen Jiu found the bracelet of Lao Cao's wet nurse, he brought it to Lao Cao.

The old man was just sluggish.

Every time Chen Jiu saw it, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Sometimes Chen Jiu would suddenly open the pavilion door, hold a fishing rod, and urge the old man with a smile.

"Come on, Lao Cao, let's go fishing."

The old man looked at him blankly, opened his mouth slightly, but remained speechless.

The smile on Chen Jiu's face would froze, and after a moment of frustration, he would smile and whisper to the old man, "Old Cao, take a good rest."

He gently closed the pavilion door, and after exiting the pavilion, he rubbed his eyes, shook his head, forced a smile, and said loudly.

"Birth, old age, sickness, and death all have a definite number, and I can die safely!"

I am comforting myself.

In the days to come, Chen Jiu often liked to go for a walk by the Huai River. Watching the ebb and flow of the tide, he suddenly felt calm.

Sometimes it takes half a day at that stop.

Chen Jiu had to wait until the bright moon was clear for Chen Jiu to come back to his senses.

Those waves came one after another, as if hitting the lake in his heart, causing ripples.

If there are Jindan gods watching here, they can be sure at a glance that Chen Jiu is watching the tide and enlightening the Tao!

And it is very likely that it is the illusory martial arts path!

Physical cultivation is already powerful in battle, if one can comprehend martial arts, he is almost invincible in the same realm, and even ordinary sword cultivation should avoid him.

Some natural martial gods are considered as ordinary monks in one realm and two realms. There is a martial arts genius in Zhongsheng Shenzhou.

There are many monks on the mountain, the only one who dares to claim the most lethal power is the sword cultivator, and the one who dares to claim the strongest combat power is only the body cultivator.

A swordsman can travel thousands of miles away, and a flying sword can take a person's neck and head.

Physical cultivation can be full of courage and anger, and can be called the enemy of ten thousand people on the battlefield, one million enemies, ten million enemies!

Therefore, at the boundary between the two worlds of Canglanhai, many border gates in Xiongzhen are very fond of physical training.

However, there are very few high-level physical training, and there are only a handful of people above the tenth level.

The low-level physical cultivation has never comprehended martial arts, and the combat power is not too strong. Compared with the Qi practitioners on the mountain, they even lack a lot of magic skills of the gods.

Chen Jiu Guanchao enlightenment is not guaranteed, but it is still of great benefit.

In the distance of the Huai River, big waves stirred up again, and they continued to shoot.

The sky is bright and the moon is bright, reflecting the water surface, sparkling.

Chen Jiu stood quietly on the shore.

The wave was getting closer and closer, hit it suddenly, and expanded into waves of ripples, disturbing the whole river.

Ripples in the river suddenly became violent, and the waves swayed like a bright moon trembling.

The water surface opened.

A huge head spanning a hundred meters slowly lifted up.

It quietly looked down at Chen Jiu, and spat out the letter.