
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 15 You Are So Clean

On the banks of the Huaishui River, one person and one snake looked at each other quietly.

Out of respect, Chen Jiu imitated the serpent and made a "hissing" sound.

The black python tilted his head, and said, "What are you talking about?"

Chen Jiu was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't expect that the black python could speak.

He waved his hand and smiled at Hei Mang: "What a coincidence, you are also taking a walk here?"

The black python spat out the letter, and the pair of big eyes that were several meters rolled, seemed a little speechless.

"Your boy almost went into a madness because of this enlightenment, you know?"

Chen Jiu was at a loss, "I just look at the tide of the Huai River."

The black python asked back, "A normal person can see it for a day?"

Chen Jiu was dumbfounded, and after a while, he asked again: "What is enlightenment?"

The black python shook its big head, causing another wave to rise in the Huai River, "The induction between heaven and man is mysterious and mysterious."

Chen Jiu frowned, "Can you explain more clearly?"

The black python rolled his eyes, "I don't know, and I haven't realized it."

The two fell silent again.

Chen Jiu looked at the bright moon in the sky, and suddenly asked curiously: "Is this tide in the Huai River caused by you?"

"Just turn over after waking up."

"Then why do you stay in this pimple all the time, it seems that turning over is not very comfortable."

The black python opened its mouth wide, like a person yawning, and after a while, he explained lightly.

"This branch of the Huai River is my land of transforming flood dragons, and my time limit is approaching. I don't want to go to the sea again. If the time comes and fails to transform dragons, leaving aura can also bless Qingfeng City. It's in Huaishui River. It's a reward for staying here for so many days."

Chen Jiu nodded affirmatively, "Then you are still fine."

Hei Mang shook his head and smiled, "You can believe whatever I say. What if I fail to transform into a dragon and get angry and want the Qingfeng City to be buried with me?"

Chen Jiu shook his head and denied, "Then you are still pretty bad."

Now the black python should be speechless.

Its head slowly sank into the water again, "Okay, let's go, there are a few Golden Core cultivators in this city spying on my demon core. If you stay with me for a long time, it's not good if they pay too much attention to you."

When the head of the black python sank into the water, he finally mentioned a word.

"The wave of your enlightenment is caused by me, and you have gone crazy as the result. If I come to stop it, it will be regarded as breaking the cause and effect. You don't have to be grateful or have other ideas."

Chen Jiu smiled.

It seems that this big snake is not bad.

The surface of the water suddenly rose again, and the big snake raised its eyes and looked directly at Chen Jiu.

"By the way, don't pee in the river anymore, I have a cleanliness."

Chen Jiu nodded and agreed, "I'll sprinkle it by the river."

The black python retreated slowly.

After a long time, Chen Jiu suddenly patted the water surface, "Are you there?"

No one answered.

He looked around again, but there was no one around, so he quickly untied his trouser belt and started pouring water into the river, muttering in his mouth.

"Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue."

The black python that sank to the bottom of the water in the distance looked at it, but was speechless.

What a disobedient one.


Jin Danyexiu, Liao Zhiye and Gu Sanzhong were talking with each other on the teahouse, beside the old blind Zeng Shang and Mr. Yin and Yang Fu Hua were watching chess.

Gu Sanzhong waved a folding fan, and while playing chess, he asked the old blind man beside him, "Why, you were also threatened by that Bai Zhi?"

The old blind man was rubbing the copper coins in his hands, muttering, "At that time, the flying sword was only an inch away from my neck. Fortunately, I promised quickly, otherwise you might not see the old man. It is really dangerous."

Gu Sanzhong turned his gaze to Mr. Yin Yang Fu Hua again.

Fu Hua waved his hand, "I surrendered a long time ago."

So the three of them looked at Liao Zhiye who was thinking about playing chess.

Liao Zhiye looked up at the three of them, and said with a disdainful smile: "That girl also told me to fly a sword, and I naturally never agreed, but she is just a mere swordsman."

Fu Hua asked curiously: "And then?"

With Bai Zhi's temperament, it is impossible to let it go.

Liao Zhiye smacked his lips, "Then I was slashed with a sword, and I agreed again."

Fu Hua and the old blind man "tssed" at the same time.

Gu Sanzhong suppressed a smile.

You are not as good as the three of them, at least the three of them did not suffer from the flying sword.

Either be smarter and surrender as soon as you come, or be tougher and never surrender.

If you surrender after being hit by a sword, it's just ridiculous if you can't say it.

The old blind man twirled the copper coin in his hand, and said again: "What should we do next? Is it possible that the four of us join hands and beat that Bai Zhi back first?"

Fu Hua shook his head, "I don't think so, just because the four of us are old, weak, sick and disabled, we may not be able to beat her, a genius swordsman."

The old blind man was puzzled, "They are all Jindan old monks, and they should have their own abilities. Where are the old, weak, sick and disabled?"

Fu Hua looked at the old blind man Zeng Shang, shook his head and said, "Aren't you just an old cripple?"

The old blind man was furious, "You stinky fortune teller, who do you think is stupid?!"

Gu Sanzhong knocked his head helplessly, thinking that with the four of them, they might not be able to beat the female sword repairer from Fuyao Mountain.

Liao Zhiye suddenly cheered, "Haha, I have won this game."

Emotionally, he still cares about playing chess.

Gu Sanzhong sighed deeply.

Now the possibility can be removed, the four of them together will definitely not be able to defeat the female sword repairman.

It is estimated that the three of them will fight among themselves before they start fighting.

But it's okay, when the black python dies, snatching the demon pill is just a matter of speed, and I specifically asked the Supreme Heavenly Man of the sect to ask for a magic weapon that shrinks the ground to an inch.

When the time comes, I will grab the demon pill and run away. When I return to the sect, after refining the demon pill and promoting Yuanying, will I still be afraid of you, a little golden pill sword cultivator?

Of course, if Bai Zhi became a Nascent Soul Sword Cultivator during this period.

He, Gu Sanzhong, was sure that he would not leave the mountain gate within Jiazi's time.

Who the hell is not afraid of being missed by the sword cultivator of the same realm?

Sword repair is the ceiling of killing power in the same realm.

After all, there are still very few physical practitioners who can understand the Tao.

In the Datian Palace of Taoism in Zhongsheng Shenzhou, there is a sword fairy Datian official. According to legend, this old celestial master once asked the sword overseas Penglai fairy island, and cut half of the sea with a sword. Only by blocking each other, a great conflict was avoided.

This is the demeanor of a sword fairy, invincible in the same realm!

Gu Sanzhong shook his folding fan and sighed sadly.

Why am I not a sword cultivator?


Chen Jiu still urinates in the Huai River from time to time, not only by himself, but sometimes with some children, and it is even more difficult to compare who urinates farther.

Seeing the black python, he was completely speechless.

So on the moonlit night when Chen Jiu peed in the water again, it suddenly raised its head and looked at Chen Jiu quietly.

Chen Jiu was so frightened that he almost urinated on his feet, so he shook quickly, tied up his trouser belt, and said with a smile, "What a coincidence."

The black python looked at him quietly, "You forced me out on purpose, do you have something to say?"

Chen Jiu scratched his head, and smiled embarrassedly: "I just want to try to see if you really have a cleanliness."

He looked at the big snake again, clapped his fists, and said in surprise: "It turns out that snakes really have cleanliness!"

Black Python just wanted to slap him.