
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 13 express my feelings

The tide of the Huai River is getting bigger and bigger, which affects some pedestrians on the shore. At the same time, some fish and shrimps will come up, and the residents guarding the road will hurriedly pick them up.

The three Taoists of Liuyun Taoist Temple who came here to seek opportunities sometimes looked at the Huai River with worry.

Senior brother Zhang Huan among the three shook his head slightly, "No wind, no waves."

There must be evil spirits in the Huai River.

Leng Lie Taoist Yang Zhiyu nodded in agreement, "If the tide is bigger and rolls back the Huaihe River, I'm afraid the whole city will be flooded by then."

"The sages in the academy won't sit idly by, and that's okay."

The two were talking, while junior sister Yu Fold was sitting aside, propping her head, looking at the towering Goulan boathouse in the distance.

Her eyes turned slightly blue.

In her eyes, there was a strong resentment in the Goulan boathouse, which went straight to the sky.

There is also a crimson evil spirit mixed with it.

This is what she saw suddenly in the last two days. For some reason, that crimson demonic aura has an inexplicable attraction to her.

So Yu Fold pointed to the Goulan boathouse, turned to the two senior brothers and said, "Senior brother, there are monsters over there."

The conversation between the two stopped abruptly. Zhang Huan straightened his clothes and didn't ask any further questions. He just said that he would go and have a look tonight.

The old Taoist remembered a prophecy that the master once said when he took the junior sister under his door.

Nether blue pupils, a born demon-subduing master!

The day before yesterday, he had vaguely seen a glint of blue light in his junior sister's eyes!


Xu's mansion occupies a huge area and is located in the center of Qingfeng City. The facilities in it are extremely luxurious.

Xu Wu was lying on a magnificently carved chair, with the maid beside him feeding him the peeled grapes, which could be described as leisurely.

Afterwards the old man advised: "That kid's talent in martial arts is not bad, he can't stay for a long time, he might become a hidden danger."

Xu Wu swallowed the crystal grapes handed over by the maid, and said with a light smile, "It's just a two-level physical cultivation, Uncle Xu won't be afraid of this, right? Besides, Qiuyue Goulan's face, I still have to give it to you, wait I entered the mountain gate and became a cultivating immortal, and after I have successfully learned the Tao, these things will be nothing at that time."

Xu Xing was dumbfounded for a while, but still couldn't help pointing out: "The monks on the mountain, below the sixth realm, are all ants."

The monks in the mountains from the first to the fifth realm are considered to build the foundation, and the six realms practice Qi, so that they can fly and ride the wind, travel around the world, and become a real mountain god.

Xu Wu raised his brows, "With my talent, the six realms of cultivation will be in my bag sooner or later, even the Golden Core Immortal, I can fight for it."

He suddenly turned his head to look at the old man, and asked with a chuckle, "Uncle Xu, did you practice boxing to make your brain stupid."

The old man who is a young master of martial arts stood quietly without saying a word.

He only cares about this promise for ten years.

Ten years later, if this dude fails to reach the sixth realm, he will beat him to death with one punch!


The time for Qiu Xing to deliver the medicine to Chen Jiu was getting later and later, and sometimes it was only in the evening that she staggered to bring the medicinal materials, and her clothes were often disheveled at this time.

Whenever Chen Jiu arrives at this time, he will feel very sad, sitting under his big umbrella, lamenting the unfairness of life.

But what can I do, I just sigh in vain.

He was not idle these days, so he went to find a table and placed it in front of the stool he was sitting on. After looking at it later, he felt dissatisfied and bought a rocking chair to replace the original stool.

So there is an umbrella, a table, and a chair. When there are few people at night, he sits on the rocking chair with his feet on the table, dangling around, not knowing what to think.

Lao Cao hasn't gone out for a long time, and he doesn't even buy wine anymore, and relies on Chen Jiu to send him three meals a day to survive.

The old man's hair was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, his old face was dull, and he was just eating food in a dull manner.

Chen Jiu sat quietly at the side, smelling the stench in the pavilion because the old man hadn't taken care of it for a long time, and his nose was sore.

The old man might be dying. Before that, Chen Jiu didn't want him to go crazy again.

This will make him very uncomfortable.

As summer approaches, it gets hotter and hotter.

Chen Jiu used a knife to cut off his hair, which had grown longer in the past six months, to just reach his shoulders, and tied it with a black rope, looking refreshing.

Madam Gui also no longer asked him to greet visitors, as long as he could concentrate on martial arts with peace of mind.

So Chen Jiu sat on the rocking chair with his head hooked every day, as if he was asleep, and he didn't care about the passers-by.

During this period, something happened in Goulan.

A Goulan woman died tragically in the boathouse, with blood dripping from her face.

This kind of thing happened in the past, and most of them just paid some money.

Only this time was an exception, the woman's family only had a blind old man who didn't want money, and knelt at the gate of the Goulan boathouse, only asking for justice.

The blind old man seemed to have inconvenient legs and feet. When kneeling on the ground, his body was shaking constantly, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

He didn't cry, he just kowtowed and muttered.

"Blood debt, blood debt, blood debt..."

Chen Jiu was sitting on the rocking chair there, watching quietly.

Later, Mrs. Gui found Chen Jiu and told him to find some time, disguise himself, and beat the old man to death with one punch. After that, Gou Lan will take care of it.

Once the blind old man died, there would be no one in the woman's family anymore, so who else could claim justice?

At most, there is another rumor in the market, and even money is saved.

In this world, some people's lives are worthless and worthless.

Chen Jiu didn't speak at that time, turned around and left, Mrs. Gui just thought he agreed and didn't ask any more questions.

On the second day, Chen Jiu stood in front of the old man openly and just said one thing.

"Let's go, old man, they are going to kill people."

The old man who kowtowed for several days burst into tears instantly, grabbed the ground with his head, and asked sadly, "Where can I go?"

He knocked his head twice again, breaking his forehead.

"If my old life can be exchanged for the murderer's blood, just take it!"

Chen Jiu didn't answer, turned around to protect the old man, and looked at the boathouse.

In one house, a magic treasure golden bracelet flew out, first hit Chen Jiu for tens of meters, and didn't stop for a moment, beheading the old man, then flew back backwards.

The visitors around kept silent and continued to walk.

Chen Jiu struggled to get up, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, quietly walked back under the big umbrella with already faltering steps, and sat back down again.

A young man ran out from the hook bar and began to clean up the old man's body.

Chen Jiu lowered his head and began to vomit blood.

In the shipyard, a coquettish red-robed woman stood up slowly, with a gold bracelet on her wrist reflecting a faint luster, she smiled charmingly: "The little guy is quite ignorant, he should be disciplined."

Mrs. Gui only dared to nod in agreement.

The days after Chen Jiu were extremely sad. Every day, a three-level physique practitioner from Chuanfang used him as a sandbag for boxing and beat him hard for half a day.

Since he was seriously injured by the gold bracelet that day, he has never felt better, and the injury is still showing signs of getting worse.

The medicine that Qiu Xing gave him was just better than nothing.

His face is very pale every day, and he has to squat down to rest for a while even after walking for a long time.

He spent money and hired a young boy in the Goulan to deliver meals for Lao Cao.

Madam Gui would ask him every time after he was beaten severely, did he know his mistake?

Chen Jiu sat slumped on the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and said nothing.

Then he'll be the sandbag again the next day.

When Qiu Xing gave him medicinal materials once, she suddenly asked, "Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Chen Jiu lay powerlessly on the rocking chair, swallowed the blood that was about to spurt from his throat, smiled brightly on his pale face, and pointed to his heart.

"It's more uncomfortable here."

On the second day, Qiu Xingwei came to deliver medicine to him.

He sat quietly in the rocking chair, looking at the setting sun through the big umbrella, expressionless.

The news of Qiu Xing's death in the shipyard spread, and the person who found her body said that Qiu Xing's body had no skin, she was naked when she died, and she died in a terrible state.

No one in Qiu Xing's house came to make trouble, and it was unknown where the body was buried.

The next night, after being beaten, Chen Jiu staggered back to the rocking chair, sat down slowly, clenched his fist, and punched down hard on his head.

When he got up again, Chen Jiutong was full of punches and went straight into the boat.

The painted skin female ghost was still in the house, facing the vanity mirror, sewing a recently brought dough.

The owner of this face is pretty, with good skin texture, and even younger, so he is a pretty good face.

If it weren't for the young warrior's credit for offending a certain adult in the boat workshop, he might not have gotten this face.

The painted skin female ghost is quite satisfied with this skin, so when sewing it, she was more careful.

The door of the house suddenly shattered, and a gust of wind hit.

The painted skin female ghost suddenly raised her head, her eyes horrified.

Punch in the face!

Beat the female ghost directly from the roof of the building to the bank of the Huaishui River.

Chen Jiu stood at the railing on the roof with cold eyes.

He smashed the railing with one foot and chased after him with one punch.

The painted skin female ghost slammed into the ground with a bang, almost sinking into the river.